So I'm not going to make any wild promises about how the rest of this week is going to go. Will I catch up on the posting? Maybe. Who knows? (The Shadow knows, but I sure don't.) All I can say is keep checking back now and again? Or maybe just cyberstalk me in the usual places. Y'know, whatever.
First up on the catching up dockett is Dog Days'. Ah christ. At least it isn't Gunparade.
We begin today's episode with bedroom-o-vision.
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If they're not trying anymore, why should I? |
Wait she has a sister? Oh god.
So off in the place with all the birds and squirrels, Millhi got invited to do the song and dance thing I guess as part of the festival and then they threw an intro in there because let's be honest, they realized that was all they had.
At least they're merciful enough to not try to drag this shit out any more than absolutely necessary.
So after the lengthy OP, we jump right into calisthenics, brought to you by snack foods and the Number Five.
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An eclair is totally a snack, right? Oh close enough. |
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Well that didn't take long at ALL now did it. |
Oh who am I kidding it's so they can pull some bullshit later so Cinque has to come in and save the day later.
Switch over to Becky getting undressed by some servants while talking to Milhi about just how much fun they just had. And it is... time for a bath already? Yep. Time for a bath already. Because this show loves that.
I think this show has almost as many baths as goddamn Strike Witches, and that was almost an occurrence EVERY GODDAMN EPISODE. Am I going to have to start tracking how often the characters take baths in this show? No, f**k that. I am not doing that. That is more effort than this show deserves.
Anyways Becky notes that Milhi and Cinque aren't really spending a lot of time together and she's all like 'yeah well we're busy and stuff but we're totes gonna spend the end of the summer together' as the Beckster washes down the princess' back. Aren't you so glad you are watching this show you filthy perverts.
Doesn't take long for them to talk about HOW GREAT CINQUE IS, and then Becky lays down the serious talk: BITCH WHEN YOU GONNA MARRY MY MAN ALREADY GEEZ?
Of course she freaks out about this and is like "no I totally haven't thought about this at all I mean look at the way I am gesticulating wildly whatever would give you the impression I have totally thought about hogging that amazing hunk of man-meat all to myself I mean come on what is even wrong with you really."
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"After all, it's not like we're seeing one another naked or anything." |
In a surprising bout of clarity though, Milhi brings up the point that I just made. Doesn't Becky totes like that dude too? Like oh em gee. Which Becky admits is kind of a thing. She kinda thinks about how they're basically family, and Milhi is like "yeah I sorta like how things are right now too".
... I feel like I've been transported to another show. This is still Dog Days, right?
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Can somebody please remind me what genre this show is again? |
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Don't ask where that came from, I don't even know. |
... wait, you're like, fifteen. The hell?
We get more talk about how awesome Cinque is, and Becky dwelling on how she is totally the First Girl, and how deep down she really is afraid of being the third wheel. It's not that she's bothered by him totally macking on some other chick, she's just bothered by the fact that she would become 'less special' to him.
Anyways the girls come full circle once again, and Becky says she thinks dude should totally go with the princess who is all like 'yeah but man I really like you Becks so awkward'.
Then she pets the local sovereign, and Becky calls her best pal a legitimate manwhore.
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Or does this make him more of a man slut? Not sure. |
SERIOUSLY. WHAT THE HELL AM I WATCHING. Becky shares some sort of 'secret' with the princess, then they pinky promise (lolol her hair is pink lolol) not to divulge said secret and hope dude figures it out himself and resolution comes about finally I think maybe. We're almost EIGHT MINUTES into this show now. NOTHING HAS HAPPENED.
So we cut to the northern border where some dudes are checking up on those things from the last episode.
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Remember these guys? They deserved more time in the show I guess. |
Anyways because of this the smaller ones are looking around settlements with people in them trying to find this girl and they're just hoping it has nothing to do with some kind of demon.
Enter... the new character.
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Seriously how many more characters does this goddamn show actually NEED at this point?!?!?! |
We return to hear some guards talk about how many damn people there are this year, and Becky and the princess are hanging out in the dressing room preparing to get in front of a giant crowded theater. And we find out that Milhi gets nervous sometimes for some reason, but Becky is there to cheer her up and suggest they call Cinque. Who is currently moving boxes.
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"I got sick of training and decided to hang out with loli dog and boob fox." |
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Considering these two declared their love for one another no less than two minutes ago, this is even more awkward. |
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Man you two are really useless this season aren't you? |
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Yes, that's what we're calling this. Mind control. |
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Really, that's what you're going with? Okay then. |
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Well that explains everything by explaining nothing. |
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Yeah, that makes no sense. I know. |
Only not because now we get to see them preparing to send the little catgoddess off, but Cinque sends her off with a souvenir, who bites him and accepts the gift by nomming on the bracelet. Then she gets flown off to wherever she's supposed to be.
But oh no now they will miss the entire concert now because they were dealing with th-
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Wait nevermind, they forgot the cardinal rule of Dog Days: Cinque is amazing and great at everything. |
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Blah blah it's great to be here, blah blah more seizure wands, blah blah heroes are great and let's all have fun. Let's sing a song!
Yeah. Like last season, we're doing the whole music video thing, because that's proven super popular, am I right?
My god. How did I not realize this before. They're trying to be Macross with the music bullshit. Trouble is, Macross is F***ING AWESOME. THIS. THIS IS NOT. THIS IS BORING AS F**K J-POP BULLSHIT.
I like J-Pop now and again. But this is just your typical J-Pop crap is what this is. So it's not that entertaining to me? It's kind of a chore to sit through.
Thankfully, it's not too long, and we find out that everything was great the end. Not htat they had a lot of time to sleep because they're about to embark on some big, massive, crossover event between the three major nations.
People everywhere are like "we're gonna do a thing" and we see the cat goddess is totally fine and back home and then the episode ended.
Holy mother of god what a waste of f***ing time this episode was. It's official. I think I would rather be watching the first series now. At least that pretended to have some kind of plot tying it all together, this? This is just pointless drivel.
I need to walk away and do something else. Before I murder myself trying to tackle the next show.
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