For some reason, this thought gives me an incredible feeling of relief. Because when this is over, when I am done with this season, I'm going to give it a full, overall review based on the entirety of it, and lay down a final verdict. It's only fair to settle the score once you've documented evidence of having seen the entire show, right? I think it's fair.
So with that in mind, let's just get down to business folks. 39 episodes down... seven left to go.
The obligatory Hot Springs episode, only 35 episodes late! Well, this is going to be promising I bet. Nearly every mainstream series has this episode, Magical Girl shows especially. Why? Because everyone likes naked girls I guess. Naked Snake Girl Monsters are also a plus, it would seem, because we've got one of those too.
If I know my tropes well, the episode will probably roll something like this: Usagi is going on a trip with her family to the mountains, and they're all "well since you actually have friends you should bring them along it would be fun". Odds are, the Rich Girl can get them some arrangements, and then when they get there something goes down.
Oh, I've completely missed any Dark Kingdom plots by this point... well damn. Okay, we'll just have to see how this actually goes since the episode is starting up without a "in case you've never seen this show before". I'm pleased to see those go. Now if only we could shoot the guy spoiling the episode before we watch it, this might have some actual plot twists.
Today's episode starts with a two day break, and Luna is unable to find anyone around. She does find a note by her food bowl though.
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Damn, and here I was hoping the President was kidnapped by ninjas... |
Most people would kill to go visit a hot springs resort, especially ones like the one they're probably going to! That shit can be kind of expensive usually!!
Anyway she gets tired of the backseat gaming, tries to steal the handheld system, almost drops the broach she has which just casually drops into her lap, and her dad laughs that some dude gave it to her. Ha ha.
Then her father almost kills everyone in response.
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Meanwhile, in Beryl's Castle of Misconduct...
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Boy oh boy, a coincidence! |
Hold on, you're actually entrusting an important thing to one of your guys, after he's made a suggestion regarding it? That is an amazingly sensible thing to do for a change.
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Hate to break it to you but I think he's just not that into you. |
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Oh god what? |
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If you can see right through your man, that is generally regarded as a bad thing. |
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I wouldn't mind one of these in my house. |
Of course, this sends Usagi off into a crying fit, and he doesn't remember who he is, or who she is. Then her mother shows up, and he does the off-screen teleportation thing while the mother wonders what is wrong with her daughter.
Spotting the statue, her mom goes on to talk about the legend of the Lovers' Statue. Story goes, this woman fell from heaven, and this guy from a local village fell in love with her. Hey, they sounds an awful lot like the whole back story for the Moon Kingdom thingy, right?
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You can't get any more classic than this. |
Then her mom is all 'hey when you get a man bring him to us so we can meet him'. Yeah, not gonna make anything awkward at all.
So after hearing the story, Endymion is all "so the monster is in the lake, bahaha I am so evil look at me doing not nice things". Kick a puppy or something god.
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Standing Evilly is an important skill for a villain. |
Y'know, this is actually the coolest thing that has happened in this show ever? So the lake like, explodes, and a Naga explodes out of the water - our monster of the day.
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Holy shit, it has BOOBS! |
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Speaking of the brat, her family is wondering what's up with her, to which her excuse is, "the moon is so beautiful it makes me want to cry". Oh man, you are fooling precisely nobody with that lame-ass excuse kid. But she goes running off, because she doesn't want to cry in front of her family. It's about this time she gets attacked by the monster, and her family starts freaking out.
Usagi gets all seriously bent out of shape, and her father tries to do the brave manly man thing with a stick, and his daughter prepares to transform. But before she can, a black rose appears and oh boy, what have we here? Once again, bad guy to the rescue. Give it up dude, seriously? You're fooling precisely zero people yourself.
Having made himself a target, Tuxedo Endymion is all "come get me snaketits" and then he gets beat around a bit. Then somehow, the other Sailor Scouts suddenly appear out of nowhere?! Wait, what?! Mercury sets up a bubbly mist so everyone can get away, but Usagi stays behind to transform, because she wants to pretend to be a responsible person every now and again.
After the sequence, she calls the naga a goblin and... promises to punish her. Then she proclaims her love for Tuxedo Mask, and is promptly attacked by the monster. Which gives everyone else cause to just try to outright destroy the damn thing.
Sadly, that won't work because it is invincible, and just keeps coming back.
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To date, it seems to have worked exactly one time. Why are you so surprised? And useless?! |
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Uh... come again? |
Now it's just him and the girls, but he thanks them for dealing with this and then runs off. Afterwards, Usagi's family goes out looking for her, assuming she was eaten by a monster. Sadly, this was not the case, and a heartfelt family reunion is in order, complete with really annoying J-pop that doesn't really seem to fit the mood? Then she's all "I love my family" and the other girls hang out at the hot spring with her, to try to cheer her up. Oh, and finally reveal how they came to, y'know, BE HERE.
The sad story is, Luna told them where she had gone, and didn't want to be left out of the fun. Har har, way to ruin a FAMILY TRIP YOU JERKS. Also, way to COMPLETELY AVOID HOW YOU EVEN GOT HERE. NONE OF YOU HAS A LICENSE. DID YOU SPROUT WINGS AND FLY?
No, they could have made an actual joke out of that, and stopped short of coming up with one that could've had a lasting impact. Such a disappointment. Almost like the rest of this show so far.
This episode was a lot better than the last few at least. I could deal with the 'monster a day' thing if they were more like things out of mythology, because that stuff is pretty awesome. But really, there's just way too many coincidences going on. You'd think that maybe the villains might be able to start putting things together at this point and finding out for the THIRD TIME who Sailor Moon really is.
... naaaaaaaaah.
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