I'd blame Dog Days' for that, but the more likely culprit was the dread which filled me when I realized I would have to be watching this show again.
Furthermore, I categorically deny that I was playing Heroes of the Storm instead of watching this tripe. Which is a game I think I hate with a burning passion. Not entirely sure if that's the case yet though.
... why do I hate myself so much?
Oh boy, it's time for that Gunparade show thing again, so roll the intro so I can get some sleep.
Seriously this show feels like some student project thrown together over the course of nine weeks. It was like "hey we can make the animooz" and then they went "YEAH LOOK WE MADE THE ANIMOOZ" and the teachers just shake their heads and go 'okay guys seriously you realize this looks like shit?' BUT WHO CARES BECAUSE WE CAN MAKE THE ANIMES.
Anyways the episode begins with some dude fueling his car. Oh and looking at dat ass because, well, we know our... audience?
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When this is the first thing your show cuts to after establishing the scene, this is not a sign of good quality friends. |
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Oh look it's new girl and... uh... whoever that is. |
I mean you're not even at school right now!
Anyways new girl is all 'don't worry I took care of the teachers and we need to have some fun during summer vacation so let's get some juice and get hit on by shitty looking dudes who totally aren't just expy's for the creators to mack on us.'
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Oh look it's our friends Gary and Stu. Or Marty and Stu. Take your pick really. Maury and Stu? Eh, whatever. |
It's at this point, I realize this isn't the new girl. I think? It must be someone else. Hell if I can keep track of whoever these f***ing characters are. We are supposed to know who this chick is, right? I'm assuming so given that we've spent a few minutes of the show following their little adventure so far.
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Five bucks says she steals the damn car. |
Again, I have no clue who they are supposed to be. I've lost track. Anyways the boys ask if they can ride in her car for some reason that I just can't comprehend and then she goes 'well it's a bit big'.
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You have to wonder if she's compensating for something. |
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This is seriously such an amazing translation. |
So while I take a short break to look at some things on the Internet (as I am known to do during bad anime binges), I get curious and decide to see who in the name of god was in charge of this travesty. The fruits of my research? Katsushi Sakurabi. Supposedly he's been a director for almost 20 years now, though his project list is amazingly sparse, all things considered. What is interesting to note is that only two series are actually known to me outside of Gunparade March: Revolutionary Girl Utena (of which he only did six episodes), and Love Hina, which only saw him as director for one.
Now, looking beyond Wikipedia, we find that he's actually done a lot more stuff. Some shows include occasionally being director for A Certain Magical Index a couple of episodes, but for the most part, dude is either a storyboard artist, a storyboard guy, or a unit/episode director. If you're interested in seeing his full list, you can look at it here. Best part is you can even see what specific episodes he took part in!
Which leads me to believe that this is the guy you call in when absolutely everything has gone to hell and you have nobody left to fill the gap. Because he seems like a decent enough artist, but as a director? This is questionable at best.
Anyways, now that I have wasted enough of your time with this nonsense...
We see the truck rolling down the street heading all the way back to the school in broad daylight, and they finally arrive presumably, but the artists are too busy showing us the AMAZING WORLD OF FUTURE TECHNOLOGY.
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I had no idea top-loading VHS players existed. I seriously thought this was a Betamax for a second there. Until I googled it of course. |
So some boys are watching an infomercial on the amazing new technology being provided by Sibamura Group.
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Such future, much graphics. |
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I don't give a shit about contrails it looks like he is throwing that goddamn missile YOU CANNOT TAK THAT AWAY FROM ME. |
Then shock and amazement, they have a new machine now. The girls talk about how they need to check over it and all that, and my favorite girl is left to do all of the important stuff. So who is going to pilot this thing anyways? Ah well whatever they'll figure it out. But first, more important things! Like inviting other people to go party. Or... participate in a... contest? I'm not sure what I am looking at here.
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What am I looking at here? A duty roster? A lotto? Context please!! |
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Eh, I'd still date it. |
Which is class time, and they talk about the new double seat system. Which is so totally exciting to everyone.
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So. Much. Enthusiasm. |
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*sigh* I'm kind of looking forward to better subs at this point. |
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Boy are people just super excited for this or what? |
Okay, so she 'turned off his power' so she could take total control of the machine.
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Actually no. It'd be nice if you could explain that. |
Time for more girl talk about the arrangements about the whole team for the new machine.
Upon the return, we see some images about how dropping f***ing nuclear bombs is BAD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT. Albeit completely necessary to FIGHT OFF ALIENS.
You're really breaking some new ground with this shit let me tell you.
So the teachers talk about how instead of using nukes they can just replace everything with this two-seater machine or whatever and everything will be awesome.
Anyways just as mainbro is about to walk in on them he hears the other dude teacher yelling about why mainbro and new girl were chosen for this machine. What is their deal anyways? Well it's because he gets a good feeling about them, and then Nono is like 'sup bro'. Then they go talk to teachers. So everyone sits down and has tea to talk about. Uh. Something?
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If he's smart, he's trying to ask how he can get out of his contract for doing this show. |
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Please die in a fire. Please. You are a monster who does not deserve life in this world. A monster disguised as a child. |
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I was serious about the training montage, by the way. |
This is truly the most exciting library visit. She takes three books, but the payoff, of course, doesn't take long to show up.
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The best part?
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It's an audiobook on making friends. |
Time for more training with two people. Begin. Machines running through fake town. Oh noes. Stomp stomp stomp so exciting. Repeating footage from earlier. Proceed along path determined by lady. Stop just short of running into a building and then apologize. Flashback to a tape telling you not to be a bitch and get mad at every little thing because DEALING WITH PEOPLE SO HARD.
Seriously, I'm not sure if the people who wrote this crap had any kind of idea of what people are actually like. Because even by Japan's standards, this is just... really terrible. Masters of storytelling indeed.
She lets his almost-mistake slide because TRYING NOT TO BE AN UPTIGHT BITCH. Let's keep moving along, and the teachers are like 'hey this is pretty cool'. Then monsters get in their range, and then a robot jumps into the air, lands in the middle of everything, and missiles everywhere. Maybe? Nope, because oh no, we have troops in the area can't just shoot blindly.
Then the monsters decide, 'eh, f**k it' and begin wandering off while mainbro keeps saying he totally can't fire on friendly forces and enemies at the same time. Which makes the girl angry again, and we see a flashback to when she took control earlier while hearing some sage wisdom from the tape again.
Or... maybe not a flashback? I honestly have no f***ing clue what just happened here. Did they fire the missiles? Did the monsters just wander off? I don't know.
Now we go to the pool at evening. New girl gets pissy with mainbro over why he didn't shoot, and he's like 'uh friendly fire is bad' and she's like 'okay seriously like what? Just fire when I tell you' and he says they are just the same or something. So he proposes that they... switch places I guess? That would actually make sense to me.
Then the cat wanders over, smiles as they yell at one another by the pool over montage music, and wanders off as books are returned and more blushing occurs. Or not blushing? I dunno. Junk food is also imbibed.
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What is the point of all this? |
After finally arriving at the end of today's episode, I have to ask myself.
What is the point of this show?
What the hell am I even watching?
And finally, who would ever call this the greatest show ever made?
Because my god. This show is f***ing terrible. I can hardly even mock it that's how bad this shit is.
But y'know what? No. This is not enough. I must dig deeper. There must be an explanation here. THERE MUST BE.
Gunparade March was based on a video game made in Japan. Came out in late 2000. Turns out it was pretty well received due to its 'creativity'. Best part? It was Sony-published, so of course it got plenty of marketing. This spawned a manga, which later got another manga, and a few years after the game hit shelves this turd of a show was released.
And the game's big claim to fame was that they used real locations for a lot of their stages and set locations.
Suddenly, this whole thing makes a lot more sense.
It's a shameless cash-in on the popularity of something.
But since we never got to see the game stateside, instead all we get is this shitty show.
I'm trying very, very hard to see the good in this, but it feels like it's making references to something I have no frame of reference for. Like it expects me to know what this setting is and all that, and I don't.
Not to mention, the show so far is f***ing boring as hell.
I hate you, Gunparade March.
I hate you so much.
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