Sure, there's some stuff I'll miss dearly, like the digital clock I had on the desktop. Man that thing looked nice. I do like how everything just works a lot faster though. Or how I don't have to wait three minutes to use my mouse after waking the computer from it's slumber. That's always a swell bonus.
Why am I going on about this? Well, other than the fact that, y'know, this is kind of my blog and I can say what I want, I also wanted to point out just what a nice sort of guy I can be. Because amidst all the screams of anguish and cries of rage, it can be pretty easy to forget that I am, at heart, a pretty genuinely easy-going sort of guy.
... yeah, it's time for some more Sailor Moon. Alright, play me in with your annoying alluring theme song that will never ever leave my brain no matter what and I am kind of okay with that but it's really just a shame that the show cannot live up to your incredibly amazing potential theme song that will never ever change and OH GOD WHY AM I RAMBLING ALREADY START THE SHOW QUICK.
Today's episode is all about colds. And everybody being sick with one. And it being the fault of, yeah, you already know the answer. It's those evil dudes running around. Great.
But when the episode does start, it's at the shopping district around what I can only guess is Christmas time, what with all the decorations abound and people wearing flu masks. Because I geuss they're having a super nasty flu virus going around. How bad? Well, it's closed several schools so-
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Oh god damn it. |
So after laughing about how all these stupid humans should just get sick already, Mina happens to be wandering around town talking to herself about how everyone... is getting a cold. Even though it is clearly the flu. Whatever...
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Yes because you are so good at the whole 'love' thing. |
I mean, come on. They're not fitting to any of their conventions at this point. They're not even making title slides that make sense. That is literally just a bunch of words strung together.
... let's continue before my head flies out the window from all the shaking back and forth in shame it is doing.
We discover that even Rei and Makoto are sick, though Mako is not so bad off, but isn't going to be doing anything too exciting. She also reveals that hey, even Usagi and Ami are down. The only one still up and about...
![]() | the only person more abusive towards cats than even the title character for the show. |
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As evidenced by the other two lumps on his skull. |
After about thirty seconds of buildup, we get to see what that porridge is like.
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I guess she can't tell the difference between a teaspoon and a tablespoon. Or a spoon and an entire box of salt. Who's counting?
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That just doesn't even cover it. |
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Oh hey look at that clever little segue set-up. |
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How this is even possible I just... |
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You mean from you, right? |
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Seriously how do you even. |
Just as Usagi is wishing that someone would show up to play with Chibi-usa and keep her busy, guess who shows up?
Oh yeah. It's Minako. All dramatic and shit and ripping off of Tuxedo Mask and somehow leaping like, fifteen feet into the air while she's at it. Isn't anime great sometimes?
Ah but Usagi, she is a master of this whole getting other people to do things for her thing. She knows that she needs to keep this girl as far away from her as possible, so she asks her friend to babysit the kid, and then plays up on her illness. Why, don't worry, it's almost gone, she means it, she just needs some rest and boy wouldn't it be swell if you'd just take this kid off my hands so I don't have to deal with her for an entire day.
The plan works, and finally Usagi is able to get some peaceful rest. Even Luna is sick, much to Artemis' distress. That is, until something far more distressing appears.
Yes. Their horrible powers combine, and together, they are...
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They are the worst thing that could ever happen to a person. |
I do not have high hopes for the rest of this episode. I really do not.
So it doesn't take very long before Minako literally throws the damn thing out a window. Breaking the window. Letting the cold in. And yeah. Even Chibi-usa realizes she is suddenly in some super deep shit. So what does Usagi plan to do in order to keep her from being fed horrible porridge or subjected to eardrum-shattering music? Why, redirect them to check on her mother instead! That'll do the trick.
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This is literally the entire episode isn't it oh god. |
After the break we get to see that dream sequence where Usagi is spending Christmas with Mamoru over a candlelit dinner, and then suddenly as they are about to kiss GIANT AMI APPEARS TO REMIND THEM THEY ARE TOTALLY IN JUNIOR HIGH AND THIS CONSTITUTES AS A BAD TOUCH BECAUSE BRO IS IN COLLEGE AND THAT IS SOME SUPER SICK SHIT MAN.
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I wholeheartedly agree with Giant Rei. |
Well, I've heard worse explanations I guess. I'll give it a pass. This is what we call "character development".
That is, until Chibi-usa wakes up and we veer totally into uncharted territory.
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What the f**k are you talking about. |
... yeah that really doesn't seem logical to me at all. Especially not the part where you take an eight-year-old to go with you.
So now that we cut over to the hospital, we get to see that it has been completely overtaken by the evil... evilness, and our monster of the day's name is Pharmakon.
God I wish I was joking about this.
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On the bright side, at least Esmeraude is fashionable as hell. |
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Pink boa? Different glasses? WHAT IS GOING ON. |
I guess they are here to get medicine, though you don't normally go to the hospital for that, right? You go to a pharmacy? Which would honestly make more sense? Oh who am I kidding, trying to make sense of this mess at this point is the dumbest thing I could try to be doing. So Chibi-usa goes running around to see if she can find someone, and Esmeraude after what I can only assume is ANOTHER fashion makeover is about as confused as I am.
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Seriously how many times are you gonna change outfits today. |
All of the girls realize what's up and about to go down, but Venus is the closest so she's the only one who'll get a transformation sequence.
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Sadly one of the most badass designs to come out of this show for awhile. |
I mean my god. What if the show had centered around her? Hell, she even manages to bullshit her way through Esmeraude's complete lack of understanding of the situation, and plays this off as her having known about her super evil plan that you totally just told her and she didn't know five seconds ago but now she does as having been a thing that she really knew the entire time! My god, she is so much more competent a heroine than Sailor Moon EVER was. Why is she NOT THE MAIN CHARACTER?!
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Yeah but it's kinda badass how she makes the villain lose their shit like that because god can she lie. |
Come on have you ever watched this show before? You know how this shit works.
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You should have been expecting this all along. |
It's not like self-preservation means anything, I mean you are just a monster of the day. Your health benefits won't be kicking in before your untimely demise anyways. So, y'know. Might as well just sit around and wait for the end, right?
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Holy crap did he actually say that he LOVES her?! |
My god. Is the universe coming to an end? Are pigs starting to fly? Holy crap.
But this is enough to give her the strength to summon up the last of that stock footage so she can do the spinny twirly dancing thing and get rid of this monster for good. You know, the one that's just been standing there this entire time. The monster turned to dust, they all turn to their friend who is quite the person in need right now.
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She looks way too happy about this. |
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You know. Because opposite sides and all that. |
While far from the worst episode to date? My god, it definitely wins awards for worst writing. It's nice to see what the show could have been like if someone slightly more competent would have been in charge of things, but holy crap. This episode just falls apart at the seams as soon as you get the ball rolling. It's got some pretty neat things in it, but it doesn't cover the gaping plot holes the size of texas-shaped asteroids.
On the plus side? At least this episode isn't teaching children questionable morals, or providing a terrible role model to follow. Because as a whole? Mina actually makes a decent one.
Unlike Usagi.
I would like this show a whole lot more if it were only this bad on a regular basis.
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