... yeah I think that's about all I've really got for today. Seems like some people think I talk too much so I'll just try to keep this shit brief or whatever. Episode time.
According to today's Episode Preview, it would appear that girls may or may not be making out. Oh the horrors!
Oh and I guess Makoto gets attacked or something ROLL THE INTRO BOBBY.
We begin today's episode with BIKES. PEOPLE ON THEM RACING AROUND. And then a title slide. Boy that was... something. BUT NOW IT ACTUALLY STARTS with Makoto and that other idiot wandering around the shopping district, and Makoto promises to bring roast beef sammiches to the meeting tonight because man, roast beef. Then Usagi declares "I love you Makoto!" and it makes her look a little bit wistful.
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Oh man, all the feels already from this one expression... |
Seriously that doesn't take a lot of effort why would you tell someone they are an amazing cook when they promise sandwiches that's just weird.
Anyways Usagi tries to make her feel better by saying how she totally looks girly and shit and boy she's always thought she looked cute from the start and man, hit on your friend more why don't ya. I know, you're trying to make her feel better but you are kinda laying it on a little thick there.
As they cross the street, some asshole on a bike nearly runs them over, and totally stops just in time.
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Yet somehow, still manages to completely flub the save. |
Turns out this mystery biker isn't so mysterious at all. It's just Haruka who makes Makoto totally blush like crazy. Usagi is totally okay, but Makoto? Different story.
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This is not the appropriate reaction NOT AT ALL. |
Turns out Mako is bleeding a little bit due to a scrape she somehow got on the back of her hand, and apologizes profusely for this, even giving up her handkerchief to wrap around her hand. She seems definitely distressed by something, but Makoto? She's totally cool with this.
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Greaaat.... |
... good god lady. Just good. God.
Usagi waves goodbye and turns to her googly-eyed friend, snapping her out of her little reverie, just because.
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Way to be a killjoy, jerk. |
... that was kind of a leap. Also, just behind once-again-biking Haruka (who detects something is amiss but hasn't started moving yet) we see that Ami has joined the group power walk with pals. And already, we see Makoto turning into the Overly Attached Girlfriend. Who wants to know where Haruka lives. For... uh, reasons. Yeah. Reasons.
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That look of "Oh god what am I going to do with her address?" |
Target is confirmed, and seed is already deployed. Then a gust of wind blows and the handkerchief goes flying, so what happens next? Well it wanders into a small parking lot and then she finds it on the ground under a car. But as she reaches for it, the evil seed pushes the Stock Animation Possession button and enters the handkerchief, and immediately becomes a creeper of the Nth degree.
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There's not even anyone around why would you need to shove her off-screen Ami? That doesn't even make sense.
We're treated to the full kit and kaboodle too, since there's really only two of them that need the sequence this episode, as Makoto is quickly wrapped in red ribbon. But she gets saved by Sailor Mercury, and Kaorinite is annoyed and has her minion retreat.
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This thing is just plain weird yet still feminine, and I kinda like it for some strange reason. |
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Virgin sacrifices: All the rage these days. |
Now it is go home time, but Makoto left long before Usagi. Turns out she's gone back to that parking lot from earlier to find out where the handkerchief went, when those two stupidly attractive ladies roll up in a car, all glad to see Makoto just hanging around because boy were they hoping to just casually bump into her. While driving. Just not bumping into her with the car because Haruka kind of already almost did that once and why am I still talking there is science to do.
Mako is super glad to be offered to hang out with the Cool Girls, and Usagi says "whoa dude seriously you don't think this is a problem?"
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I'm not sure what's more hilarious: Haruka's reaction, or Michiru's smirk of "yeah, she drives me around every day." |
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... nailed it. |
Now is a good time to slip on over to those other girls finding out that Mako is totally going on a date with two other girls.
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Those are some... pretty angry responses actually. Wow. |
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But before she hangs up her friends beg her not to just give up on guys because there's a ton of them around and all that. No worries though, I mean, she totally isn't thinking about swapping spit with her or anything I mean she just looks up to other attractive women. Speaking of which...
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Yeah it's right behind you. |
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I guess this is... technically a stripping handkerchief...? |
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Scar appears to be awfully ashamed of her super pretty looks. |
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A stripping handkerchief elf or something. I don't care. We're done. |
I just. Do. Not. Know. Anymore. So her heart gets removed and those other two girls suddenly show up transformed and feeling maybe a little bad about all of this, but now they get to steal the crystal from Kaorinite to make sure it's a talisman or not. But Makoto seems osmehow still aware of what's going on, even if she can't move, and has discovered their secret.
... or not, since I guess she interprets their sudden appearance as them having watched on the sidelines while Haruka and Michiru got beaten up.
... you are really straining credibility here, show. GOD DAMN IT SAILOR MOON.
But then those other girls show up to dispense some hot lawful justice and shit, and do a thing where they attack the monster, who is having none of that shit. Turns out it's not a talisman though, and they quickly hand it over so Makoto can not just die. Not that they care or anything? I mean, these kids are so lame right?
Doesn't stop Neptune from coming in with the save anyways, hitting the foe from the back while Makoto decides screw this, she's gonna transform anyway even if her pals think that's dumb. Cue her transformation sequence, and then the enemy running forward but she hits with a really angry lightning ball so the bosslady can HEART ATTACK the monster to death.
Also, Kaorinite is kinda gone already, which is curious, but whatever.
After being reduced to a handkerchief again, Jupiter starts yelling at Uranus and Neptune about how they're just as bad as the Daimon, because... well, they simply are. Uranus' witty reply?
So uh... I guess Jupiter will try to beat the crap out of her, and they get right into them running at one another, and Uranus putting the green girl into her place before leaping away. Oh but not before somehow managing to hurt her hand I guess?
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Immediately after Uranus says "she's powerful". |
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"I'm so glad you're such a cold-hearted dick!" |
Sorry, I think I vomited a little bit there. Oh god it burns so bad.
Haruka smiles and Makoto blushes and boy Haruka is awesome and boy wouldn't it be nice to be just like her some day. NEXT DAY IN THE SHOPPING DISTRICT. Everyone else is walking without her talking about Mako's weird attitude and what it could possibly mean.
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This is an incredibly fair assessment of the situation. |
So in the end... uh, what the heck? You seem to be tempting us with the same-sex romantic inklings, yet you don't actually push forward with them or anything? This seems... incredibly strange to me.
Color me confused, because what the heck does this do for Makoto as a character? What does it do to clarify anything, when you send us conflicting messages? When someone blushes, that's an indication of liking that person a great deal - not looking up to them. Those weren't just awe-inspired puppy dog eyes, those were "I want to spend all my time around you" lovestruck puppy dog eyes.
In the end... I'm absolutely baffled. I have no idea what to make of this episode. None whatsoever.
... I think I'm just going to sit here for the next few hours, and try to process what I just watched.
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