Maybe I've grown a thicker skin, and become somewhat inundated to the sheer badness of this show. I mean, it's kind of tapered off I think, so maybe we can just coast to the end and be done with it. That'd be nice.
Is it weird that when I see the opening, and it starts with that bell toll thing, it makes me think of Metallica? Maybe I'm just weird like that. Well, in today's episode, it's the revival of all seven monsters. Even though at last count we only wound up seeing like, six of them I think? Also, Endymion is a jerk. So there we have it.
No title slide, but I'm sure that'll show up later. They're mixing things up again, trying to mess with the rhythm (of the night). Not sure if this is a good thing or bad... Anyhow, we begin... IN AFRICA.
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And as you look to your left, you'll see a wild Tito, singing loudly to attract his prey. |
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No worries, just ignore the thing you are studying crumbling apart above you. |
Back in Tokyo, it is definitely not sweltering as balls hot outside. With the snow outside, Ami gets a phone call from the worst psychic ever, telling her to turn on the television. Who should be on the missing persons list but our artist friend from a few episodes back? Well, glad the psychic is paying attention to social media at least, because our heroes sure don't seem to be. The artist is the fifth one missing, and guess who's next?
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Shouldn't you have seen this coming earlier? |
Are you just completely stupid kid? Asking for help is precisely the thing you should be doing. I mean, by not helping them keep you safe, you're actively making it harder for them to do that thing you asked them to do. Not only are you the worst psychic ever, you're also a complete asshat to boot.
Oddly enough, Makoto sees the kid walking past, but before she can do anything, Luna calls up asking her to hurry over to the shrine due to an 'incident'. Oh boy, what did I just tell you about excitement?
Over at Beryl's Carnival of Chaos, however, Kunzite is asking stupid questions of his master.
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Yeah, and they've defeated you like, six times now? |
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Terrifying. |
Okay, sure, fine, he's 'helped' the girls even though he's a bad guy. But you know what else he hasn't managed to do? Completely have his ass handed to him. By default, that makes him the most competent man in the room.
So back at the shrine, everyone is sitting aroudn talking about the psychic's phone call, and Artemis is all "giant monsters!" So now everyone is up to speed, but Makoto is sure the boy is around, and drags Ami outside while... wait, what?!
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Anyhow, the other girls get left behind to protect the old man, because most likely he's going to be the next target, and we don't want any giant monsters running around Tokyo now do we? I didn't think so.
Then Usagi starts crying because of some stupid comic she's reading, and I have zero hope for anyone preventing anything bad from happening.
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Look at me. Power Coat. Power Shades. POWER UP. |
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Shouldn't you say that before the man grabs you?? |
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Clearly that is the face of an honest man. |
Though really, let's be honest with ourselves here. Ami is completely making up bullshit excuses. Even before she was a Sailor Scout, she was all putting work before everything else. Going to study groups, cram schools, if it wasn't educational in the least she put zero effort into it. So even if she had remained a normal girl, she'd still think that he was getting in the way of what she thinks she should be doing.
Yeah, that's right. This isn't about him at all, it's all about her. Ami is very much an all-duty girl. She has to do what is expected, and has to be the best because that is what everyone is supposed to see in her. It's a vicious cycle, but this show has never really tried to delve into that whatsoever. Mostly because it was too busy not taking itself seriously? So it's hard for me to take this 'serious' scene, well, seriously, because it is completely ignoring the real issues at hand here: That Ami has no idea what it means to actually kick back and enjoy herself, because she's always going to put herself 150% into whatever she's working on.
Which means that any relationship she might take part in is doomed to fail because she doesn't want to work at it. Like I said, vicious cycle.
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You've still managed to narrowly miss the real issue here. Oh well. |
Any sort of serious talk is cut short though as Ami sees the boy running away, and gets after him quickly enough. Then he goes down an endless alleyway, until he runs into the Sailor Scouts - whom he can tell the true identities of because, well, he's psychic. Or as I like to say, because he's the only one who isn't fooled by a wardrobe change.
At that point, Endymion shows up, and is confused why everyone keeps calling him by some other name.
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There's probably a reason for that y'know. |
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No, I'm sure he actually is that damned polite if you think about it. I mean, he's only helped them win the last few episodes despite being a bad guy, so in his case it is most likely just real courtesy.
So he gives her a "think you can handle me by yourself?" and she responds by attempting to render him thunderstruck. Yeah okay, maybe that joke was a bit of a stretch, whatever. Her attack just blows right past him though, and in the meantime, Ami contacts the others. By which I mean to say, Luna, Artemis, and Minako because Rei and Usagi are too busy fighting over something that looks like a plate? Ugh, who cares.
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That was the most satisfying scream I have heard in this entire show EVER. EVER. |
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Careful, those fingers look sharp. |
There's a reason people don't do that sort of thing? It's because you make it really easy to break your fingers. Y'know. In case you were stupid or something. Eventually Jupiter trips over something, and gets backed against the wall. Jupiter loses.
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Psyche! Made ya flinch. Outies! |
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Oh for... seriously?! |
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Bootlegs in the official? They couldn't even use the right fonts for the advertising! |
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No shit ya think? |
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This is really not a good time for this man... |
Oh, then he starts crying about how he was never human to begin with. If only his pathetic life could be worth something in death, that'd be grand.
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Okay whoa, what? Seriously? Did we just get grimdark? |
... y'know, when I put it that way, it somehow comes out sounding better than the way she actually said it?
Note to self: Use that line if you ever plan to make a Magical Girl show. Because that is just gold.
So she asks him to just face this thing head on with her, and then the lights go on and Endymion enters the stage from up on the ferris wheel they're in front of.
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There are so many things wrong with this shot that it makes me want to cry. |
Then a cat and two girls see the park is on as they run past and head inside, while Endymion spills his plan to Mercury. Clearly, he is actually trying to utilize a cunning plan, because the lights are part of his plan to lure the other scouts in. Which explains why he let Jupiter go, I suppose, even if it is a flimsy excuse for not even bothering to hurt her in the least. I mean, beating someone up? That's pretty friggin' effective. But not even making the effort to harm them? That's just downright spiteful.
Of course, Mercury is forcing his hand a bit, so supposedly he is going to take her seriously? Not so much. Even a watery mist can't stop him from jumping around and snatching the kid up into the crystal, and sending Mercury into a fit of rage.
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So the genius is just as confused as the rest of us. That's a relief. |
Y'know, he actually makes this whole 'killing you with kindness' thing work. No sarcasm there. He is a really effective villain so far, because he is a complete and utter dickbag. A whole bag of dicks. A big ol' sack of 'em. He is taunting them, and has the power to back that shit up, and now he says the kid gloves are off.
Why is it that he seems way more menacing than any of the other villains have at this point? Or that his cocky, smug attitude makes me hate him even more, which is exactly the kind of thing you want in a villain? Oh, right, because I'm pretty sure he might actually win. That would be cool.
Mercury knows she's outclassed, so she busts out her most brilliant moves.
... she runs past him with one of the most horribly-animated run sequences I've ever seen, then turns around, and hits him with a Bubble Spray.
... that just seriously happened.
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You just took the words out of my mouth. |
Oh god DAMN it. Just when you thought the bad guys might be doing something RIGHT, you have to lose to someone who doesn't even have a proper damned attack. So now all the captives are free and unconscious, and Moon and Jupiter have arrived on the scene. What next? They talk about how Ami looks better because of the advice she took from Jupiter. Oh, and there's a guy in a tuxedo wearing a mask who probably needs restored?
Not that he's going to let that get in the way, he's just going to deal with them all at once.
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... what. |
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Way to run head on into their attack. Brilliant plan. |
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Oh, hey, I'm not sure I want to use all my healing on you. Let me just turn that back a notch. Because we don't want you getting all back to normal too quickly, right? Oh my GOD that makes me angry. But then he Refreshes and falls to the ground as someone who is maybe Mamoru, but then snatched up by a dark egg and teleported away.
So congrats, that was completely freaking pointless.
Now Beryl decides that she's going to have to redo all of that hard work all over again. Because if it doesn't work the first time, just try it again and see if it takes?
The next day it seems the park is open, and Ami and Ryo are on the Ferris Wheel. Y'know, the one they got attacked in front of, because that's completely romantic. Also, let's ignore the fact that there was six inches of freaking snow all over the place just yesterday. It's totally okay to go out in skirts now.
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Like you all forgot about your pants? |
Suddenly, I'm really, really glad this show is almost over. Because I'm really not sure how much more I could take of this.
Of course, looking at the total episode count, I realize I am only 20% done with this show.
Well shit.
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