But on the other hand, a lot of times I feel completely justified in being late. Because you know what sucks? Not being able to use any USB devices. I'm fairly certain you can imagine just how difficult that can make life sometimes. Especially when that problem is the main thing keeping you from going insane as you work the graveyard shift, sitting on your ass doing literally nothing for nine hours on any given night.
Or longer, if you wind up having to pull a double.
I have yet to find a fix for this issue, unfortunately, and after banging my head against the wall yesterday, I'm taking a break. Just long enough to take out my anger and frustration out on something deserving. Like Sailor Moon.
One step closer to my goal. Here's to another mark on the wall.
According to today's preview, today is "the final showdown".
... but wait, you may say, there are still three more episodes after this!
To which I reply, "yes, you are absolutely correct, there are three more episodes after this!"
This tells me three things:
- This battle will last, at the least, three episodes, with the final one being the epilogue.
- This battle will last one to two episodes before THE REAL VILLAIN emerges and they have to fight HIM.
- This really is the final battle and they are going to use the next three episodes to set up for the next season which is probably inevitable at this point.
My money is it being some weird combination of all three - where the fight that starts today ends on the next episode but leads into the FINAL final boss which will conclude on THAT next episode, and in turn become an epilogue so they can spend the final episode stroking themselves silly over the next season they have planned.
Because we've seen they have a brilliant f***ing track record with that so far.
They start off the episode pretty much right where they left off. With the end of the world or something like that.
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"So, hi, welcome to our universe and all that. Feel free to, I dunno, destroy it on a whim and all that?" |
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You ever get the impression two different teams were working on the same scene? Because the background is different. |
Anyways, they put the grail on a giant test tube thingy and "the light of shadow will shine upon the Tau Nebula".
Two minutes in and we've already said something incredibly stupid. Awesome.
The point of this all, in case you were wondering, is so they can summon their great master...
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... you're calling it what. |
Oh yeah and Mamoru is still holding his future daughter and looking like he's been blazing it up pretty hard.
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I'm deducting points from you again because goddamn you look like a pedo-loving creep again. STOP THAT! |
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I am still of the opinion it is very, very dumb. And inconsistent. |
They exchange glances, and head right into the transformation sequences.... again.
I can see why they'd do this, but I think that, if they hadn't done it LAST episode, this would be way more effective. Instead, it feels like they're just copying themselves by lazily inserting the first part of the transformation sequence, which transitions into their title slide.
Also, forget what I said last episode about long titles. THIS ONE IS SOMEHOW EVEN LONGER!
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Okay seriously I think this is just becoming a thing now, where each title is progressively longer than the last. |
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Actually I take that back. They seem prepared for an on-board fire, which is like, one regard I guess? |
Also Pluto is in the back, also not giving a shit about the dangers of NOT WEARING ANY KIND OF SAFETY HARNESS IN WHAT BASICALLY AMOUNTS TO A FLYING METAL COFFIN AT BEST.
Back on the ground, our heroes run forth in slow motion while our villain suddenly develops a personality long enough to say "oh those morons are bringing me the grail. Also, asthma attack."
Then the building glows black and Mars is all "whoa what the hell" and everyone is blind to the EVIL PURPLE SHIELD growing around the building. Until the giant star that can be seen from space shows up, and they go "whoa what".
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Once again, may I just ask: Why was THIS not your primary plan of attack before? Look at these things! |
Anyways Mercury tells us something very important to remind us that she is still relevant to the team.
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I know you were all really looking forward to running in all dramatically and stuff but... why didn't you just do that from the start? |
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Seriously guys. This was Vigo's thing. |
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Sorry, sexy jello ELF ladies. |
So they beat back the things and spawn about a billion doujins in the process with lines like "there are too many of them!" It comes down to Sailor Moon to do her trademark thing though, by spinning a stick and dancing around and just downright beating the hell out of everything.
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.... okay show. *THAT* was actually pretty damn clever! |
Inside, however, someone is having trouble keeping up, but still grins as she proclaims that they are completely safe still, despite looking about ready to pass out.
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Also, she proclaims she cannot be defeated, practically guaranteeing that's what's about to happen. |
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I take it back. *THIS* spawned dozens of doujins. |
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Walp thanks for playing baaaai! |
Then it retreats back into the building, pulls a Ghostbusters 2, and... actually does a far sexier job than Vigo ever did.
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That is one very attractive wall. |
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I'm just going to slap my forehead here. |
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Great going, boss. Bang up job you did there. |
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Gee, at times like this it makes me really glad we went and skipped out on those SAFETY HARNESSES! |
Yeah, I know, we're only halfway through. We're getting there though!
Turns out, they're not dead. Just frozen in time.
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"Hello, guardian of time? Kind of abusing my power here." |
Not. Once.
She tells them that she's blatantly frozen time and they should get the hell gone like, right now.
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She just kinda leaves it at that. Doesn't explain anything, just says, "yeah, well, I shouldn't have done this but..." and leaves them hanging. Instead, she gives them a cryptic "if you are able to meet the *real* Messiah..." and then they vanish, going right into the evil lair of EEEEVIL.
Then boom, chopper is gone, and so is Pluto. Guess they are on their own. Not unnoticed, however since Mistress 9 realizes they stopped time to get in - a bold move, but not one she's overly concerned about.
Sure was a good thing she ate that incredibly pure soul, after all, right? But then, she starts fighting with herself over using it.
No, literally, she tells herself not to use that thing. OR ELSE. But she becomes normal Hotaru again, and claims she will totes snatch that grail. But daddy best go off and take care of those other two skanks that just wandered in because homegirl ain't got time for that. In fact, he can use one of his favorite doll things: Germatoid.
... with a name like that I am sure it must be super impressive.
Outside, the wall begins to expand and the girls have no clue how to get in there. So they're switching to damage control, and hoping Sailor Moon can manage all on her own. They get into position, and prepare one of those barrier things - kind of like what their future selves would be doing at some point in the future.
Honestly? That's a pretty smart move, and a great way for them to call back on something that's been established as being a thing in the past.
Meanwhile, blondie wakes up and realizes she is in a bit of trouble. Oh but there's Hotaru! She must be hurt or something because lying down.
Elsewhere, Uranus and Neptune walk into a super creepy lair.
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Okay seriously, why can we not get more enemies like these?! |
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... really? That's the line you're going with? Sigh. |
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That is actually kind of disturbing. |
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Okay. Seriously now. How many doujins is this? |
Meanwhile, Hotaru is talking to Sailor Moon. Or is she? She says something about "if Sailor Moon unleashes the Holy Grail here..."
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Considering everyone knows you are already the big bad, banking on her trusting you with any information is a pretty gutsy move to say the least. |
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It is then that Mistress 9 pulls back the literal curtain, revealing the true scene for the final fight.
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I'll admit, this is a lot more impressive now. |
I'm not going to ask for much here. Just that it remains consistent. I'm not expecting a grand finale here, but seeing as how they have three episodes left, perhaps they can be a little less anticlimactic than last season.
I'm not going to ask for another Beryl fight - because that shit? That was amazing. Just don't be a disappointment like Wiseman. That's all I'm saying.
I'm not asking for much.
Just a miracle.
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