Actually, that's a bold-faced lie. I know exactly what they could do to make it even more horrible. And what they will do. So I should take back my original statement and try saying it a different way: I don't know what this show can do to legitimately surprise me and thus make the show sink to even further levels of "WWYDT".
And with every passing episode, I shudder to think that we are inching ever closer to the big 'twist' that is coming up.
Oh god. If I keep thinking about it too hard I'm gonna hurl. Let's just get on with it already.
So what angle are they going to hit us from this time? Are the evil people going to take over a laundromat or something? They've already done cake store, ice cream stall, freaking cosmetics store, what else can they make evil?
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F**k. You. F**K. YOU. |
I haven't even watched this episode and already it's right up there alongside that episode where Ali and En were going after little kids. Yeah. As if little kids weren't bad enough? Now they have to bring the pound animals into it. Abandoned dogs and cats.
F**k you. F**k you with something long, and hard, and sandpapery. F**k you.
"In the name of the humane society, Sailor Moon will punish you!"
An actual quote. An actual. Freaking. Quote.
I'm trying to decide. Would PETA be for or against this episode? And would it be a good thing or bad thing? Because if there is one thing I've learned over the Internet, it's that those assholes are crazy as shit.
Possibly crazier than me? Now that's a debate for another day.
The episode begins in a kitchen, and Artemis getting chased out of it for being a "thieving cat". Stop me if you've seen a movie similar to this before.
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Italian restaurants in Japan have sure gone downhill. |
Anyway he winds up on Usagi's bed, talking to the one that really wears the pants in their relationship: Luna.
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Admittedly, I suppose this is an okay reason. Sort of. |
... I'm sure 'baka neko' sounds better in Japanese but... really? That's the best you guys could come up with?
Anyway a giant laundry monster is making their way down the hall just outside of the room.
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This just makes me giggle for all of the wrong reasons. I mean look at those eyes. The sheer size of them. There is no reason whatsoever this should be taken serious. |
... that sounded better in my head shut up. You're just mad you didn't think of it first.
They immediately cut back to the girls and the cats and one of them apologizing to the one with a bump and... ugh.
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The thing that looks like a moon is not the thing you are referring to, you stupid brat. |
To be fair though? When has he ever done anything important? I'm pretty sure the answer is never. Which just about holds true for Luna as well.
Then Usagi and Luna are suddenly outside looking for him, and the moron is all "I'm totally gonna make this all right" and now Artemis is brooding on Mina's bed about the whole thing while she knits. And of course playing the role of the dumb blonde up even harder than Usagi herself. Oh and giving shitty pep talks about how he has to have the resolve to take one for the team every now and again. Which... makes him want to go out and do something awesome? Isn't this how most episodes of Jackass get made?
So off he rushes again, intent on doing something so awesome that Luna has to acknowledge him, and... somehow winds up getting stepped on by Usagi's elf-like feet.
No seriously these goddamn things are so elf-like you'd think they had Akira Toriyama drawing these feet.
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Somehow, her feet seem to have gotten smaller in those boots. |
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Atlas shrugged and went "damn I am doing it wrong look at how broad those things are shit". |
Off he runs again, totally vanishing, and winds up in an alleyway where he finds... four kittens in a box. Who are quickly picked up by some big guy in a trenchcoat and shitty car. So off Artemis goes to see what's going on, because this is finally his chance to shine! Why, if he can save those poor kittens from being rescued from a trash pile, people will surely laud him as a hero of sorts!
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Keep telling yourself that buddy. |
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Am I the only one thinking he looks kind of like the Gordon Fisherman or something? I mean wow. |
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You really are a moron though. |
... that sounds like a zoo not a pound what in the hell.
Oh and I guess people are laughing at her because she is simply dressed FAR TOO FABULOUSLY FOR THEM. Or something. I'm really not sure why they're laughing exactly.
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Is nonsensical laughing going to be a theme with this episode? |
Or rather Makoto sees it because Ami is too busy reading her... wait what.
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Your what? |
Oh, I see. She's trying to memorize a hundred every day. That makes much more sense. Thanks for clearing that up Ami!
Now there's a tree. With a squirrel inside, birds of all colors flying around, dogs and cats and rabbits and shit living in peace and harmony. Truly, this is a great animal kingdom of some sort. Then we get to see all the kennels, and that old guy dropping off the newcomers so they can be stuffed into cages. Progress!
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Yeah uh... you do know how this stuff really works, right guys? I mean, right? |
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Dogba. |
Anyway the droid quickly assumes the form of the nice lady but puts on a super mean face, and suddenly we get what you are most likely to actually encounter should you drop animals off at a humane society place. I know some great people tend to work there, but when you see people dropping animals off all day, it does kind of get to you after awhile. And frankly, some of these shelters don't exactly have the nicest people working there. Though they do try to get nice people.
Oh no all the animals have evil glowing red eyes now and... are walking... on their front legs? So evil.
Around this time Usagi and Luna hear about where Artemis has gone. In fact... all of the girls have suddenly. I guess everyone was having a party at Usagi's place for a change?
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I don't know why I just felt like sharing this image. |
Then again it's not as if anybody else has ever really exhibited a consistent display of great intellect so I guess that's about par for the course. at this point. She also says that Luna is the only one who can get him back, at this point, and she should, you know, try to make up for the fact that she is basically always a big ol' bitch all day erry day. Not quite Cartmann's mom level of bitchiness, but more like Cinderella's wicked step-mother level.
Oh and she goes on to say that there are alligators and giant snakes and... tigers? At that place? And that he might already be dead or something? Okay. I'm confused, and that confusion? It's not going to get any better.
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Once again we get to see all the peaceful trees and shit and Artemis running around and watching other animals, and deciding everything is fine when suddenly, the evil plan gets put into motion.
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... I guess your 'evil plan' involves entertaining children. |
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... I am quickly growing real sick of your shit Sailor Moon. |
"I came to take you..."
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That my friends is the face of someone who is immensely turned on by this turn of events. |
... wait. So you get mad when he tells you to go home, and you respond by... going home? When he is clearly in over his head?
Right. I keep forgetting intelligence is not a trait anyone here is associated with. Not even Ami. THE SMARTEST KID IN JAPAN. Luna goes walking off and Artemis tries to go follow, but then calls out to her that he'll see her again if he lives through this, and immediately jumps on an empty soda can and falls to the ground. they are really playing up this sudden klutz factor which will just vanish by the end of the episode.
Surrounded by animals, the entire crowd all tries to reach for the same payphone to call the police while squirrels eat through electrical cables like it's not a thing. And then Dogba shows up behind her animal minions. Awesome. Taking on her true form in front fo all the people, she twirls her electric whip around and snags someone and... I guess starts taking energy from them or something?
... right. The other girls show up outside the gates and see all the people running away, and oh boy who would have ever thought this plan could go wrong? Mina and Usagi transform of course, and head into the park because it's not like they really had anything better to do.
By the way, what happened to the other girls and Chibi-usa? Are they just suddenly no longer around? Because I thought you were all coming as a group or something? Was that not the thing you were supposed to be doing? Because I'm confused again.
So after whipping the last person, Artemis shows up and reveals that... there are more people to whip. Oh. Okay. He tries charging the crowd only to be taken down by the other cats before he can even get close really. No, not even cats. Kittens. Then he gets whipped a bit and surrounded by dogs and sheep and... dogs and sheep. Oh and a couple monkeys? Yeah. More whipping occurs but then Luna comes in to save the day, telling him to stop being an idiot and fighting so hard.
Though it's less fighting and more getting his ass kicked but now they are getting their asses kicked together so I guess that counts for something. Venus finally comes in with her chain thing and saves the cats, and tears up the whip, and they do their entrance. Wherein they tell Dogba that even if God and Buddha forgive her, they sure won't.
Wow. That is uh. That's some pretty heartfelt hatred there. I mean crap. If the big guy upstairs exonerated someone I'd be all "well damn if he says they're cool, who am I to argue saying I know better than God?" I mean damn dude, seriously. That is some seriously heavy stuff.
We get to see the full moon in the middle of daytime and then we're back to... evil inky blackness or something? And dogs and cats run around the girls and attempt to overtake them. Good thing those other girls finally show up. You know, the ones who don't get a transformation sequence despite bieng way better at kicking ass and blowing the f**k out of poor animals.
No seriously they blow them the hell up like crazy. Then victory dance over it.
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Whoa. Chill out there. |
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Oh so that's where all that hentai came from. Now I get it. |
Oh and that puppy pees on her again as she vanishes.
Now the girls are going to sit around and pet kittens and dogs and make reference to things that just will never die.
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She is really never letting that one go is she. |
Yeah, it's his fault he was randomly assaulted by a little girl's backpack when he was lying there minding his own business.
... the only idiots are the people who thought this recurring gag was going to be funny. Because most of the times they call him an idiot, it's not because of anything he had any control over whatsoever.
... the fact that there is an episode THIS BAD at this point in the series does not bode well for it at all. May the end come soon because if this show doesn't start improving fast? I know exactly what kind of grade it's gonna be getting.
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