Monday, January 21, 2013

Sailor Moon Episode 14 - A Powerful New Enemy! Nephrite's Evil Crest

You won't notice anything differently, but this week I am finally beginning the transition to a Monday-Wednesday-Friday update schedule. Which also means I am writing these a little bit ahead of time. This is beneficial for several reasons: Namely, when I finally get to working on movies, I'll be doing them in parts, to prevent them from becoming the inevitable massive walls of text that they will in fact become.

Of course, the basic rules of this game are still in effect. Namely, I write this in the dark of night, in order to hide my shame. Also, so that my howls of agony will be masked as just some annoying dog.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Kodomo No Jikan Episode 04 - My Mother

It's been a hell of a year so far. In the course of two weeks, I've managed to move apartments, start sleeping on the couch due to lack of space, and find out just how bad my tax returns are looking. Not to mention the billions of other things going wrong. But heck, what better reason to torment oneself than when things are just going really, really wrong in life?

Also, my friend is a jerk and somehow talked me into watching this show. Again. You, friend, are an ass.