Shocking, I know. Even weirder? Sometimes they even talk back to me.
In this case, the topic of conversation came back to everyone's show about gay swimbros, and how I am practically about to straight up f***ing murder someone if SOMEBODY DOES NOT KISS ANOTHER MAN AT SOME POINT BEFORE THIS SHIT IS OVER WITH.
Seems that this is not an uncommon sentiment. Not even among other straight men such as myself.
Also, it seems that mostly guys are watching this show that is clearly aimed at the womenfolk? What the hell is up with that? I'm calling shenanigans.
But seriously someone better f***ing make out or something soon before I find something flammable.
We begin with the very thing that this show is all about: SWIMMING! Gasp. Not only that but that useless ass bastard is suddenly awesome.
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"Rin, don't make this any gayer than it has to be." |
To be fair though, at least he had to f***ing work for his fame, unlike every other asshole in this series. So while he might be annoying and pointless and generally a useless ass piece of dried armadillo turds, at least he earned what he's got now. More than I can say for everyone else, Rei included.
Seriously that dude.
So of course, carrot top is all super excited about this and totally wants to uh... pretend he's a lady or something? That's my best guess.
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He wants to plumb your secrets. |
Aww, how cute. He's trying to set the kid up for failure so that he will inevitably not fail. Is it too much for me to hope that maybe he does choke and fail at the end? It is? Fine.
Over at that other pool, the boys are swimming long into the night, and with Regionals next week, they are totally still practicing their hand-off times. Which, as their teacher points out, is kind of a risky thing, isn't it? I mean if you jump in before they touch the wall, they'll be disqualified.
Of course with that having been said, that's why they're doing all of this intense training, so be able to make the exchange virtually seamless, to truly be a team that is acting as one whole.
Oh and then some other dude shows up that we're maybe supposed to recognize? Maybe?
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In a show full of easily identifiable people, these two are the blandest characters I've seen so far. |
Finally our home team locks up their clubhouse by the pool, and Gou decides to let them know now that Nitori (who has finally attained named status within the show) is probably going to be on the relay team at Regionals. Oh how cute. Nagi is super happy about this, Rei gets jealous that Nagi is happy about seeing Nitori again, and Makoto hear's Sousuke get mentioned by nickname and has a PTSD flashback from that dude last episode talking about dude's shoulder.
Time for yet another Haru x Mako gazing longingly out at the sea on their way home.
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I seriously have to ask. How gay are you guys? Just. Please. Be a little more open with yourselves. It's killing me. |
Honestly this is probably the most delayed intro I've seen in anime for quite some time. Three and half minutes of blissful not throwing it in your face.
Oh, the show's back on? Welp, time to check back in with our amazeballs swimbros who are at their giant hotel, gawking at the hugeness of its sizetude. And screw you, everything I said in that last sentence were totally words.
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Cleverly recalling past events. I... can't even be mad at that. |
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Has not a single person in the last year and a half told her that her quotes are stupid and make no sense? |
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Boy what were the odds I would be staying in the same hotel as my sister. |
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Wow, I miss his brother. At least that dude was smooth. Also? Her brother is right behind you. |
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Seriously Japan, what the f**k. |
Haru only has eyes for Sousuke this entire time who looks at nobody, and then we cut to our homeboys getting their grub on at a restaurant. They're even told that, since their teacher is footing the bill they can order whatever they want.
Of course Haru wants the mackerel. But hey, guess who else is suddenly making an appearance out of nowhere?
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Oh it's this guy. |
Oh but hey is that Haru? Boy he's heard about that kid! Man is he an amazing swimbro.
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Not only does perspective in this scene make him seem shorter than Nagi, but could they make him look any more evil? |
Actually I'm not even sure he's got looks going for him, I mean have you seen that kid?
Sousuke seems to be rubbing his shoulder just a little bit more now, and after everyone is dismissed Rin is all "yo let's just swim and have fun and not regret anything tomorrow" and he is all like "yeah sure okay cool whatevs." They fistbump because they are bros, and oh hey let's see Mako in some intense showering action while Haru lies on his bed.
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You son of a bitch. |
It is fifteen seconds of them standing in an elevator, just... silent. Blinking occasionally. FIFTEEN SECONDS. Before the bellhop with all the towels goes to get off the elevator, and drops basically every towel on the cart, which is just the excuse we needed to have Sousuke reveal that oh no his shoulder is hurteded as he dives to stop the towels, and Haru standing there going "well son of a bitch."
Time for some more intense elevator riding action! Though at least they only make us wait five seconds before they begin talking about that shoulder which they totally shouldn't be talking about but hey since when is Haru a sensitive guy?
Haru reveals that he done saw the pink-haired dude the other day who told him about the injury. And Sousuke breaks character by acting all "OH GOD NO MY BIG SECRET".
As opposed to, I dunno, some dude who would be all "eh yeah whatever no big deal." I mean who really gives a f**k anyways?
But then Sousuke gets off on the second floor and demands that Haru not tell Rin. After all it's not like this is gonna affect the match in any way.
Leave it to Rin to find Mako, thankfully fully clothed, and kind of disappointed that he has nobody to make out with now.
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Much to Mako's disappointment as well, as you can clearly see based on his sheepish laughter. |
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This is going to spawn so many yaoi doujins. |
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Why does Rei look like he is so glad to not be pounded in the ass anymore? Because seriously, that is clearly a look of SHAME upon his face. |
Oh but wait! Nagi has to drop his super happy act to deliver an ultimatum to Rin:
"WE WILL NOT LOSE TOMORROW." In a super serious "I will f***ing shank you in the pool if we lose" tone of voice.
Now we see Haru is out for a little run, thinking about all those people piling high hopes upon him. Suddenly, things get... weird. There's... lights, he's having coffee with all of his team members, but one at a time, they're talking about scouts will be watching and stuff... yeah this is some weird dream sequence. Even other people he barely knows are getting in on this, and it quickly becomes a regular nightmare.
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Oh damn this is way scarier than she usually is. |
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Super creepy swim mannequins even. |
Haru gets ready to dive in, and discovers now that he is all alone. Except for the creepy scout and then he Inceptions into the pool and WAKES UP IN BED. Man what a dream. Mako's still out like a baby, but man he is rattled by this.
Time to pan over the pool they're about to swim in while Mako asks Haru what's up.
Oh and some other pointless ancillary characters show up too I guess.
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Seriously do any of those three other than the middle one have a name? Or lines??? |
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I really have no idea why this is important to anything at all. |
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This has so many opportunities for penis jokes. Such as, "Now I know what to do with Rin's sister!" |
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He too knows what it is like to be replaced by someone else. |
Time for the singles swimming, starring Mako who is either too close or too far away to really make anything out. Swimming happens, cheering happens, and Haru is dispassionate about the whole thing. Mako winds up coming out in fourth, and they're all like "well damn this is actually more competitive than we thought it would be."
Still, 4th place is damn amazing, but not enough to make it to finals. So Rin and Haru finally get to have that talk that's been bothering him, and Haru just doesn't feel like talking about it and gets left behind at the insistence they will talk after the race.
Time for Rin's race, while everyone watches, and cheers, and stuff. Rin is super amazing, of course, and has way more budget for his race than Mako's. Rin clocks in at number one, and is just straight up f***ing awesome. Haru's turn! He's probably going to choke, since he remembers his nightmare. His race is less than impressive, and he feels like the water is fighting against him. Quite literally, in a way that is actually pretty damn awesome.
He just stops midway through, and gives up to everyone's shock. Dude just isn't feeling it right now.
Way to throw the race asshole. Rin is super pissed off, and confronts him in the locker room. What the hell was he thinking, with all of those eyes watching him? This was a super important match!
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Dun dun... duuuun? |
So basically, you volunteered to take part in a super important match for your school, and then backed out at the last moment because you just weren't feeling it.
I'd be pretty pissed off actually if I were his friends. It's one thing to piss away your future and all that, but to use your friends as your excuse for doing it? That is a f***ing dick move my friend.
Rin gets it, but doesn't really get it, and freaks out some more.
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You are never going to make out are you? |
Meanwhile, Sousuke cries in the shower because his shoulder hurts and the episode is fading into credits. I imagine fading out of existence is rather painful.
So to recap: Haru is a dick, Nagi is poking Rei in the butt, and Rin and Sousuke are secretly fragile maidens.
... you have four episodes to have SOMEBODY MAKE OUT IN THIS SHIT. DO NOT DISAPPOINT ME.
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