This show is bad. Just... all kinds of bad, without a doubt. I know how bad it is, and spoiler alert, I kind of know how it gets worse. But how is it that I am just now beginning to lose my mind?
Why, because I am kind of looking forward to seeing this train wreck of a show continue. I can't even really grasp the reasoning behind this, I just... I think I just want to see how bad it gets. Which makes this the campy sort of bad. Or the campy sort of good. Does that make any sense? I'm not sure that it does.
Why does this show confuse me so?
I was gonna say something, but then I got distracted by the opening shot.
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I admit it, I just wanted to use this as the preview image. |
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Remember kids: Evil? IT IS AWESOME AND HOT. |
Yeah, I thought so. After that little bit, they leap into the episode because it's not like we don't know what's coming up next. Crystal Neo Tokyo OF THE FUTURE. The Crystal Palace. People looking for a kid who is clearly NOT IN THE CASTLE ANYMORE. And they all come to the conclusion they should split up and search some more. TITLE SLIDE.
Wiseman is sitting in his eternal slumber palace, staring into his ball. Above him, or in front of him, I'm not really sure since the camera just pans up, I mean it's possible but we see a Small Lady, or Chibi-usa, floating around. She looks to be like, sixteen times larger than the dude so I don't know if she's just grown or he's shrunk or this is some weird trippy camera angle... whatever.
He talks about how memories from the past can leave scars on the heart. Y'know, like accidentally-ing the entire world. He asks her to recall her 'cruel' parents, and how bad they were to her, and I'm gonna guess that he's re-writing her memories or something.
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Totally evil parents walking around in totally evil rain. |
Flashback to the scouts asking about her birthday, and she's all sad because they have KINGLY and QUEENLY things to do instead of be there on her birthday. BOO HOO HOO. Mars is about to say something about a birthday surprise but gets cut off and then they all RUN AWAY. HOW TRAGIC.
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Yes, recall all your super-entitled first world problems that were clearly rectified immediately after or totally reasonable. |
Oh right become super evil queen bitch of the universe that's what.
She falls into darkness (literally) and sees images of people as she spins wildly out of control.
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Literally spinning out of control. |
Meanwhile, Dimande is sorta sitting around when Wiseman drops by to show off his new gal.
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"Wait you're the kid we've been trying to kill?" |
Once more his brother tries to caution him however, quite reasonably pointing out that Wiseman basically holds all the cards here, and Dimande doesn't seem to get that the dude who gave you all of this power and shit? He's probably not one to trust. I mean, let's face it, the man has literally given you everything, from your Evil Black Crystal to the information and accessibility to time travel and all of that, and you honestly think he isn't working some kind of angle?
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Paranoia would suggest nobody? |
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Oh and then they invent the eye-f***ing trend. |
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That 'something' is called puberty. |
But Pluto dodges this by saying "yeah uh, I know you kinda already got spoilered for like seasons four and five but uh, try not to focus on that and instead focus on the bright and happy times you live in already. You know... so you don't completely make all of this work pointless."
Then they slap us with a commercial break.
Once more we are back in the past, at the park where they first left, and it just so happens to be a beautiful night with a full moon. Shit be awesome. Oh except for that part where Dimande is here to wreck some shit so they should probably be figuring out what's up with that and saving that little girl.
Speaking of, said little girl is out with Dimande who takes off an earing and starts growing a giant dark crystal in the ground below while she feeds it evil energy or something.
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Are you sure? What gave you that idea? |
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It was literally like, not even an hour ago! |
She's all "rar hate" and Sailor Moon is all "srsly what is ur deal" and she's all "HATE" and Moon is all "wait who?" and she's all like "ERRYBODY" and she's like "uhh that doesn't make sense like what about your mom and dad who are by extension me and this dude beside me I mean have you actually thought any of this shit through?" to which she replies "GRR ARG MUST KILL."
But what about all those people who loved her? Oh, that was false and meaningless love so that doesn't count time to attack some more UMBRELLA DRILL.
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Says the cat who seems fine with everyone else literally standing around doing nothing. Thanks Luna. |
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You do realize that you kind of started this, right? |
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Shamalamadingdong would be proud. |
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Oh, right. Him. Yeah. |
He explains that the vision she saw? Totally an illusion because it was something she wanted to see. Not a real thing like what he shows her, because evil dark things are the way to go.
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Seriously where the f**k did your clothes go!? |
Floating up she's all "pfft my name is Black Lady shut up people" and everyone is all "no that's not your name" and she laughs and is all "Yeah soon the Evil Black Crystal will be fully grown and we'll win the world and destroy everything and I'll laugh some more". Then she laughs and vanishes, and the sky returns to kind of normal morningness while the sad theme plays.
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Well, bitch- smacking the old guy is probably a good start. |
So remember kids, when someone you know goes crazy and starts trying to kill your best friend, the correct course of action is to stand around and let other people tell her that she needs to stop being a pussy, man the f**k up and fight back or something. Instead of, y'know. Helping her. Because helping is for sissies.
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