Honestly, I'm fairly excited for the series coming out, because there's a lot of really good shows this season. Even glancing over the full list, there's really only one or two stinkers at best, and no matter how much I try to rail against Free!, let's just be honest with ourselves: It's still going to do really well.
So what am I going to be covering once this show is over? Well, I've certainly got no shortage of options, that's for sure. I have a list of craptacular anime half a mile long at this point. To that end, I've added a new poll asking for some suggestions. Take a click, tell me what you'd like.
That having been said, Master of Martial Hearts! Will this show get better? I seriously doubt it.
So like last time, they begin with the intro because they don't want us falling asleep. As such, they give us the option to just skip the first minute or two, so that if we come in late we will be forced to watch the entire thing. It's a clever ploy, but one that actually works.
God I hate this song. At least it's over. How do they begin the show? With a recap about all the crap you've seen. Blah blah she got beat up by her teacher, then beat up her teacher, and sent her to a hospital naked and stuff, the end. Have a title slide!
We are immediately treated to the thing the fans really want to see: Clothes being shredded with a wrench. Not joking, someone is throwing a wrench on a string, and shredding our hero's clothes with it. Literally within seconds of the show opening.
I'm torn between trying to figure out if this is an idiotic or ingenious way to start the show. I mean, on the one hand, it's horribly confusing because there wasn't a fight going on when the last episode ended, so just immediately jumping in to show us her getting attacked from close up is pretty much not doing us any favors. But on the other hand, it skips all that pesky setting up shit, and we can just find out who is attacking her later, or why, or when, or what circumstances led them to this situation in the first place.
Actually I think I just decided THIS IS STUPID.
So today's opponent is short-haired Nanoha.
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The resemblance is pretty uncanny, really. |
Seems this nameless assailant has some kind of beef with the girls because they are students. At least that's what I'm getting from it because she's asking if they've ever helped anyone else, or contributed to society. Isn't kind of asking a lot out of someone that young what they've done with their lives when you should consider that their lives have kinda just freaking begun? But hey, whatever. Go ahead and keep the hate train going. Get mad at them for walking around town talking the boys and having fun, even though that's clearly not a thing they've done. Or being pissy because they wear short skirts because, I dunno, that's kinda their school uniform?
... am I seriously sitting here pointing out every little inconsistency with this crazy lady? Of course I am. I'm crazy. She's crazy. You're crazy. We're all crazy around here.
Eventually she's all like "you brats would just use the wish on something dumb" and then Aya finally up and grabs the damn wrenches instead of being beat up all the time because now she has to go all hero mode. Meh.
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I guess you might say she's preparing to throw a wrench in- oh screw it, this show isn't worth that caliber of joke. |
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Using reason to form logical arguments? What manner of sorcery is this?! |
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Because f**k the physical laws, that's why. |
... two seconds later she punches her so hard in the jaw that her top explodes and her bra evacuates her body.
Let me repeat that.
She punches her in the jaw so hard that her top explodes and her bra flies off. I can only surmise the bra was thinking "naw f**k this dawg I'm out", unstrapped itself and let the straps themselves explode as it just up and flies away at the first available moment.
Then there's some fast-paced chain combos, and the girl falls to the ground and throws up enough blood to fill a bucket. Cue angry hero face and an evil grin. FADE TO BLACK. ENTER SCENE: HOSPITAL.
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Fight? Bothered? No, never. I mean she has new clothes and everything already. She's clearly okay with things. |
No idea how much time has passed between the fight with the teacher and now though, but long enough for them to have visited the hospital at least once since, given they talk about the last time they saw her. Go ahead and make your wish come true blah blah oh look her mom runs out of the hospital to reveal that the teacher is suddenly gone and nobody knows what's up.
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There's only one possible explanation: NINJA GHOST ALIENS. Because seriously... have you ever considered aliens? |
Aya leaves Moe Burger by herself and walks around wondering what she should do, until she eventually winds up sitting on her bed staring at her phone in her panties because that's what middle aged schoolgirls do. She considers the philosophical quandary of every fight containing someone's wish that is crushed by her selfish desire to win to find her friend, and how by pursuing her 'dream' she is making life harder for someone else.
Truly we are setting off in some uncharted waters that have totally been explored thoroughly by far better shows. Also, I'm not sure two episodes are enough to make me actually give a f**k about people they show in the intro but don't even give names for. Or give more than two minutes of screentime. I mean seriously, I'm supposed to give a shit? Please.
Natsume calls, but Aya is uninterested in talking, even though her friend keeps calling. I think they just wanted any excuse to have a shot linger on her panties because that's pretty much the caliber of this show. It's about tits and ass, and girls beating the shit out of each other. That's really it.
Eventually she gets fed up and answers the phone to tell her friend to leave her alone, but turns out it's Haruki. You know, that guy who lives with her? He's all "she wanted me to ask you to come by the pool for shenanigans tomorrow" and she's all "OH HELL YA" because she totally wants to dooooo him. Also something about Natsume making boxed lunches so she's totally gonna be there. For the food, clearly.
Now she's meeting Natsume... uh, somewhere. Where the hell are they, exactly? Some kind of weird apartment building with a giant clock outside? It doesn't look like a bus terminal that's for sure.
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Seriously where are you meeting your friend at. |
So they both say that they're sorry and agree to be more positive about all this shit and share a nice friendly hug.
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Not to nitpick but you're the one with your hands on her hips, not the other way around. |
So hurry up and get into the pool, and let's have fun. Why yes, fun is what she wants. But Team Rocket is waiting outside! Wait that's not right. Or is it?
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Well we've got Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy so... close enough? And that one in the middle totally looks like crossdressing James. |
Boobs! Hips! Full body shot with a smile! More boobs! More hips! Other bodyshot from the back! Girls sliding down water! Gee don't you just want to see them naked as they splash water on one another and let their boobs jiggle?
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This is guy code for "I have a massive boner right now". |
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Isn't that the thing you wanted? I'm confused. |
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Poolside Officer Jenny blows my freaking mind. |
This isn't even a subtle disguise. She's still wearing her officer cap! Clearly you aren't a lifeguard, why are you up there! Who makes a swimsuit like that? NOBODY! This isn't a swimsuit, this is a skanky officer uniform! Why does she have a tie?!
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Not in that outfit you're not. |
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I must question the authority of the state that clearly employs hookers to dispense their justice. |
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Congrats on summarizing the show in six words. |
Even though, y'know, she's kind of already been attacked so clearly it would be justifiable self defense?
Commercial break!
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I'm not sure how to feel about this one. Really, I'm not. |
... really now? Does f***ing EVERYTHING in this show gotta be either extending or on a string?
Also, do they really need to keep focusing on Aya's chest and ass all the time? We get it, we've already SEEN THEM BARE THERE IS NO SEXUAL TENSION WITH THAT.
So now the officer pulls out a baton and is all "man if you're this weak then you don't have what it takes to join us" but seriously, you're not really being very forthcoming to begin with, so you kind of have only yourself to blame here?
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Weren't you just talking shit about how she didn't have any skill or something? What is even. |
Yes, I get it, you're trying to goad your opponent into fighting you. Except that you're terrible at it and just pulling random statements out of your ass in the hopes she's dumb enough to be riled up. But really? You're probably just confusing her more. Oh wait now she's mad because you talked about porking the dude she doesn't wanna admit she want's to do. Greaat.
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No, that's not what you said at all. Do you listen to yourself? |
... uh, what?
You didn't even kick them or anything you just jump and they magically come undone? What?
What? Just... what?!
Then Aya's all "how dare you, you don't even have a boyfriend" and this echoes and has some kind of impact on her and it's clear what she is fighting for - a reason even worse than Miko's.
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Voldemort? Sauron? Gort Klaatu Barada Nikto? Gimme something to go with here I'm kinda lost! |
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They give us some close ups of their full body but who cares girls are fighting while they talk about Aya not fighting to her full potential. Then Officer Jenny uses her baton like a rapier, and just as Aya is about to knee her in the face so hard her, I dunno, everything explodes, she pulls back, letting her opponent just flinch.
Then Meowth, I mean, Female James, applauds and is all "that was good now we have an idea of what you can do thanks" and then offer to let her join them. Oh but she'll have to meet them at the harbor at 8 later that night, so have fun bye.
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I'm sticking with my Team Rocket theory. |
NIGHT TIME. THE HARBOR. PROBABLY EIGHT O'CLOCK OR SOMETHING. And Aya shows up wearing something that might be ridiculous I dunno. She demands to know what the hell this whole Platonic Heart thing is all about.
But of course Nurse Joy is all "well what we tell you depends on what your answer is."
Leave it to Lady James to pretty much blurt out that they work to the people who 'sponsor' Platonic Heart. Oh, and they refer to themselves as "Our side" or "from Headquarters".
... uhhh, that... uh...
Maybe you could have just said "we're basically the home office" or "we're the ones that send you text messages". That would've sounded a lot less pretentious, and less unoriginal. Because referring to yourselves as "our side" is just... it's f***ing idiotic!
So the deal is they want her to withdraw from Platonic Heart and start taking orders from the Home Office. Kinda like she does already. Except, y'know, not for a wish? Oh and don't worry because the jewels that she's collected already will go to some new person?
Kind of makes you wonder why they want her to give up. I mean, it almost sounds like they just don't want anybody to win this contest for some reason. Why, if she does well enough, maybe they'll grant her wish.
Or, y'know, she could just win the contest to get her wish, right?
But wait, there's more! If she also recruits people she'll get a hefty bonus! Wait hold on, this is sounding more and more like a pyramid scheme actually. I'm pretty sure that's how this works. Though there's only one thing that Aya wants to know: Will she be able to find Miko and that teacher who tried to kill her?
It takes them a moment to figure out who she's talking about before Officer Jenny laughs at how stupid she is.
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Except Miko didn't lose her challenge...? |
Obviously, this doesn't go over well with Aya, who shakes with rage, and decides she's sick of this shit.
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You could've been a little more forthcoming with the "join us or die" rhetoric, I mean geez. |
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Oh sure, you get a name but Mechanic Girl doesn't? God. |
They do another combo attack and I guess the nurse has EXTENDING GAUZE that wraps around her neck as Officer Jenny slaps her in the chin so hard it explodes the rest of her blouse.
I don't.... did they just watch Ikkitousen and decide "yeah we can do that" and totally ignore how physics is supposed to work!? You're supposed to hit the f***ing clothes when they explode! Not six inches in some other direction so that they explode in a manner that reveals some skin!
So Aya comes to the realization that she can't dodge all three attacks and decides she shouldn't even bother dodging. Then Lady James attacks her with... I dunno, a bag of marbles on a string? Seriously, everybody has some kind of extending or on-a-string weapon in this show. EVERYBODY! Except for her teacher but that doesn't really count because EVERYONE ELSE DOES.
Even the nurse has something. I have no clue what she's swinging around. A whip? Gauze? Hell if I know it's just A Thing at this point. But there's rock music playing and Aya swings so hard at Officer Jenny it shreds HER top even though her attack totally missed. At which point they clearly went "who cares BOOBIES!"
And kicks so hard the sheer momentum shreds her skirt.
This doesn't even look badass! It just looks like you are trying way too hard to look awesome!
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At least she's speaking like an actual badass... |
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Throwing hairpins too? What about your bag o' marbles?! |
But Officer Jenny runs off, and starts up a car and prepares to run over not just Aya, but also her sisters in a cop car. Not that Aya cares because she'll straight up Street Fighter that f***ing car, ripping through the frame and going right into what's-her-name's face. Which somehow doesn't kill her immediately.
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Though this probably will. |
Then the other two sisters go for a little skinny dip and Aya looks over the edge as parts of their outfits come floating to the top and sad piano plays.
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None of these things should be floating. NONE OF THEM. |
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We're just moving right up the pyramid aren't we? |
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This just went from Magical Wish-granting to straight-up Mafia-style extortion racket. |
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Yeah, so uh, hey. Just wanted to see your boobs. LOL! |
But seriously I'm pretty sure he just wanted to see her tits. Even though there were way better ways of doing that? But this also implicates his sister. EXTRA PLOT TWIIIIIIST.
Actually, I don't even care. Because this is all just stupid. So freaking stupid. Like, Ikkitousen had a more comprehensible story and that show was twice as long! This is just straight-up ridiculous. There's only two more episodes of this left? Boy, I can't wait to see how it ends!
... actually I could stand to wait but I guess I'll find out in two weeks regardless. Ugh.
I hate this f***ing show already.
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