Well, in case I didn't mention it, I used to live in Florida.
I'm not a very big fan of Florida. I mean yes, it does have some nice things going for it. But the one thing that gets me the most? No snow. I love me some snow. Snow is like, one of the best goddamn things ever. I. Love. Snow.
So now, here I am, two years later, at the end of November, living in the literal heart of f***ing America, and what do I get?
Sixty degree temps and rain blowing sideways at two in the god damned morning.
I guess that's a perfect terrible segue for Sailor Moon. OR IS IT?
Yeah so I guess today's episode has some kind of swimsuit competition in it. Which makes my story there all that much more hilarious because I totally had no freaking clue when I started writing this thing. (Full disclosure: I just start writing and then start watching, it's kind of an amazing process like that.)
Blah blah Mimet comes and ruins everyone's days okay great thanks for telling us what to expect. Roll the intro so the pain train can be under way.
A hundred and fourteen episodes in, if you aren't singing this stupid theme in your sleep, you are some kind of monster. Just putting that out there. YOU HAVE HEARD THIS SONG AN AWFUL LOT. I HAVE HEARD THIS SONG AN AWFUL LOT. IT WAS CATCHY BEFORE I STARTED THIS SHOW AND NOW IT WILL NEVER EVER LEAVE MY BRAIN. EVER.
We begin this episode with what has become the new stock animation intro: a camera panning over the plethora of creepy dolls. At least they put a lot of effort into drawing all of these things, even if they just decided to make them basically unable to be seen by their audience with a lack of any real light source in the room.
Anyways blah blah possessed girl wants a pure heart to be complete. Yes girl who is not my daughter, I will get this thing for you my minions are hard at work etc etc let's check into the sewer lab down below, pointlessly passing by billions of pipes to- wait hold on a second.
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Something seems a little off here. Can't quite put my finger on it. |
Oh. Okay then. I'll just... keep watching quietly in that case.
We return to see that our favorite heroes are also watching this broadcast instead of studying at Rei's, and everyone is all "man how pathetic are those screaming losers" while Mina is all drooling over the eye candy. Who has time to chase after celebrities I mean come on. I'm sure an ex-celebrity has no time for any of that shit.
... this is gonna be painful to watch isn't it?
Say what's that? Artemis has something to say but is rudely cut off? Oh what's that, the hot guy on TV is announcing the co-star lead for his next film will be picked out of a live audition tomorrow? Boy this is all super useful information that Mina is casually noting in her notebook.
Super. Useful.
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Because what Japanese competition is complete without randomly declaring the need for swimsuits? |
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This really makes my head hurt. |
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... damn I miss Kaorinite already. |
She attempts to defend her position by saying, well, people with loads of Charisma are more likely to awaken the True Messiah.
... based on what evidence, exactly? Hell, shouldn't the professor know more about this shit than anyone else, given he has THE EVIL OVERLORD IN HIS F***ING HOUSE? If anybody would know what a pure heart is all about shouldn't it be her, and not these random hussies he has crawling in the sewers under his home?
Then Mimet falls to her knees and starts crying like a baby. Like Usagi used to cry about every little thing.
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"Is Gendo Ikari gonna have to slap a bitch?" |
Wait no that's not right is it? Wait, but it is. Because that's the goal you're all working towards right? Destruction of the world? So... yeah. Saying she has a bright future is kinda f***ed up don't you think?
Oh god and now they're doing the "OOOOHH OOOOOH OOH-OOOOH!" bullshit that comes up anytime Haruka and Michiru are in the same room together, or when someone who likes someone else shows up, or someone confesses to someone else or ANY TIME SOME LOVEY DOVEY BULLSHIT HAPPENS OUT OF NOWHERE. THIS IS NOT OKAY. I AM NOT OKAY WITH THIS.
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So... yeah I'm confused. Are... are you getting a rise reading a magazine about hot guys or something? I'm... not sure what's so funny.
I think I need an adult.
Oh thank god Ami is here to save us with math that makes no sense. Oh hey Mina is suddenly gone, how convenient for the plot that nobody noticed this. Artemis doesn't even know where she's at, but supposedly she came down with a sudden fever and a cold or something, and he puts two and two together. It makes four.
Yes. It definitely adds up to four. This much he is sure of.
Time to check in at the place where that competition is, and Mina is totally signing up for the contest just so she can catch a glimpse of him. Oh but he's not showing up today, because of reasons, but he'll be a guest in tomorrow's second round. Mimet shows up from behind Mina however, and is even more upset than SUPER FAN MINA.
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I love how Mina is all "YOU BITCH." |
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Come on guys stop pulling this "everyone is a dumbshit" card. |
... why are you... you're both clearly... oh forget it. My skull is throbbing from the stupid.
Time to see Mina in a swimsuit. Again. Competing or something. Oh there might be a kissing scene in the movie? She's fine with that. In a weirdly creepy way.
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Do you even *have* parents? I mean, where were they while you were running around Europe fighting crime with the UN? |
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Whoa dude, just seconds ago she said she was in 9th grade. |
Her response is less than dignified.
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Mina, you're.... you're not helping. |
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I think Mina just insinuated dude has a tiny dick, and the lady he's sitting beside knows he has one. |
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.... Rei, is that you?? |
Afterwards, we head down into the LOCKER ROOM OF EVIL. Where Mimet comes back and drops her bag, wondering what she should do if she manages to make it into the next round. Why, she's a good looking girl why wouldn't she b-
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Uh, hold on, what? |
Then she goes into a dream sequence with crowds calling her name, and oh hey it's the Professor how nice of him to show up to the rally for her awesome new caree-
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Nothing to worry about, it's just the massive line of coke she snorted on her way back to the lab, nothing major. |
She seems to be suddenly conflicted between WANTING TO DESTROY THE F***ING WORLD and becoming a movie star.
Why is this even a thing? I get that they want to try to portray their villains as people, which I get and is good, but... you've been working this entire time to destroy the f***ing world! You can't desire to end the world and usher in an era of evil icky darkness and be all "oh but it'd be nice to be a movie star!" THOSE TWO THINGS. THEY DO NOT WORK. THEY ARE QUITE CONTRADICTORY. YOU DO NOT GET TO BE THIS WISHY-WASHY WHEN ATTEMPTING TO END THE F***ING PLANET.
At least with last season's villains, they were absolutely dedicated to their cause, believing it was the only way to go. Sure they were misguided but at least they weren't this level of batshit insane. I mean, okay so they were kind of crazy but even so what in the actual f**k is this crap? The previous villains can be explained as being somewhat misguided - they didn't really understand that their actions were necessarily wrong, or on some level at least understood what they were working towards, and were just trying to enjoy life to its fullest while they still could.
But Mimet? Holy mother of shit is she just f***ing delusional on a level that is up to now completely unseen. It's like with every passing lineup, the bad guys just get more and more unhinged.
... I can't believe I'm already missing the Phantom Sisters. They were a poor substitute for the original big bad four... and they made me miss Ali and En.
Good god.
Good god it's all becoming clear to me now. People love this show because of Stockholme Syndrome. And PTSD. By constantly subjecting people to something worse than the last, it forces them to consider "hey by comparison those last guys weren't so bad" and makes them harken back to a time when the villains made more sense, ignoring the fact that, in reality, they really made no goddamned sense at all.
I'm scared, mommy. What am I becoming? And what will I become when I finally reach the end of this long road?
So after not even five seconds of considering her options with her knees tucked into her face, Mimet decides, eh, screw the evil organization, she's quitting to become.... AN ACTORESS.
And yes. I mean ACTORESS. It's more dramatic than mere actress. Anyone can be an actress, but AN ACTORESS, that's something else entirely. ITS CLASSIER OR SOME SHIT DAMN IT.
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It's really too much to hope she dies right now isn't it? |
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Okay show. This is clever. I'll give you that. |
Then the not-Rei walks on stage to be judged, and Artemis asks Mina what she'll do if she gets picked to be in this movie.
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What the f**k did you call Sailor V?! |
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So long as you can put in the minimum amount of effort you possibly can am I right? |
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What in the hell is going on? |
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It's called subtext people! |
But it's all cool with him because "... even if you forget about me, the feelings you felt for me will remain."
What in the hell is that supposed to mean?!
So he talks about how as she grows up she'll learn what "real love" is and move on, but... what in the actual hell? I get by the subtext that he's supposed to be coming off as endearing or something, but... what he's saying just doesn't match the reality at all.
It's less comforting, more condescending, and reeks of "you will totally sleep with me later and it will be bitchin'."
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Who the hell does this guy think he is, Morgan Freeman? Liam Neeson? Sean Connery? Patrick Stewart? |
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This contest is stupid and rigged. And stupid. |
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Oh god it's a signing microphone. |
.... it shoots purple star-outlines in case you were wondering.
... So she named her signature attack after the group that she's with. The Death Busters.
*sigh* goddamnit it anime.
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Or the sheer stupidity of all this. |
Then Mina runs off to backstage, transforms just out of sight of everyone, gets an actual transformation sequence to... is that a new song? And now she is going to get her OWN speech about how wrong it is to have done what Mimet has done.
Good god! But Mimet claims she wasn't pretending. She's just.... misunderstood. Yeah, that's the word.
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Don't you mean Witches 4? Was that not you who put up the new sign on the door? That seems your speed after all. |
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She's gotta be tripping balls, it's the ONLY explanation at this point. |
So uh... time for... Sailor Moon... to do a thing... I guess? Even they are like "Uh... maybe you should Grail Time?" So she Grail Times and then Super Grail Heart Times, without the monster even doing anything.
... god what was even the point? She remembers the lyrics but it's too late, because the heart smashes her in the face and she turns back into a shitty microphone, and Mimet without a pure heart.
Oh and some other characters are just hanging out I guess.
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Why are you even here? You are adding nothing! |
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"That is..." "... the stupidest damn thing I've heard." Yeah. I know. I KNOW. |
... but wait wasn't she in Europe chasing villains with the UN two years ago or did I miss something again?
So a heart is returned, and Mimet shows up empty-handed crying about how she's frustrated, and the professor gets a little bit rapey.
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Does this count as a Bad Touch? I feel it should. |
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Y'know, these are definitely the worst episodes by far. Kaorinite was dumb, sure, but at least that was a dumb kind of fun. But this shit? This is just pure insanity working here, in that it makes little to no sense. Even by this show's own incredibly low standards.
This whole thing just went straight to hell, and I don't think it's for any of the reasons they were intending it to. How did this get another two full seasons again?
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