Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Qwaser of Stigmata Episode 19 - Secret Flower Garden

Hey there, Internet.

It's been awhile. A very long while. So what happened? Well, my body decided that it was time to take a break. A very, very long break. From everything not involving work.

It has come to my attention that there may be some medical reason for this. Personally, I think it is my body trying to tell me "WATCHING TERRIBLE ANIME IS A BAD IDEA AND YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD FOR DOING IT."

But, eh, that's just a theory. What does my body know anyways? It's not my boss. Pfft.

So on that note, I'm back, and picking up right where I left off - with Qwaser. Because I'd really, really like to write about Sailor Moon on Monday.

... oh god did I actually just admit that on the Internet? Clearly I've been away for far too long...