Saturday, March 8, 2014

Pupa Episode 09 - Specimen

Oh look at this, me doing things relatively on time. Honestly the fact that I've been able to sit down and make as many of these things as I have been is probably kind of impressive, given the time it takes to do them.

Or maybe it's not I dunno. Whatever. Today I'm watching Pupa.

I cannot wait for this shit to finally be over so we can forget it ever happened in the first place.

Anybody remember the super dramatic twist from last episode? Yeah so some people came and collected a couple of monster kids. Ooh wow drama. How are they going to top that? By chaining a little girl to a chair.

Let's ignore the fact she could probably wriggle out of those.
They spend a good fifteen to twenty seconds focusing on just that shot. Because, you know. Animation budget, time constraints, all that fun stuff. Then the world goes black as she wonders where she is, and we get to see the world through the exciting blindfolded eyes of a girl tied to a chair.

We hear some walking around and a doctor asking for a scalpel and some screaming from her brother, and we get our title slide. Gee I wonder what's going to happen.

Oh boy it's time for some epic drama close-ups!
Then we head back over to see the somewhat horrified face of the sister listening to her brother scream as someone says another person should shut the boy up. I mean you're only probably carving him open while he is alive, I'm sure he's just overreacting. But there's not much they can do since anesthetics don't seem to work, since the 'virus negates it' no matter how much they give him.

Water drips on the floor and they talk about the pupa virus and extract bits from his body. Organs really, which regenerate as fast as they can remove them. They think it's kind of messed up.

But you know what the boy thinks is kind of messed up? This situation. That's actually kind of reasonable I guess. Want to know what's the best part of this scene? The visuals.

This must be the fourth time I've seen this image.
One of the doctors (I guess) corrects him and says this isn't kidnapping, its a quarantine. So that makes it acceptable. More dripping water (seriously third time already what is the point of this) and more screaming and a red butterfly floats past while the sister starts shaking and finally says something. But then her imagination goes wild and we get this craptacular image:

Should I be laughing or screaming? I'm so confuse.
It continues though. Oh does it continue.

Okay we should be laughing. Got it.
Then we see the world through a blindfold again and the doctors(?) try to comfort the boy by telling him that he will be making great contributions to the future of mankind. Oh and so will his sister so yay for helping humankind.

But he tries to fight back with words saying that they are totally enjoying this shit but frankly, he's strapped to a table. He can't exactly talk big or anything right now. Especially not when he is being threatened by giant white blotches!

I think he's holding a chainsaw. I'm really not sure though.
So the sister starts struggling and we see there are armed guards in the room with her, and she finally snaps and, uh, breaks the chains and somehow makes her blindfold vanish and attacks the guards with some tentacle... thingies.

End of episode!

Things we learned: If you keep using the same five images over and over while people talk, you can pad out anything. The end!

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