Monday, June 29, 2015

Sailor Moon SuperS Episode 07 - Makoto's Friendship! A Girl Who Adores a Pegasus

So, have you been keeping up with Sailor Moon Crystal? I haven't. But I've been catching up lately. Once they started the whole R-series arc, I kind of let it fall by the wayside. No longer, however! Indeed, it is rather surprising because they actually teased something that wasn't established until just a few episodes ago in THIS show - the tiny cat-devil known as Diana.

I find myself torn on Crystal, and its development so far. But this is the sort of thing which probably should be dealt with on its own. Maybe I'll try to do a thing about it at some point? Who knows.

Anyways, since it is Monday, it's time for that Sailor Moon SuperS thing. Which looks as though it might be taking a turn for the worse, which is a real shame. On the other hand, I might be more forgiving if it makes brand new mistakes...

Oh who am I kidding? We just know they're going to make the previous mistakes even bigger this time around. *sigh* Roll the damn thing already, and let's get on with it.

Oh look. Today's episode is about someone Makoto knows who wrote a book that just happens to mention a pegasus who gets attacked by the evil people.

Also today's villain is some kind of... evil alarm clock.

Get your skis on folks, we've got a shark to jump. ROLL INTRO!

It is entirely possible that I may not be in the best frame of mind to be watching this show. I suspect this will probably improve the content of this entry tenfold.

Speaking of content, we begin the episode with a rousing book cover that we are told is the best thing ever.

Wow gee that book looks completely amazing wow.
I think I may not have read that correctly. Give me a moment.

"An unrequited love between a pegasus and a human woman."

Nope. Turns out, I read that exactly correctly the first time.

What. The. F**k.

Okay. Let's uh. Okay.

I think I'm going to be in tears in about five minutes.
This book is super popular and amazing and everyone says so including the sister of the guy who works at the arcade.

Seriously she keeps showing up lately. What's up with that. The girls are all at the parfait place drinking coffee or whatever while Rei says snide things about Usagi's intellect and Usagi says Rei probably never read the book ha ha so on and so forth tired old jokes are tired and old.

So help me god if I need to start a 'beastiality is awesome' counter...
Even Ami is like "this book is awesome". Shit even Chibi-usa is all into it. Makoto keeps looking at the book weirdly though, and that just kind of, uh, weirds me out? Cue title slide!

Cut to Makoto talking about how she knows the girl who wrote the book.

Hang on, she looks awfully familiar. Doesn't she play a part
in some other anime I'm watching, only she dyed her hair black?
Of course Usagi gets upset because Mako was totally keeping this a secret from everyone. She's all like 'humble brag!' and cats say things about Usagi basically being a terrible person. Then she reminisces about how Mako was always cheering the girl on and stuff and how the book holds a special place in her heart because in a way she helped be the driving force behind how it came to be in the first place.

Also, Diana is still hanging around, reminding us that she was not, in fact, a fever-induced hallucination we had after chugging half a bottle of Robitussin.

The whole point of this scene (besides establishing the character who knows the person about to be attacked) is that Makoto feels kind of bad that she never took the time to properly congratulate her friend since they kind of went their separate ways and stuff. Which means they are due for a reunion at the autographing taking place soon! Because y'know, that's totally a thing that will get them together again. Usagi and mini-brat convince her to go to the signing and they're all "yes we can cut lines and shit"

Cut to Baba Yaga getting pissy with his/her dudes doing jack shit and not doing anything. Also we get a little bit of a new footage this time (even though the entire arena is suspiciously empty now), and creepy bug lady-dude is like "fine, my fire-eyebat gave me this photo, get out there and do something about this girl OR ELSE."

Seriously though where is everyone else? Aren't they all like
always constantly performing or whatever?
So Tiger's Eye gets the photo, says he knows who she is and read her book and man, everyone has read this damn book about the stupid Pegasus. Anyways it's enough that maybe she might know a thing or whatever and so Tiger's Eye decides it's time to turn on his particular brand of charm again.

Now cut to all of the girls heading off to a signing, including all of the cats (for some reason), and Rei and Usagi once more get into a pissing contest about who is better than the other.

Even Ami can't believe the shit going down.
Rei explains why one truly needs three copies. One is for safe storage, one is to keep at home and look pretty, and the other is to show off to random people.


Yep. That's just. Yeah. No. That's not how. Hrnnngh.

Just. Argh.

Actually I'm not sure she has ever expressed this particular
side of her personality until now and we'll probably never
see it again.
Mako gets all nostalgic and stuff, and is all 'yo her place is like right around the corner' and goes running off. But when they round the corner, they see a crowd of people outside her house.

Also, we see the worst disguise is about to once again make an appearance because clearly, if at first you don't succeed... or twice... or three times... just keep doing it, it's sure to work at SOME point.

The only saving grace for this would be if the girls immediately
recognize him the moment he shows up. Because seriously.
They've fought him HOW MANY TIMES NOW!?
He shows up on the scene (opposite the girls) and he winds up starting a fight with the various publishers camping outside of her place. Then Mako shows up and is like 'what's the deal' and some dude is all 'girl bounced and owes us stuff' and she's like 'wow this sounds bad'. Mako goes running off all angry and stuff, and heads off to some bridge where a girl sits under a lone tree. Who is crying.

The other girls tag along and watch as Mako gives the girl a dressing down for not doing that thing she loves to do, and she's all like "man writer's block, it's a thing man" and gets all weepy some more.

Also, Tomoko is literally one letter away from being a
pseudonym for Makoto.
Girl's issue is that she totally can't write anything better than that last book and is never going to write anything better and just can't deal so hard that she up and runs off because feelings. But of course, Tiger's Eye is waiting in the grass, watching. Like some kind of, um, ferocious animal or whatever.

So very, very ferocious.
So now Makoto and Team Princess (and princess cats) are at the clearly-closed fruit parlor where Makoto is staring into the night sky and their friend is like 'we uh, we totally closed like an hour ago and uh, I really need to go home at some point?'

Switch to Makoto wondering what happened and drifting into a flashback about how boys used to teams Tomoko about writing things because I guess guys in Japan are total dicks to girls for some reason. Wasn't that supposed to be the job of girls? I could swear guys didn't pick on girls over there because they respect them too much? Ah whatever.

Makoto chases them off, turns out they've just met and stuff and they've totally be in the same class but Makoto is dumb but then she reads a thing and is like 'man this is kinda cool' and Tomoko is embarrassed and Makoto forces her to let her read it and eventually says it's a pretty cool thing, and she's not the kind of person who reads books.

Makoto says she wants to read more when she writes more and walks off into the commercial break.

I like when transitions like that are so easy to make, they amuse me so.

We come back to exciting soccer action, and Tomoko looking at some boy playing soccer while Makoto comes and assaults her with cold juice and assertions about glasses-girl's tastes. Also, she could never ask him out because he's popular and she's a nerrrrrd. But Makoto is like "get that thing I read published and he's sure to like you" and the flashback ends and we find Chibi-usa is missing. Oh noes.

Then Tomoko cries into teh night and goes to a signing session, and sees that dude she liked with some other girl and freaks out mid-signing. Or is that just a dream? WHO KNOWS. Because we cut back to the crying at night and Chibi-usa screams outside of her window because Chibi-usa.

So she goes to see what the deal is, and for some reason doesn't think to immediately call the cops.

Seriously. It's the middle of the goddamn night. A child
is unattended, and yells about seeing a mythical creature.
She just kind of stands there, listening as this child screams into the night about some insane story, all while being ridden by a kitten like some sort of steed.

Diana, constantly reminding us that she exists.
Then she says that because they share the same dream she wants to read more stories, and Tomoko just closes the curtains and resumes freaking the f**k out.

But then the other girls show up and Makoto gets to the yelling bit about how Tomoko is a wimp and needs to just get her shit together.

Mako makes the case that Tomoko's dreams aren't just hers anymore and she has a responsibility and that makes her come back to the window to open it up just as, well, this happens.

How the actual f**k dude?
First of all, he breaks into her house. Second of all, he does it in a disguise thinking that will somehow not alert her to the fact that you have broken into her house! Thirdly, WHO THE F**K DO YOU EVEN THINK YOU ARE GONNA FOOL WITH THIS THING?! LIKE, WHAT THE HELL.

She doesn't seem to be too alarmed though. Not even when he introduces himself as 'her new editor'.

Wouldn't it have just been more prudent to, y'know. Straight up attack her? Because that seems to work better in the past as opposed to BREAKING INTO SOMEONE'S HOUSE QUITE ILLEGALLY TO INTRODUCE YOURSELF WHEN YOU ARE JUST GOING TO ATTACK HER THIRTY SECONDS AFTER MEETING HER IN THE FIRST PLACE.

She says she's never heard of him, and he... just gets even more bizarre.

I... I honestly... what are you even trying to establish?
This makes no goddamn sense at all. Seducing her isn't going to help you at all, especially not when you could (and will) just attack her like right the f**k now. You're playing a long game, which would make sense if you needed to get her alone. Except she BASICALLY ALREADY IS AS FAR AS YOU ARE CONCERNED. SO WHAT IS THE F***ING POINT OF THIS.


Cue transformation sequence because Jupiter needs to shine for an episode since this is clearly her focus episode. Also those other two girls I guess, whatever nobody cares about them right?

Anyway she goes out to the balcony, he does a thing with her, and she screams and her dream mirror comes out and Jupiter  lightning's him to stop him from doing a thing.

I do want to point out how awesome it is that his ridiculous
attack actually impacts the environment. This is kind of cool.
Once again, I love what they've done with the villains for the most part. They're goofy, and ridiculous, and as such everything they do is just kind of ridiculous. But they're still incredibly inconsistent at times. Like now.

Also, this is the stupidest thing so far. He didn't really pretend
so much as he just said some random shit before attacking.
Blah blah love and justice blah blah punish by the light of the moon you know the drill.

Time for the monster to sh-

... what.
I'm. What?
Okay. I. I cannot even right now.
I'm trying very, very hard to remain positive right now show. But I think I was absolutely right when I said you had a shark to jump this episode. Because this? This doesn't even make any sense.

I mean, surely you could have come up with something more relevant to the struggles the victim was facing, right? ANYTHING better than this. You are seven episodes into the fourth season of your show. You CANNOT be phoning this shit in so early. You just can't. But you ARE.

Why is bondage so common in this show?
So her hair turns into chains which wrap around the girls and tie them together, and Jupiter tries to do a lightning thing because that's her thing.

Which has disastrous consequences even though it clearly
SHOULDN'T but it does anyways.
So congratulations, once again a Sailor Scout proves to be ultimately useless when they aren't the main character. Good going.

This gives Tiger's Eye the time he needs to take a peek around, not find what he's looking for, and get bored.

Then the monster sets a bomb, says "yep you got two minutes lol" and throws it to the girls and laughs while she just does nothing.

But then Tuxedo Mask shows up to break the chains with a rose because he's got some shit to say about this shit.

I have an entire Internet which would disagree with you, sir.
Oh good. What a rousing speech.
Then Jupiter throws the bomb at the monster, it explodes, she hits the ground and a little girl rings a bell so a thing can appear and the other girl can do her thing.

Also, Tomoko wakes up in time to see the real Pegasus, and nobody has yet put together the fact that the little girl is totally summoning the horse to the scene and he's not hiding anywhere else.

This would normally amuse me, but at this point, the whole
thing has just gotten as stale as week-old bread.
Pegasus shows up, bestows the magical riding crop on Sailor Moon, and she does her thing, and the monster is all 'oh noooo' and dies the end.

Then dude leaves, Tomoko is declared safe, and tripping on some serious acid when she tells her best friend she totally saw a mythical creature born of Lisa Frank's nightmares, but somehow doesn't notice the fact that the three girls who saved her are STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER. Or the fact that HER OLD BEST FRIEND IS A MAGICAL GIRL.

Oh yeah and speaking of magic she is now immediately cured
of her terrible writing affliction despite the fact that her
entire problem had little to do with actually not having inspiration.
So yeah, all that crippling self-doubt and loathing related to that dude never talking to you? All that crap about how you could never hope to top your last book? None of that matters because you are magically cured because it's the last thirty seconds of the show and we demand a happy ending. Hooray everything just works out because the writers say it must.

At least she takes some of Makoto's words to heart, and before she lets her pal go off, she asks if she'll read it. Of course Makoto will read it she is literally her number one fan. So she begins the new story, Pegasus Fantasy. Which is dedicated to her friend Makoto. The end.

... now hold on. If the first story is one about a girl and a magical horse falling in love... how the f**k is THAT not a Pegasus Fantasy? I don't even want to know how many shades of gray are going into this one. Because I'm disturbed enough as it is.

Also, part of me knows that this is actually foreshadowing of something else that's going to happen later. WHICH IS EVEN MORE DISTURBING.


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