Of course, then I started this episode up and immediately regretted it. I mean immediately. Let me show you why.
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Quite literally, the first frame. It's gonna be a long night. |
In short: They are doing this wrong.
Anyhow, whats her name is returning from her night duty, and... then they open with the intro.
Wait, what? How did that establish ANYTHING?! No, literally, that established absolutely nothing. All we did was seeing her come back in the morning, as if that is supposed to mean anything to us whatsoever.
After the intro, once again we are met with more useful information: EVERYBODY IS ASLEEP. WELL GEE WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED. Literally, they show us every single character, sleeping in various forms of dress (in one case, no dress at all). They go ahead and use a full thirty seconds to say "everybody is asleep right now". While playing the most annoyingly 'peaceful' music possible. WE GET IT, EVERYTHING IS HUNKY DORY. Anyway, Mio is out doing her usual samurai bullshit and we get a pantsu shot of her, and she's all cutting leaves or some shit when revielle starts playing back at the base. Guess what happens next?
EVERYBODY WAKES UP. In their various states of dress. Absolutely nothing happens here that is even worth mentioning, except maybe that Sanya (girl from before) decides to crash in her buddy's room for some stupid reason. Anyhow, everybody seems to be running behind or something today, especially Erica. Maybe she's had too much to drink or something. Why is it so important she wake up?
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Totally not Germany. At all. |
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My, what convenient props we have here. |
Then Erica discovers that "they're missing".
F**k my life man. I left KnJ FOR THIS?!
Elsewhere, Mio is drilling the most useless main character ever in how to swing a wooden sword, and Perrine is too busy being a stalkery bitch. We also get treated to a lovely shot of her ass. Then Lucchini shows up, revealing Perrine, who decides she wants in on the training now too. Oh, and we get a shot of Lucchini's pantsu when she drops out of the tree. She also gets drafted into swinging wooden swords in the air like they just don't care.
Then Eila and Minna go off to do things I guess. At least I think that's who are going, all the characters look the f***ing same half the time. Everyone else is off to breakfast. Which appears to be whole, boiled potatoes.
... yes. Whole. Boiled. Potatoes.
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Then we get another bath scene from the girls who were all training just a moment ago, and Perrine starts daydreaming about Mio looking her over or something. Since she's in such a hurry to get to the pool, she doesn't notice the bar of soap that Yoshi drops, slips and falls into the pool... but not before blatantly showing us her completely naked crotch. FOR LIKE FIVE SECONDS.
There is not enough EYE BLEACH IN THE WORLD.
Seriously, f***ing spread-eagled, suspended in midair, FIVE SECONDS.
She gets caught by Mio and immediate proceeds to just freak out. Why are they even bothering to try and hide the nudity at this point? Because not two seconds later we get to see Yoshi and Lucchini in all their naked glory, so what the f**k is the point even now.
At this point, I'm going to start taking a powerdrill to my forehead, I swear to f***ing god. Now We get to see Erica running around pantsless, sliding down railings and shit, and sneezing because she is not wearing pants. You know what else we get? A NICE CLOSE UP SHOT OF HER NAKED ASS IS WHAT.
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Also, I unintentionally made a bare assed joke. Ha ha. F**k you.
Of course, she's all like "Man, even with my magic catgirl shit I just don't feel comfortable. I should fix that." So what's she immediately consider? STEALING MIO'S. Which makes absolutely no sense at all given she already has pants. Also, that was totally Yoshi's swimming suit you were just considering jacking, before Yoshi and Mio caught you. Stupid girl.
Elsewhere, those other two are still doing things.
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Yep, great, thanks for telling us this thing we've known. WE GET IT. |
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This is now officially the worst military ever. |
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Now they begin trying to figure out what happened to Perrine's panties. Clearly they must have been stolen. Ten feet away, eating boiled whole potatoes is Lucchini, who is about to suffer a freak out.
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Don't worry, they'll never find out since you wear pan- ohhh wait whoops. |
Enter the chase scene, where everyone not Erica goes running off. Lucchini picks up Yoshi's thing, and everyone leaves Erica alone with her plate of potatoes.
Chase scene. They are chasing Lucchini. Because this is the most interesting thing in the world. Perrine is having issues though, because of the way her pants are rubbing against her. Eventually, Yoshi catches up with Lucchini, who is in a tree with her clothes, and decides to climb up after her after being taunted. But by that point Lucchini's already gotten back down and admiring her sweet naked rump, causing Yoshi to fall. But not before we get to see that rump as well.
So then she goes running off again, totally ignoring the fact that her teammate just fell out of a tree and is possibly bleeding, or suffering from massive head trauma, or something. I'm sure there'll be no repercussions there.
Eventually, Lucchini finds her way into that bedroom with the night crew girls, and decides to hide in there. Except that one of them isn't exactly happy about this arrangement? But whatever, Lucchini decides to snag Eila's pants and use those to rappel down to the ground via the drainpipe outside her window. But of course, she can't be expected to leave the room without proper pants. So she decides to take Sanya's.
I wish I could be making this shit up right now. I really wish I could be making this shit up. But this is actually what is happening.
We are literally spending an entire episode with characters wearing other character's clothes. That's this entire episode. So while hiding, Lucchini slips on a bottle and sets off the Neuroi alarm. That's not going to confuse anybody at all. Oh, and Sanya wakes up and can't find her pants, no surprise. Oh, and those other two are coming back even faster now that they think there's an enemy attack on the way.
So everyone decides to go fly around regardless of whether they are actually wearing any pants or not, and even Sanya is going to be getting into this. Oh, and Lucchini gets found out by Erica about setting off the alarm.
Then there's a big fight in the hangar about Sanya wanting her pants back from Eila, and... well I'll just screencap it.
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This is the worst thing ever. |
Then there's dramatic fanfare blah blah blah, and Erica steps up to the stage to get her medal while Lucchini is forced to stand with buckets of water and no pants. It takes them all of about five seconds to realize just who stole Lucchini's pants - it's the person getting the medal up on the stage there. Probably helps that she is kind of on an ELEVATED PLATFORM. Also helps that NOBODY WEARS PANTS IN THIS SHOW.
Also, they feel the need to show us Erica's crotch not just once, but TWICE. Then she grins and the episode is over.
Y'know what? I'm just going to say this is the second worst show in the world.
The first in Kodomo no Jikan. BUT THIS IS A CLOSE F***ING SECOND.
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