Friday, January 31, 2014

The Qwasar of Stigmata Episode 03 - Those Who Seek

There are many things wrong with watching things that are bad. Aside from the inherently obvious, of course. But one issue that I am having difficulty with, sadly enough, is that the next show I had slated was, quite frankly, not horrible enough.

Which means it has no place here. Sadly, this of course means I must find some sort of replacement instead. Trying to find something short (I'm thinking 10-13 episodes or so) is proving difficult, to say the least. With luck I'll have something figured out soon. Or I'll just have to start doubling up on Sailor Moon until this is resolved. Would that really be so bad though...?

Well nowhere close to as bad as doubling up on THIS shit every week. God I hate this show so much already and this is only episode three. Click on the thingus to see me bitch about boobies some more.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Sailor Moon R Episode 29 - A Mysterious New Warrior, Sailor Pluto Appears

So now that Astarotte is finally over, there's some question as to what I'll wind up doing next. After all I stretched that sucker out as long as I could, and frankly Pupa is too short to properly replace it, so I'll need something. Not entirely sure what yet, but I'm confident I can come up with something.

After all it's not like I have a list of like a dozen shows I should be watching or something.

Also, I may have just solved that little problem in the middle of writing about this. We'll find out next week.

It's a secret to everybody. Especially me.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Astarotte no Omocha EX PART FINAL - Overline of 11 Years Ago

I am so absolutely sick of this show, you don't even know. Even doing this in small parts makes me feel sick to my stomach because they just keep getting worse every time. Yet for some reason, I continue to put myself through this self-prescribed torture.

I really, really hate this show. But not nearly as much as I am learning to hate other shows. It's still pretty high on my 'shows I really hate' list though.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Pupa Episode 03 - Tiger Beetle


So Pupa. What more do I really need to say? This is not the best way to start off your saturday. Yet I'm doing it anyways.

Let's just get this over with... it won't take long. I hope.

Friday, January 24, 2014

The Qwasar of Stigmata Episode 02 - Friendship of Masks

I don't think that there is enough alcohol in the world to make Qwaser a good show.

I mean, seriously, the only way this show could actually be worthwhile would be if it were an actual porn anime. Then it would immediately become more enjoyable because if you are watching porn for the story you are clearly doing it wrong.

With that having been said, the fact that this is a story we are supposed to be taking seriously is at best a laughable prospect. Because this show is failing to be funny, dramatic, or arousing. And if that's all it really had going for it... I think we are in trouble here.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Sailor Moon R Episode 28 - Defeat Rubeus! The Final Battle in Space

So I've been working on things in the background. Trying to spruce up the ol' banner, see what horrifying improvements I can make around the blog, and pondering this thing they call 'social media'.

I dunno, it seemed like a good idea at the time. Kind of like how I thought watching Sailor Moon was a good idea at the time. Kind of like how I thought blogging about it in order to force myself to actually sit through the entire show was a good idea. Kind of like... oh you get it.

Anyways. Here we are again, on my own, going down the only road - wait damnit no stop that, we're watching Sailor Moon not re-living the 80's. Somehow, the early 90's was just a million times worse than the 80's. At least Sailor Moon is getting... well, tolerable. Let's see if that continues.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Astarotte no Omocha EX PART TWO - Parallel Chains

I have been, surprisingly enough, quite busy lately. Lots of little things going on behind the scenes I suppose, but I'm working on trying to get some ad banners and such ready and to take the whole social media thing by at least tiny thundercloud, if not by storm. It's a thing I can do at work or something.

Meanwhile, here I am returning to this show YET AGAIN. Because this is going to be the longest pile of turd droppings I'll have to put myself through that is somehow only the length of a regular episode of anime. And yet somehow 500% more offensive all at the same time.

With a name like Parallel Chains, how can we possibly go wrong?

... it's Astarotte why are you even asking that question?

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Pupa Episode 02 - Sting

I think it goes without saying that I utterly abhor this show. It does so many things wrong all in spectacular fashion, how can I not go on at length about it? Fortunately, it's also very short, which makes it the perfect candidate for a nice little bonus every week.

After all, who can resist just a tiny helping of extra horrible in their lives?

Oh, everyone except me? Glad we got that cleared up.

Remember, you've been warned, I have no idea what's coming up so if you're squeamish, seriously. Stay away, for the love of god.

Friday, January 17, 2014

The Qwaser of Stigmata Episode 01 - Quavering Night

Sometimes, you come across a show that is just instantly so horrendous, so incredibly foul, you have no choice but to attempt to inflict it upon other people.

The show in question is Seikon no Qwaser, or The Qwaser of Stigmata.

Now, see, there's a lot of reasons I chose to take on this show. Many of them involve the fact that for goddamn once I don't have to worry about pedophilia. Which is great. Because I'm getting sick and tired of having to bitch about the same thing over and over again.

The other reason is that, according to Wikipedia, breast feeding is an integral plot point of the show.

... and right there, ladies and gentlemen, you  have your answer as to why I am now watching this show for you. We'll see how many screencaps I'm actually able to extract (because from the looks of things, this shit is totally uncensored).

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Sailor Moon R Episode 27 - A UFO Appears! The Sailor Warriors Abducted

I missed you, Sailor Moon.

I missed you not because you are well-written (though admittedly the last few eps have been a treat), and definitely not for your charming character design or artwork (which, while passable for the most part, is still pretty atrocious overall). No, I didn't even miss you for your incredibly conflicted message of love and peace triumphing over incredibly moronic evil.

If I missed you for anything, it's the fact that you are one of the least horrible things I have to watch. Also actually having some form of character growth helps too. I think it's nice that our heroines are finally beginning to develop a thing we call 'personalities'. And it's nice that your values are completely mind-bogglingly stupid for once.

It is entirely possible I might have another new gem for you guys on Friday. But I'm reserving judgment until I've seen the first few minutes of whatever it is. For all I know I might just throw Lotte at you instead. I hear you people like reading about that.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Astarotte no Omocha EX PART ONE - Nabla of Happiness

Finally, we come to the very last episode of this show I ever want to force myself to sit through. EVER. Those of you suggesting that I am merely padding my time because I'm still searching for the next show to fill this space are absolutely correct. I mean, it's not as though I happen to have a list... or anything... that I'm constantly staring at in sheer horror wondering what person would be insane enough to even attempt watching them.

That and I'm trying to find something horrible that does NOT somehow involve paedophilia. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW F***ING DIFFICULT THIS TASK IS?!?!?!

Anyway. The final final episode of Astarotte. Let's do this.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Pupa Episode 01 - I Wish It Were All A Dream - Emergence

So remember that show I've been dreading?

It's a little gem called Pupa. It's about... well according to the very brief wiki entry on it, it's basically about the love between a brother and sister. And by 'love' we mean "he lets his sister eat his flesh after she turns into a horrible man-eating monster".

The manga is, uh, it's pretty bad. So I am going to warn you now: DO NOT GOOGLE THAT SHIT EVER. Not unless you are into Guro.

And nobody is into Guro.

If you don't know what Guro is? Keep it that way. Trust me. You'll thank me for saying that when you figure it out.

Final warning: While this episode is relatively 'tame', I'm going to be erring on the extremely safe side of things by tagging this as NSFW. When really I should be tagging it NSFL.

Yes. For LIFE.

... consider that a tag now.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Sailor Moon R Episode 26 - Cold-Hearted Rubeus! The Four Sisters of Sorrow

Well hi there.

Seems there's this thing called a "Polar Vortex" going around, making it literally so cold where I am that water mains were bursting and ice was literally forming on the inside of windows. That's friggin' cold.

As a result of this incredible cold snap, it seems to have also played hell with my sleep schedule and in general made me feel like a pile of shit. Fortunately, I'm well enough to resume, and I've gotta say, it's probably a bit of a blessing in disguise. I'm still getting a feel for what shows are airing, so the extra week to figure out what I'll post next is helpful, to say the least.

Also, the utterly abhorrent show I am considering trying to tackle doesn't air until Friday, and frankly I thought it was probably wisest to pad things out a little, because I'm still not certain I can stomach watching it. I'll likely preview the first few minutes and then decide.

That said, the last two episodes of Sailor Moon have been pretty good. Can they keep up the pace though? I mean there's only four villains left and at the rate they're going... well, there's only about a dozen episodes where Rubeus and Wiseman can come out to do their thing, so I'm just wondering how they'll try to stretch that out as long as possible.

Probably nowhere near as much as Robotech was padded but you never really know...

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Astarotte no Omocha Episode FINAL - Asterisk Beyond the Sky

While this is technically the last episode of Astarotte, it's not the final episode produced. I'll have to force myself to sit through the bonus episode, unfortunately. Probably next week. I need a bit of buffer time, you see.

After all, this coming Monday in Japan marks the beginning of the Winter season of anime, and while I'd love to post about shows as soon as they air, I have to say I am just a little bit nervous about one in particular. I don't even know if I'll be able to get screen captures of it, simply because I'm expecting every single episode to have some ungodly horror in them.

I may even chicken out and find some other bad show to talk about instead because that is how much it disturbs me.

With that said, I'm pretty sure I'm going to need to find another show to watch. I was planning on Jojo but really, what more can I say about that show that isn't blatantly obvious from the start...?

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Sailor Moon R Episode 25 - For Friendship! Ami and Berthier Clash

Happy New Year! I'm going to ring in 2014 with, hilariously enough, the show that started this entire blog. And why not? There's worse ways to kick things off, after all.

Also, I just previewed the first few seconds and for some reason I am super hype get so let's hop right to it.