No, really. I spent no less than half an hour just trying to figure out various issues that were getting in the way of my providing you with this entry. Everything from speakers not working to Windows just straight up not working at all.
Truly, the universe works in mysterious ways. Maybe it's trying to tell me something. Like, "you really should have something planned for Friday you idiot."
Meh, who listens to those voices in the back of your head anyway? If I did that, I'd never have started this blog in the first place...
We're winding down to the end of this series. Wow. I'm kind of worried, in a way. I mean sure, I've got a whole movie to go through after this. But even so, wow. I wonder if this series' ending will actually be half as badass as the last one was. I'm pretty sure it won't be nearly enough to pull this show out from the hole it's managed to dig itself into thus far, though.
Anyways in the episode overview, we get to see... a whole lot of folks we haven't seen in awhile? Also Saphir finds out his brother didn't betray him or something? Oh, okay.
By the way, the episode is called "Saphir Dies". I can't possibly imagine what this one has in store for us! Not one bit.
Tokyo. In the present past. Or past present. Or present present. Even though it's the past for us regardless. Oh screw it. Time travel screws everything up. Let's start over.
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It's no unusual solar activity, but I'm sure people have taken notice of this thing by now. |
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Lady, I'm sure that knowing what the object is will not make an area any more or less dangerous after its identification. The danger is still there regardless. |
The men of the group.Yes, Mamoru and Artemis are the ones tasked with going out to take a look at the GIANT EVIL FREAKING CRYSTAL. While the girls sit at home and do absolutely f**k-all.
For a show that is supposed to be empowering young women, and is in fact lauded for having a heroine that does all the heroing, the women in it, titular character included, seem to leave a lot of the actual work to the men when given the option. But gender discrimination aside, YOU ARE THE SAILOR F***ING WARRIORS. YOU KNOW. LEGENDARY HEROES. Should you not have at least SENT THE SMART ONE OF YOUR GROUP OUT THERE TO CHECK THIS SHIT OUT? I mean, she is the one with the MAGICAL F***ING COMPUTER. OR HAVE YOU ONCE AGAIN CONVENIENTLY FORGOTTEN THIS RELATIVELY IMPORTANT POINT? I MEAN IT ISN'T AS THOUGH MERCURY'S ENTIRE CHARACTER IS FIGURING SHIT OUT NOW IS IT?!
Oh wait, THAT IS EXACTLY THE POINT OF HER CHARACTER. Christ, not three minutes in and look how worked up I'm getting over this. My. God. Moving along.
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God forbid you should GET OFF YOUR LAZY ASSES @#*%)(@# |
Meanwhile, Usagi is having one of those teary-eyed emotional flashbacks of that time when her future daughter hit early Evil Adulthood and kicked her ass with an umbrella(ella-ella-ella hey hey). Then there's some dialogue-less shouting and we return to her doing what she does best, which is pouting over the situation. Boo friggin' hoo. Her mom shows up and is all "so uh, boy that thing looks dangerous I mean it is only a GIANT BLACK CRYSTAL maybe we should evacuate or something because I mean this stuff doesn't exactly pop up out of nowhere and bring good things with it you know?"
But of course her mom happens to be holding a very special cup of tea.
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Isn't it just daaaarling? |
Leave it up to Rei to give the pep talk about how if they combine their powers they can probably save the girl. That sounds like a great idea maybe you could get out there and start doing that NOW? No? No? Oh, okay. Don't mind me then.
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Oh for crissakes just kiss already god! |
He goes to check on the giant Crystal Reactor, and finds out that congrats, it is doing that energy producing thing. So he takes a magic card and deactivates it, keeping the reactor from running out of control. Which doesn't please Wiseman very much. But he's all "screw you old man, I'm gonna tell my brother and he'll believe me because we're brothers!" and Wiseman is all "Uh, dude? Kinda have the backing of the ruler of the universe here, I don't think that's gonna fly, but whatever."
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The best part about threats like these? Everyone dies. Eventually. It's just, you know. A thing. It happens. |
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By your definition everything is an impure life form. |
Meanwhile, Black Lady and Dimande are busy chatting it up about the end of the world.
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Let's not forget about your existence being negated! |
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Oh how cute, making cameos at the end to remind us you existed at one point. Touching, really. |
Eventually he wakes up from this nightmare, sits up, and falls back down, and learns he is in the care of those four sisters. Petz tells him they are in her room, and she is wearing an incredibly low-cut blouse. Oh and then asks that if he's gonna punish someone, just leave her sisters out of it please? But he's all "meh, whatevs".
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Amazing what not being an evil bitch will do to you, huh? |
Back in Petz's room, Saphir notices that she is not being an evil bitch and is kind of nice to be around for some reason, and she explains that it's because Sailor Moon taught her to not be a completely evil bitch. Oh, and that Earth is actually a pretty swell place? And there's no need to be, well, a backstabbing prick about every little thing. You know. Warm fuzzy stuff.
This makes Saphir question if destroying the world is really the best way to accomplish their goal of being able to run through giant fields of flowers. (Protip: It's totally not.) He also starts wondering if maybe this whole thing was just part of Wiseman's plan to screw up the whole universe, and decides he needs to warn his brother about this as soon as possible. Which makes Petz sad, of course, but he explains that he's gotta stop Wiseman.
Petz doesn't want to let him go while he is injured though, because he will die and that will make her all of the sads.
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See? All of the sads. |
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Yeah it's not like he hasn't killed people for that or anything. |
So Koan makes the smart move and calls her pal Usagi. Because if anyone can help, it's her.
This makes a great deal of sense, but lucky for her that the girls were all just sitting around at her place twiddling their thumbs, right? Because if they'd been out actually doing something they would have totally missed this incredibly important phone call.
... god what did we DO before cell phones anyways?
Now we get to see Saphir slinking around all hurt and stuff, slowly making his way to the crystal, when the Black Lady shows up.
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Wait, why wouldn't he be alone exactly? Did you expect him to go to your enemies or something? |
Oh wait no, the Sailor Warriors are gonna show up to stop her and tell her she's being tricked and shit. Which makes her mad, so what does she turn her magical Felix the Cat ball into?
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... a f***ing mirror. Seriously?! |
Mars' answer? Blame it on Sailor Moon turning them all into idiots.
... brilliant. That is the best back-handed comment you can give to your best friend.
I'll give them credit where it is due, however: playing the blindly naive card, and acknowledging it and proclaiming it to be a strength? That earns you a win column, friends. Blind optimism and courage even when it shouldn't be a thing you do, I'm kind of a sucker for that, so for playing this one straight and actually having the characters back that up? I'm all sorts of okay with that.
Meanwhile, Black Lady is tired of this, so she changes her mirror out for something more practical.
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Sorry did I say practical I meant ridiculous. |
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Badminton? Seriously?! Ugh. |
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It's still ridiculous though. |
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Why are you even still standing there dude? Just go already! |
Cue Tuxedo Mask showing up to save the girls with his railgun roses.
No seriously it sounds like a friggin' gunshot going off when those red streaks race across the screen. He also makes a proclamation.
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Yeah because he's totally going to listen to what you have to say. After you stole your girlfriend from him. Wait... |
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... you know, I won't even mock this one. That expression is just so genuine. |
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They're both about the same size really. |
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Damn cheap drywall hooks. |
And Koan is all sad and getting the sparklies as the jacket she is holding fades away, and she tells her sisters that she'll be fine, since she totally knew this was how things would play out anyway. He'll always be in her heart so, I guess that's fine, right?
Sad ending get.
Now, looking at the last three episodes... I somehow get this feeling we won't be getting an awesome double-sized ending episode like we got last time, which is a shame. Since we have three villains left, though technically Dimande is probably going to go down next episode while likely fighting the Black Lady, which means after that is Wiseman and, if tropes hold? The universe. I mean Death Phantom.
Meh. We'll see, but from where I'm sitting? I'm going to say that aside from what I hope will be an awesome death scene on Dimande's part, the ending will wind up being anticlimactic at best.
... that is kind of depressing how they keep skirting the edge of being totally awesome, but pulling their punches at the last second and simply being 'meh' when it has the potential to be so much more.
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