I think that I am beginning to get sick. Or am sick. Wow. Long work weeks aside, forcing myself to watch these shows may in fact be worse to my health than I had initially expected.
Let this serve as a warning to anyone that tries to watch these shows: They may actually make you sick. Today's case in point: Qwaser of Stigmata.
I'm not sure it's capable of being dumber than Daimidaler, but I'm pretty sure it's still pretty idiotic.
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Friday, December 19, 2014
Kenzen Robo Daimidaler Episode 02 - Danger! The Stolen Sun
Well now that I am finished with working a 60-hour work week, I can get back to the important things in life. Like subjecting myself to torture.
Because really why else would anyone subject themselves to this garbage? Daimidaler is a shit f***ing show already. This much I know from the first episode. It hardly even makes sense in its own context.
Strap in folks, and have your ball-peen hammer ready for your testicles, because this is gonna hurt.
Because really why else would anyone subject themselves to this garbage? Daimidaler is a shit f***ing show already. This much I know from the first episode. It hardly even makes sense in its own context.
Strap in folks, and have your ball-peen hammer ready for your testicles, because this is gonna hurt.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Sailor Moon S Episode 28 - Higher, Stronger! Cheers by Usagi
This is going to be a really rough week on me.
It's always hard getting back into the swing of things after being on vacation for nearly two weeks. It's even harder when that vacation is followed up by busting ass and working twice as much as usual.
Today's entry might be a little bit more curt than usual, but I'll try to make those words meaningful somehow. Probably by shouting with caps lock. We'll see.
It's always hard getting back into the swing of things after being on vacation for nearly two weeks. It's even harder when that vacation is followed up by busting ass and working twice as much as usual.
Today's entry might be a little bit more curt than usual, but I'll try to make those words meaningful somehow. Probably by shouting with caps lock. We'll see.
Friday, December 12, 2014
The Qwaser of Stigmata Episode 13 - A Night at the Iron Spring
But then I got this stupid idea in my head. Which is worse, Qwaser or Daimidaler?
I don't think I understood what I was doing when I sat down to do this.
God help me.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Kenzen Robo Daimidaler Episode 01 - Fondle! Daimidaler Goes Into Action!
Sometimes, just sometimes, you come across an image and immediately, instinctively know that this is gonna be bad.
Kenzen Robo Daimidaler - Daimidaler the Sound Robot if you're not some kind of weeaboo neckbeard - is such a show. Because the first image I saw of it involved giant enemy robots with giant, raging hard-ons.
Yeah, you read that right. So if you weren't convinced yet that this show is going to be absolutely, positively, unequivocally horrendous, then my friends, let me paste for you the entire synopsis for the show found on Wikipedia:
Buckle up folks. This? This is going to be bad.
Kenzen Robo Daimidaler - Daimidaler the Sound Robot if you're not some kind of weeaboo neckbeard - is such a show. Because the first image I saw of it involved giant enemy robots with giant, raging hard-ons.
Yeah, you read that right. So if you weren't convinced yet that this show is going to be absolutely, positively, unequivocally horrendous, then my friends, let me paste for you the entire synopsis for the show found on Wikipedia:
KÅichi Madanbashi is a high schooler who possesses Hi-ERo particles, which are used as an energy source for the robot Daimidaler. He obtains these particles by groping females, and uses them to power up the robot in order to fight penguin-shaped robots from the evil Penguin Empire.And if you are somehow still convinced that there is a chance this show could possibly be regarded as one of the greats of our time, then friend I have a bridge for sale that you would be quite interested in.
Buckle up folks. This? This is going to be bad.
Monday, December 8, 2014
Sailor Moon S Episode 27 - Sunny Skies After a Storm! A Friendship Dedicated to Hotaru
Boy oh boy, here we are folks. Monday. Sailor Moon Day. Perhaps my favorite day of the week, more or less, in that I get to continue watching this show devolve into pure utter nonsensical bullshit as it tries very poorly to explain itself.
This show truly did have a huge amount of potential. Potential which was, sadly, thrown away by lack of vision. What separates this show from Pretty Cure? Besides a decade that is. The answer? A lot. A lot a lot. Pretty Cure had a lot going for it. Young protagonists who, despite being children, could clearly understand the world that they lived in, villains with clear goals and motivations, and, well, actually really awesome monster designs. They had themes which made sense and weren't just hackneyed together.
So here we return once again to what may be the beginning of the end of sorts. Perhaps later this week I'll sit around and slog through another one of the movies... or maybe one of the shorts. I haven't honestly decided what I'll do just yet.
But I'm sure it will be gloriously awful.
That having all been said, it's time to dive into today's episode. What do we have in store?
This show truly did have a huge amount of potential. Potential which was, sadly, thrown away by lack of vision. What separates this show from Pretty Cure? Besides a decade that is. The answer? A lot. A lot a lot. Pretty Cure had a lot going for it. Young protagonists who, despite being children, could clearly understand the world that they lived in, villains with clear goals and motivations, and, well, actually really awesome monster designs. They had themes which made sense and weren't just hackneyed together.
So here we return once again to what may be the beginning of the end of sorts. Perhaps later this week I'll sit around and slog through another one of the movies... or maybe one of the shorts. I haven't honestly decided what I'll do just yet.
But I'm sure it will be gloriously awful.
That having all been said, it's time to dive into today's episode. What do we have in store?
Friday, December 5, 2014
Dog Days Episode FINAL - Promise
It's finally over. Or rather, it will be over very soon.
The sense of relief that I feel, it truly feels as though a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders. That perhaps I may finally be able to rest soundly once again.
Of course I know that's completely a lie, but a fella can dream, can't he?
It's time for the final episode of Dog Days. A final episode that honestly should have come four episodes ago.
Hold me.
The sense of relief that I feel, it truly feels as though a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders. That perhaps I may finally be able to rest soundly once again.
Of course I know that's completely a lie, but a fella can dream, can't he?
It's time for the final episode of Dog Days. A final episode that honestly should have come four episodes ago.
Hold me.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Free! Eternal Summer Episode FINAL - The Eternal Summer of Beginnings!
Finally, after so very long, we come to the end of Free!.
I imagine this may somehow NOT be the last we see of this series. But it may be the last that we see of this series here on this blog.
Then again, who knows? If there's one thing that should be blatantly obvious by the shows I've talked about here so far, it's that I am downright crazy.
Let's do this!
I imagine this may somehow NOT be the last we see of this series. But it may be the last that we see of this series here on this blog.
Then again, who knows? If there's one thing that should be blatantly obvious by the shows I've talked about here so far, it's that I am downright crazy.
Let's do this!
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Sailor Moon S Episode 26 - Shadow of Silence!? The Pale Glimmer of a Firefly
Today's post is late because I spent most of my first day of vacation sleeping.
I love sleeping. You know what I don't love so much? Not sleeping, which is pretty much all I did all weekend.
By the end of things, the not sleeping was really starting to take a toll on me. Fun fact: When I start truly getting tired, I begin to get very forgetful, or laugh at every little thing I say. Lately, I've developed a new quirk: I seem to talk in a dyslexic manner.
Yeah. It wasn't very pretty, and I'm glad its over with.
Speaking of getting things over with, it's time I got to today's episode of Sailor Moon. I'm looking forward to the rest of the week because I'm ending two shows! Two! It's like a Christmas miracle (but not really).
I love sleeping. You know what I don't love so much? Not sleeping, which is pretty much all I did all weekend.
By the end of things, the not sleeping was really starting to take a toll on me. Fun fact: When I start truly getting tired, I begin to get very forgetful, or laugh at every little thing I say. Lately, I've developed a new quirk: I seem to talk in a dyslexic manner.
Yeah. It wasn't very pretty, and I'm glad its over with.
Speaking of getting things over with, it's time I got to today's episode of Sailor Moon. I'm looking forward to the rest of the week because I'm ending two shows! Two! It's like a Christmas miracle (but not really).
Friday, November 28, 2014
Dog Days Episode 12 - The Four Conditions
Full disclosure: Before today, I've never watched the Lego Movie.
I know, I know. I'm a horrible human being, but look on the bright side! I have seen it now. And my god was it f***ing glorious. As soon as the credits rolled, I wanted to start watching it again. Because it made me feel so very, very good.
Then someone called me halfway through the credits and inadvertently reminded me that I have this blog thing I do from time to time. Whoops!
So yeah. It's time to see if Dog Days is so terrible, it can even ruin the high I have from watching the Lego Movie. Or if everything is simply too freaking awesome. Because I'm living the dream.
(Everything is awesome.)
I know, I know. I'm a horrible human being, but look on the bright side! I have seen it now. And my god was it f***ing glorious. As soon as the credits rolled, I wanted to start watching it again. Because it made me feel so very, very good.
Then someone called me halfway through the credits and inadvertently reminded me that I have this blog thing I do from time to time. Whoops!
So yeah. It's time to see if Dog Days is so terrible, it can even ruin the high I have from watching the Lego Movie. Or if everything is simply too freaking awesome. Because I'm living the dream.
(Everything is awesome.)
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Free! Eternal Summer Episode 12 - A Swim-Off in a Foreign Land!
I am super excited to be watching this show.
Not even a joke. I am legitimately, one-hundred percent on board with this show now. You do not even know.
Of course, you probably do now because I just described how very on-board I am with this show. But for the sake of the narrative. YOU DO NOT EVEN KNOW.
Not even a joke. I am legitimately, one-hundred percent on board with this show now. You do not even know.
Of course, you probably do now because I just described how very on-board I am with this show. But for the sake of the narrative. YOU DO NOT EVEN KNOW.
Monday, November 24, 2014
Sailor Moon S Episode 25 - Crazy for Celebrities! Mimet in Doubt
I can't quite recall if I mentioned or not that I used to live in Florida.
Well, in case I didn't mention it, I used to live in Florida.
I'm not a very big fan of Florida. I mean yes, it does have some nice things going for it. But the one thing that gets me the most? No snow. I love me some snow. Snow is like, one of the best goddamn things ever. I. Love. Snow.
So now, here I am, two years later, at the end of November, living in the literal heart of f***ing America, and what do I get?
Sixty degree temps and rain blowing sideways at two in the god damned morning.
I guess that's a perfect terrible segue for Sailor Moon. OR IS IT?
Well, in case I didn't mention it, I used to live in Florida.
I'm not a very big fan of Florida. I mean yes, it does have some nice things going for it. But the one thing that gets me the most? No snow. I love me some snow. Snow is like, one of the best goddamn things ever. I. Love. Snow.
So now, here I am, two years later, at the end of November, living in the literal heart of f***ing America, and what do I get?
Sixty degree temps and rain blowing sideways at two in the god damned morning.
I guess that's a perfect terrible segue for Sailor Moon. OR IS IT?
Friday, November 21, 2014
Dog Days Episode 11 - Flying Flower in the Night
The Holiday season is finally upon us. The snow has begun to fall, frigid temperatures have gripped our nation, and talking heads still fail to understand basic scientific principles.
Give it another week and they'll begin talking about the "war on Christmas". Sheesh.
It's honestly my favorite time of the year, and being able to experience the cold and snow again really just makes me feel all nice inside. Dog Days does not.
... I regret ever picking up this show. I really, really do.
Give it another week and they'll begin talking about the "war on Christmas". Sheesh.
It's honestly my favorite time of the year, and being able to experience the cold and snow again really just makes me feel all nice inside. Dog Days does not.
... I regret ever picking up this show. I really, really do.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Free! Eternal Summer Episode 11 - The Open Turn of Destiny!
Once again it's time to delve into the realm of anime that totally just doesn't want to admit what it really is.
... damn, I thought I had something way more witty to write when I sat down, but after fifteen minutes of cat pictures later, it's totally gone. DAMN YOU INTERNET! DAMN YOU AND YOUR INFINITE CAT WORKS.
... I will be so happy if that actually trends as a thing.
... damn, I thought I had something way more witty to write when I sat down, but after fifteen minutes of cat pictures later, it's totally gone. DAMN YOU INTERNET! DAMN YOU AND YOUR INFINITE CAT WORKS.
... I will be so happy if that actually trends as a thing.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Sailor Moon S Episode 24 - A House Full of Evil Presence! The Secret of the Beautiful Girl, Hotaru
I woke up this morning and suddenly there was two inches of snow on the ground.
Why do I mention this? Because it's my blog and snow makes me happy, that's why. I like snow, okay? Friggin' love it. It brings me comfort and puts me into my happy place. Sailor Moon S, however, is likely to take me out of it, so let me enjoy what few precious moments of comfort remain.
Unless the show suddenly gets better. I'd be cool with that. Though, given our main villain is now basically Aleister Crowley, one has to wonder what the chances of that happening are.
... yeah I'm not holding out much hope.
Why do I mention this? Because it's my blog and snow makes me happy, that's why. I like snow, okay? Friggin' love it. It brings me comfort and puts me into my happy place. Sailor Moon S, however, is likely to take me out of it, so let me enjoy what few precious moments of comfort remain.
Unless the show suddenly gets better. I'd be cool with that. Though, given our main villain is now basically Aleister Crowley, one has to wonder what the chances of that happening are.
... yeah I'm not holding out much hope.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Dog Days Episode 10 - The Hero, The Princess, and a Ray of Hope
I'll be honest here. Yeah, I know, I'm behind again, blah blah blame the weather making me feel like dying and all that. But I was not planning on writing this up yet.
I was expecting to push it off until tomorrow given how quickly I passed out after work, but then after two hours my brain was all "HEY. YOU HAVE SLEPT ENOUGH AFTER OPERATING FOR TWENTY HOURS STRAIGHT. HIIIIIIIIIIII. CAN WE HAS FUN TIMES NAO?"
F**k you brain. I really needed that sleep.
Perhaps torturing myself with this will make it think twice before it does this to me again. DO YOU SEE WHAT I AM DOING HERE BRAIN? YOU DON'T LET ME SLEEP AND I GIVE TO YOU THE HORRIBLE BURNING. THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!
I was expecting to push it off until tomorrow given how quickly I passed out after work, but then after two hours my brain was all "HEY. YOU HAVE SLEPT ENOUGH AFTER OPERATING FOR TWENTY HOURS STRAIGHT. HIIIIIIIIIIII. CAN WE HAS FUN TIMES NAO?"
F**k you brain. I really needed that sleep.
Perhaps torturing myself with this will make it think twice before it does this to me again. DO YOU SEE WHAT I AM DOING HERE BRAIN? YOU DON'T LET ME SLEEP AND I GIVE TO YOU THE HORRIBLE BURNING. THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Free! Eternal Summer Episode 10 - The Six-Beat Kick of Tears!
There are lots of reasons to do something that is clearly not good for you. Some people do it because it's 'fun'. Some people do it because of an addiction. Others do it for fame and fortune and everything that goes with it.
I think in my case, I'm continuing to watch this show because quite frankly I am one incredibly stubborn bastard. There's a lot of great things to say about Free! as a whole. It's... admittedly not such a horrible show after all. But that doesn't mean I can't continue to sit here and mock it in all of its stupid glory.
Also, for f***'s sake somebody MAKE OUT IN THIS THING ALREADY GOD!
I think in my case, I'm continuing to watch this show because quite frankly I am one incredibly stubborn bastard. There's a lot of great things to say about Free! as a whole. It's... admittedly not such a horrible show after all. But that doesn't mean I can't continue to sit here and mock it in all of its stupid glory.
Also, for f***'s sake somebody MAKE OUT IN THIS THING ALREADY GOD!
Monday, November 10, 2014
Sailor Moon S Episode 23 - Who is the True Messiah? Chaos of Light and Darkness
Looking back, it's kind of hard to believe I've done so many of these things now. Seriously, blows my damned mind. This is a lot of time in my life that I'll never get back. And yet I'm still just barely halfway through the original series.
Man. The next few years are really going to suck aren't they?
Anyways, after last week's disappointing and anticlimactic turnaround, let's see how things turn out today shall we?
Man. The next few years are really going to suck aren't they?
Anyways, after last week's disappointing and anticlimactic turnaround, let's see how things turn out today shall we?
Friday, November 7, 2014
Dog Days Episode 09 - Grana Fortress' Defense Strategy
Oh Dog Days, I bet you thought I forgot about you this week, didn't you? It's cute that you'd think so. I'd like to forget you. I'm pretty sure a lot of people probably did forget you. But me?
Oh no, I'm not allowed to forget you. I'm not ever allowed to forget you.
After all, I'm talking about you on the Internet, and we all know how shit gets immortalized there.
So let's go ahead and dive into Dog Days... soon, it will all be over. And then I can watch something better. Like a show about robots with giant penises.
... on second thought is it too late to keep this show going...?
Oh no, I'm not allowed to forget you. I'm not ever allowed to forget you.
After all, I'm talking about you on the Internet, and we all know how shit gets immortalized there.
So let's go ahead and dive into Dog Days... soon, it will all be over. And then I can watch something better. Like a show about robots with giant penises.
... on second thought is it too late to keep this show going...?
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Free! Eternal Summer Episode 09 - The Forming of a Slump!
Occasionally I do a thing where I talk to other people.
Shocking, I know. Even weirder? Sometimes they even talk back to me.
In this case, the topic of conversation came back to everyone's show about gay swimbros, and how I am practically about to straight up f***ing murder someone if SOMEBODY DOES NOT KISS ANOTHER MAN AT SOME POINT BEFORE THIS SHIT IS OVER WITH.
Seems that this is not an uncommon sentiment. Not even among other straight men such as myself.
Also, it seems that mostly guys are watching this show that is clearly aimed at the womenfolk? What the hell is up with that? I'm calling shenanigans.
But seriously someone better f***ing make out or something soon before I find something flammable.
Shocking, I know. Even weirder? Sometimes they even talk back to me.
In this case, the topic of conversation came back to everyone's show about gay swimbros, and how I am practically about to straight up f***ing murder someone if SOMEBODY DOES NOT KISS ANOTHER MAN AT SOME POINT BEFORE THIS SHIT IS OVER WITH.
Seems that this is not an uncommon sentiment. Not even among other straight men such as myself.
Also, it seems that mostly guys are watching this show that is clearly aimed at the womenfolk? What the hell is up with that? I'm calling shenanigans.
But seriously someone better f***ing make out or something soon before I find something flammable.
Monday, November 3, 2014
Sailor Moon S Episode 22 - The Grail's Divine Power! Moon's Double Transformation
Oh Sailor Moon. With every passing episode of Crystal, I am reminded of just how much potential was lost in the original series. How much promise it showed, and how little actually came through.
With last week's episode, despite the suddenly helicopter (seriously where the hell did that even come from??), things took a relatively dark turn. Given that we are now two-thirds through the series, I suppose it might be time for the show to begin actually taking itself seriously for a change?
It's a lot to hope for, but hey, I am, if nothing else, an optimistic fella. Let's do this.
With last week's episode, despite the suddenly helicopter (seriously where the hell did that even come from??), things took a relatively dark turn. Given that we are now two-thirds through the series, I suppose it might be time for the show to begin actually taking itself seriously for a change?
It's a lot to hope for, but hey, I am, if nothing else, an optimistic fella. Let's do this.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Dog Days Episode 08 - The Day of War
Having three days off in a row is really, really nice. I kinda miss it a little bit, truth be told.
After all, it lets me kick back, relax, unwind, and really give myself no reason not to subject myself to some more shitty anime. I mean, sure, I could watch some good stuff if I wanted to, but it just wouldn't feel quite the same, now would it?
Truly, I am a sad and lonely creature. Let's get caught up for this week and get Dog Days out of the way.
After all, it lets me kick back, relax, unwind, and really give myself no reason not to subject myself to some more shitty anime. I mean, sure, I could watch some good stuff if I wanted to, but it just wouldn't feel quite the same, now would it?
Truly, I am a sad and lonely creature. Let's get caught up for this week and get Dog Days out of the way.
Free! Eternal Summer Episode 08 - The Locomotive of a Twist!
Ah yes, the changing of the seasons, that lovely time when your sinuses don't know whether to shrivel up like prunes or explode all up in your face. When there's a forty degree difference in temperature from midday to evening, when pumpkin flavored everything becomes a thing for a month and a half until everyone gets sick of it again.
It's been a fun few days let me tell you. But hey, we do what we must I suppose.
By the way did I ever mention that I have a Twitter account? Blah blah shameless plug whatever but hey I sometimes do live-watch tweets too or say amusing and/or embarrassing things, so why not give it a look? Hell sometimes I even talk about anime that isn't complete ass.
Speaking of ass, and shamelessly plugging stuff, it's time for Free!. Not a bad segue today huh?
It's been a fun few days let me tell you. But hey, we do what we must I suppose.
By the way did I ever mention that I have a Twitter account? Blah blah shameless plug whatever but hey I sometimes do live-watch tweets too or say amusing and/or embarrassing things, so why not give it a look? Hell sometimes I even talk about anime that isn't complete ass.
Speaking of ass, and shamelessly plugging stuff, it's time for Free!. Not a bad segue today huh?
Monday, October 27, 2014
Sailor Moon S Episode 21 - Death of Uranus and Neptune!? Talismans Appear
I need to write this so that I can go get some sleep and return to work for another thirteen hours straight.
Most people would tell you there is something wrong with me that I would keep doing this to myself. Those people are probably right. But a sad thought occurs to me.
Maybe I keep subjecting myself to this stuff because it helps remind me that no matter how bad my job may be, it's still not quite this bad?
It is a terrifying and utterly depressing thought.
Most people would tell you there is something wrong with me that I would keep doing this to myself. Those people are probably right. But a sad thought occurs to me.
Maybe I keep subjecting myself to this stuff because it helps remind me that no matter how bad my job may be, it's still not quite this bad?
It is a terrifying and utterly depressing thought.
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Dog Days Episode 07 - Declaration of War
Soon will be the end of the season of candies, and instead it will be just pumpkin and turkey and pie.
Damn, now I kind of want some pie. And ice cream. Actually I could really go for some ice cream for some reason. Instead, I'll just have to settle for Dog Days.
... this is a really crappy alternative.
Damn, now I kind of want some pie. And ice cream. Actually I could really go for some ice cream for some reason. Instead, I'll just have to settle for Dog Days.
... this is a really crappy alternative.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Free! Eternal Summer Episode 07 - The Crouching Start of Vindication!
I am working crazy long hours this week.
Like, sixty some hours in a payable week crazy long hours.
Clearly there is something wrong with me. This means I am the perfect candidate to continue watching something I clearly despise, despite the fact that I have openly admitted that this show isn't quite so bad, but it's still not what I would consider great.
Mostly because the characters are such closeted homosexuals. I mean for crying out loud KISS ALREADY!
It's gonna be another one of those episodes isn't it?
Like, sixty some hours in a payable week crazy long hours.
Clearly there is something wrong with me. This means I am the perfect candidate to continue watching something I clearly despise, despite the fact that I have openly admitted that this show isn't quite so bad, but it's still not what I would consider great.
Mostly because the characters are such closeted homosexuals. I mean for crying out loud KISS ALREADY!
It's gonna be another one of those episodes isn't it?
Monday, October 20, 2014
Sailor Moon S Episode 20 - A Time of Shock! True Identities Revealed to One Another!
It's been awhile since I last reflected upon the amazing awesomeness that is Sailor Moon Crystal. And given the most recent episode, and the fact that (based purely on the first frame of today's episode) it seems today's episode is likely to center around Minako, I just want to point out how f***ing great Crystal is.
Seriously. It is, without a doubt, simply astonishing in every way. My poor little mind is consistently blown away by how mind-bogglingly exceptionally well done Crystal is. Even their introduction of Minako, and by extension Venus, is simply fantastic. Eight episodes in, and while I can tell the villains won't all get the same sort of treatment (and, in fact I fully expect them to get skipped over), I want to point out that Beryl has backstory.
Yeah. Turns out before becoming Queen Bitchface, she had an actual history. Who knew? Sure as hell not me since they neglected to mention that in the FORTY SOME EPISODES THEY HAD TO TELL IT THE FIRST TIME AROUND.
I guess what I'm trying to say here is that I fully expect today's episode to miss the mark, compared to what I watched the other day. So get comfy folks, we're probably in for some disappointment.
![]() |
Disclaimer: This is the image in question. |
Yeah. Turns out before becoming Queen Bitchface, she had an actual history. Who knew? Sure as hell not me since they neglected to mention that in the FORTY SOME EPISODES THEY HAD TO TELL IT THE FIRST TIME AROUND.
I guess what I'm trying to say here is that I fully expect today's episode to miss the mark, compared to what I watched the other day. So get comfy folks, we're probably in for some disappointment.
Friday, October 17, 2014
Dog Days Episode 06 - Star Reading Princess
So, yeah. It's time for more Dog Days.
... sorry guys, I really got nothing else to go with today. I'm watching Dog Days. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT OUT OF ME?
... sorry guys, I really got nothing else to go with today. I'm watching Dog Days. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT OUT OF ME?
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Free! Eternal Summer Episode 06 - Invincible Prime!
I have discovered a dilemma, Internet.
It has come to my attention that, recently, some truly horrid shows have appeared. Shows which I am frankly appalled were somehow not on my radar before, but now I find must be acknowledged. Soon.
In order to do this, however, I first need to finish the current crop of shows. And to do that, I need to sit down and actually watch the damn things.
What I'm trying to say is, I should really make better decisions regarding my life because this cannot be a healthy thing for me.
It has come to my attention that, recently, some truly horrid shows have appeared. Shows which I am frankly appalled were somehow not on my radar before, but now I find must be acknowledged. Soon.
In order to do this, however, I first need to finish the current crop of shows. And to do that, I need to sit down and actually watch the damn things.
What I'm trying to say is, I should really make better decisions regarding my life because this cannot be a healthy thing for me.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Sailor Moon S Episode 19 - Usagi's Dance, in Time to a Waltz
Sailor Moon Crystal is so very much better than the original series ever was. It's just... straight up better in every way possible.
Why do I say this now? Well... because I watched the latest episode last night and it keeps sticking with me just how much of an improvement it is over the original. It's mind blowing, really, how far the series has come - and it's truly amazing what can happen when the creators take this concept seriously and play everything straight.
Sadly, I'm only just barely halfway through the original series now. Which means, at the rate I'm currently going at, I will still be watching this show for the next two years.
God have mercy on my soul.
Why do I say this now? Well... because I watched the latest episode last night and it keeps sticking with me just how much of an improvement it is over the original. It's mind blowing, really, how far the series has come - and it's truly amazing what can happen when the creators take this concept seriously and play everything straight.
Sadly, I'm only just barely halfway through the original series now. Which means, at the rate I'm currently going at, I will still be watching this show for the next two years.
God have mercy on my soul.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Sailor Moon S Episode 18 - Art is an Explosion of Love! Chibiusa's First Love
In case you were wondering, here is an incredibly brief re-imagining of an actual phone conversation I had last Friday, which explains why there have been no updates since then:
"Hey, can you cover for me and the other guy today? He walked out yesterday and my grandpa just died and uh, stuff. Halp?"
Needless to say, working a 13-hour shift on your day off when you've slept maybe 3-4 hours is gonna have an impact on the rest of your work week.
On the bright side, this means I can legitimately say that I am writing Moonlight Punishment on an episode of Sailor Moon during a Full Blood Moon. Hell yeah! Let's ruin my work weekend and make me regret ever starting this blog.
"Hey, can you cover for me and the other guy today? He walked out yesterday and my grandpa just died and uh, stuff. Halp?"
Needless to say, working a 13-hour shift on your day off when you've slept maybe 3-4 hours is gonna have an impact on the rest of your work week.
On the bright side, this means I can legitimately say that I am writing Moonlight Punishment on an episode of Sailor Moon during a Full Blood Moon. Hell yeah! Let's ruin my work weekend and make me regret ever starting this blog.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Dog Days Episode 05 - Fierce Battle! Myon Castle!
I've mentioned many times in the recent past that I've been falling quite a bit behind. Now is the time of finally getting caught up by doing a big ol' marathon of some of the worst stuff I could find. Which for today happens to be Dog Days. *sigh*
I just know I am going to regret finishing this show some day. Because that will mean I'll have to find something even worse to fill the void it has left behind... and frankly I already know one of the shows which will be picking up the slack.
... I get the sinking feeling I also know what the other will be. God help me.
I just know I am going to regret finishing this show some day. Because that will mean I'll have to find something even worse to fill the void it has left behind... and frankly I already know one of the shows which will be picking up the slack.
... I get the sinking feeling I also know what the other will be. God help me.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Sailor Moon S Episode 17 - The Bond of Destiny! The Distant Days of Uranus
The end of the anime season is once again upon us. It is unfortunate that my reviewing has fallen behind so much, but I suppose some things are simply unavoidable. Kind of like watching train wrecks, you just can't look away no matter how much you may want to.
Which is a nice little segue into saying it's time to watch some more Sailor Moon. See what I did there? Clever.
Enough talk, let's watch!
Which is a nice little segue into saying it's time to watch some more Sailor Moon. See what I did there? Clever.
Enough talk, let's watch!
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Free! Eternal Summer Episode 05 - A Resolution's Heads-Up!
I keep falling short of my three-times-a-week goal. It gets quite annoying, but today, that changes.
We're getting back on track here, damn it. Just because I have an actual pile full of stuff that isn't remotely as bad as the stuff I watch here to go through, nah, I'm going to sit down and force myself to suffer through another episode of Free!.
I'm sure there's a very good reason for all of this but I just haven't figured out what it is yet so I'd better move along before I catch on to what I am doing to myself.
We're getting back on track here, damn it. Just because I have an actual pile full of stuff that isn't remotely as bad as the stuff I watch here to go through, nah, I'm going to sit down and force myself to suffer through another episode of Free!.
I'm sure there's a very good reason for all of this but I just haven't figured out what it is yet so I'd better move along before I catch on to what I am doing to myself.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Dog Days Episode 04 - Charge! The War to Recover the Princess!!
One of these days, I'm going to manage to sit down and actually make some of my side projects emerge. Like things where I talk via the magic of the Internets about things that matter. Like Anime. Or why some Anime is good, and why some are bad. And why some should never, ever have seen the light of day. And also maybe talk about the whole 'fansubbing' thing, and why I feel they are important - and also why I feel some groups just plain old get it horribly, horribly wrong.
But those are topics for some other day. You're not here for the smarty talk. You're here for the laughy bits where I question my sanity and ask God why in the name of f**k I ever started doing this in the first place.
... maybe some day I will actually have a legitimate answer for that one which makes sense. But for now, all I've got is pain.
Okay, I'm ready, hit me...
But those are topics for some other day. You're not here for the smarty talk. You're here for the laughy bits where I question my sanity and ask God why in the name of f**k I ever started doing this in the first place.
... maybe some day I will actually have a legitimate answer for that one which makes sense. But for now, all I've got is pain.
Okay, I'm ready, hit me...
Monday, September 22, 2014
Sailor Moon S Episode 16 - Wanting More Power! Mako-Chan's Lost Path
So remember when I said I thought I had a handle on the whole crashing thing?
... yeah that was kind of... um, optimistic to say the least. I did, however, manage to solve my issue.
Just as a word of warning to anyone wondering why their computer is acting strangely: if you look on any of your computer components and see a thick layer of dust resting on them, you should probably get rid of that shit. Immediately.
In other news, I've been crash free since so that means we can get back to business as usual around here. Now where did I put my hurty mallet...
... yeah that was kind of... um, optimistic to say the least. I did, however, manage to solve my issue.
Just as a word of warning to anyone wondering why their computer is acting strangely: if you look on any of your computer components and see a thick layer of dust resting on them, you should probably get rid of that shit. Immediately.
In other news, I've been crash free since so that means we can get back to business as usual around here. Now where did I put my hurty mallet...
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Free! Eternal Summer Episode 04 - The Somersault Turn of Promise!
I've heard some of you like some mantacular swimbros. And that somehow, despite my greatest wishes to the contrary, Free! is a show which just won't stop happening.
Maybe we'll get lucky and it will kill itself off for good this time.
... probably not, knowing fangirls.
Maybe we'll get lucky and it will kill itself off for good this time.
... probably not, knowing fangirls.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Sailor Moon S Episode 15 - Seeking Friends! Chibi Moon's Actions
I've been suffering a strange bout of computer issues lately. Not entirely sure why. Something about someone handling my memory and thank you very much I do not swing that way you sicko.
I think I've managed to get a handle on it though. The crashing issue. Not whatever other thing you may have been trying to think up. It's the Internet, there's bound to be at least one person thinking these things.
So we return in an attempt to get back on-schedule yet again with Sailor Moon S. Oh god Chibi-usa is back somebody kill me now.
I think I've managed to get a handle on it though. The crashing issue. Not whatever other thing you may have been trying to think up. It's the Internet, there's bound to be at least one person thinking these things.
So we return in an attempt to get back on-schedule yet again with Sailor Moon S. Oh god Chibi-usa is back somebody kill me now.
Monday, September 1, 2014
Sailor Moon S Episode 14 - The Arrival of the Tiny Pretty Soldier
Boy, have I been feeling exhausted lately. The end of summer is upon us, and I just haven't had as much energy as usual. Probably has something to do with the changing of the seasons. And all of the rain. That tends to play hell with my sleep schedules, as my body struggles to adjust to the rapidly diminishing amount of available sunlight.
Pretty sure the lack of Vitamin D is partly to blame. You know what I'm not in short supply of though? Bad anime. And that includes Sailor Moon!
So walk with me for a bit, and follow me as I continue to explore the ever-growing horror that is Sailor Moon. A show that may not necessarily deserve its widespread fame, especially not after some of the shit that aired in the first place.
... never gonna get over the stripping vacuum cleaner, nope, not gonna happen...
Pretty sure the lack of Vitamin D is partly to blame. You know what I'm not in short supply of though? Bad anime. And that includes Sailor Moon!
So walk with me for a bit, and follow me as I continue to explore the ever-growing horror that is Sailor Moon. A show that may not necessarily deserve its widespread fame, especially not after some of the shit that aired in the first place.
... never gonna get over the stripping vacuum cleaner, nope, not gonna happen...
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Dog Days Episode 03 - I Want to Go Home! But I Can't? Sir Hero in Flonyard!
Dog Days. It's a thing, and it just keeps happening. Or kept happening I guess. Why this show was given the green light for a second season is truly beyond me. I'm not sure what audience they were hoping to capture with this show. It's got the kid-friendly designs of Nanoha but the kind of crude humor you'd expect out of your typical Shonen series.
Ugh, just thinking about it is making my stomach hurt, let's just get this over with...
Ugh, just thinking about it is making my stomach hurt, let's just get this over with...
Monday, August 25, 2014
Sailor Moon S Episode 13 - The Pure Heart Stolen! Usagi's Biggest Crisis
Boy has it been a weekend full of stuff. It could be the anime, or maybe something else but I just haven't been sleeping very well lately.
Maybe I should try taking an actual vacation one of these days. Maybe. Today I'm watching Sailor Moon again. At least it's an improvement over the rest of the series though, so let's see how this amazing two-parter ends up eh?
Maybe I should try taking an actual vacation one of these days. Maybe. Today I'm watching Sailor Moon again. At least it's an improvement over the rest of the series though, so let's see how this amazing two-parter ends up eh?
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Free! Eternal Summer Episode 03 - The Butterfly of Farewell!
I f***ing love the Internet.
Let me explain. I mean, it's nearly everything a person could ever want, all right there for you to just reach out and grab. It is the best and worst humanity has to offer all at once, and has been used to topple governments and help find cures for disease.
But the thing I love most about the Internet? Is that it lets me glimpse into the inner minds of other human beings, and sometimes makes me laugh unlike anything I've ever encountered.
Remember when I said I like looking to see what keywords lead people to my blog sometimes? Yeah well, I think I have a new winner for this month.
"prepare your anus cause this rape train has no breaks anime"
Thank you, Internet. F***ing thank you to death. Because this is exactly the kind of shit I needed to read before tackling the next episode of Free!
It's like you're reading my mind too. How sweet~
Let me explain. I mean, it's nearly everything a person could ever want, all right there for you to just reach out and grab. It is the best and worst humanity has to offer all at once, and has been used to topple governments and help find cures for disease.
But the thing I love most about the Internet? Is that it lets me glimpse into the inner minds of other human beings, and sometimes makes me laugh unlike anything I've ever encountered.
Remember when I said I like looking to see what keywords lead people to my blog sometimes? Yeah well, I think I have a new winner for this month.
"prepare your anus cause this rape train has no breaks anime"
Thank you, Internet. F***ing thank you to death. Because this is exactly the kind of shit I needed to read before tackling the next episode of Free!
It's like you're reading my mind too. How sweet~
Monday, August 18, 2014
Sailor Moon S Episode 12 - Usagi in Tears! Glass Shoes for Her Birthday
I have had more computer issues in the last three days that I've had in the last three years. Criminy but this is just some kind of ridiculous.
With any luck, however, I've managed to track down and eliminate the random crashing issues. (Memory-related? Video-related? Sure isn't porn-related you can bet that. Who downloads that stuff anyways I mean geez!)
This means I can sit here and (hopefully) power through an entire episode of animu and not risk losing all of my work.
Too much words, not enough work. Onwards!
With any luck, however, I've managed to track down and eliminate the random crashing issues. (Memory-related? Video-related? Sure isn't porn-related you can bet that. Who downloads that stuff anyways I mean geez!)
This means I can sit here and (hopefully) power through an entire episode of animu and not risk losing all of my work.
Too much words, not enough work. Onwards!
Friday, August 15, 2014
Dog Days Episode 02 - First Battle!
I love the Nanoha series. Nanoha and Nanoha A's are among my most favorite magical girl shows, and StrikerS was... well, it was a thing. It happened. It also killed the series but it showed me that the writers just bit off more than they could possibly chew. Short series seem to work best for these guys.
But then, there was Dog Days. Seriously. Dog Days. I don't even understand what they were thinking when they made this project. Where do we even begin with this show?
Well, I guess I may as well pick up the second episode and see where it goes from here. How Grimbright can this show get?
... is that even the right term for this show? Man my head hurts already.
But then, there was Dog Days. Seriously. Dog Days. I don't even understand what they were thinking when they made this project. Where do we even begin with this show?
Well, I guess I may as well pick up the second episode and see where it goes from here. How Grimbright can this show get?
... is that even the right term for this show? Man my head hurts already.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Free! Eternal Summer Episode 02 - The Stroke of a Chance Meeting!
I've been avoiding this show like the plague, but I fear I can no longer ignore it. It has simply become too big. It is a thing. It keeps happening. And unlike Endless Eight, I'm not sure I like it.
... or if I do somehow like it, I'm not sure that can be considered a good thing.
Well, the first episode showedzero minimal some moderate progress. In that it did everything last season's first episode in pretty much the same way, cut out all that other bullshit and managed to somehow introduce every single character in a single episode.
... that's progress, right?
... or if I do somehow like it, I'm not sure that can be considered a good thing.
Well, the first episode showed
... that's progress, right?
Monday, August 11, 2014
Sailor Moon S Episode 11 - Retire from the Sailor Soldier!? Minako's Concerns
I really needed to take a break. Sometimes, life just gets too busy to want to subject yourself to this kind of nonsense.
Unfortunately for me, life is now less busy, and that means I now have all the time required to punch myself in the dick for an hour and a half.
... I need a real hobby.
Unfortunately for me, life is now less busy, and that means I now have all the time required to punch myself in the dick for an hour and a half.
... I need a real hobby.
Friday, August 1, 2014
Dog Days Episode 01 - Birth of a Hero!
Yeah so I've been really not wanting to sit down and write stuff. And to anyone who would suggest that I may have sunk another 150+ hours into Civilization V in the last three weeks should really stop stalking me. Seriously, do you really have nothing better to do than sit around counting the time I'm playing games on Steam?
Seriously. That's just weird. Get a real hobby already!
That being said, I'm here with a new show. This one is called Dog Days. It came out in 2012. Hang on, that's only two years ago! How bad can that possibly be? I mean, this is NEW ANIME for god's sake. Hell, it's even the same creative team that gave me the Nanoha franchise that I love so much.
How could this possibly go wrong?
Seriously. That's just weird. Get a real hobby already!
That being said, I'm here with a new show. This one is called Dog Days. It came out in 2012. Hang on, that's only two years ago! How bad can that possibly be? I mean, this is NEW ANIME for god's sake. Hell, it's even the same creative team that gave me the Nanoha franchise that I love so much.
How could this possibly go wrong?
Monday, July 28, 2014
Sailor Moon S Episode 10 - The Kindness of a Man! Yuichiro, Heartbroken by Rei?
My quest to survive all of Sailor Moon ever continues.
By the way have I mentioned that Sailor Moon Crystal is kind of awesome? Because it really is.
Seriously, if you haven't watched it yet and are reading this, my question is: why? Go watch it you fool. And revel in how much better it is than this mess.
Unrelated news: Seems like my blog is getting more popular in the Asian markets. So hello if you live in Korea. Or Japan. Or China. Or anywhere in Asia really. I hope that you can read this. (But let's face it, you probably can because you are Asian and therefore awesome at everything I'm not. Like drawing. Or tap dancing.)
Back on topic, Sailor Moon. I can safely say it's at least better than The Choujo (though that's really not saying much now is it?).
By the way have I mentioned that Sailor Moon Crystal is kind of awesome? Because it really is.
Seriously, if you haven't watched it yet and are reading this, my question is: why? Go watch it you fool. And revel in how much better it is than this mess.
Unrelated news: Seems like my blog is getting more popular in the Asian markets. So hello if you live in Korea. Or Japan. Or China. Or anywhere in Asia really. I hope that you can read this. (But let's face it, you probably can because you are Asian and therefore awesome at everything I'm not. Like drawing. Or tap dancing.)
Back on topic, Sailor Moon. I can safely say it's at least better than The Choujo (though that's really not saying much now is it?).
Friday, July 25, 2014
Rumic World - Maris The Choujo (AKA Maris the Supergal) OVA
Already I'm behind on things, but that's not a surprise, because today's entry is one that I've been wanting to sit down and do for a very, very long time: The Choujo. Or Maris the Choujo, as it is known in some circles.
A user on Reddit had this to say about this show:
"The worst anime I've seen besides Pupa is The Choujo. Its only redeeming quality is that it's not Pupa."
Those are some pretty strong words. And, because I hate myself, they were words which intrigued me. What could be so bad that its only saving grace is that it is not one of the worst things I've ever watched?
A user on Reddit had this to say about this show:
"The worst anime I've seen besides Pupa is The Choujo. Its only redeeming quality is that it's not Pupa."
Those are some pretty strong words. And, because I hate myself, they were words which intrigued me. What could be so bad that its only saving grace is that it is not one of the worst things I've ever watched?
Well, back in 1986, Studio Pierrot released this little gem, based on a manga series by the same name. I'll spare you the details which you can Google yourself, but given this is the mid 80's, I feel we've already established that the quality of this piece will be laughable at best.
Friends, it is time to sink our teeth into this hot mess. Welcome to The Choujo.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Free! Eternal Summer Episode 01 - Stormy Dive-Dash!
... so remember that time I said I would never have to watch another episode of this again? Yeah, me too.
I believe I may have also prayed to more than a few pagan gods in the hopes that this would never see the light of day. (Note to self: Forsake aforementioned pagan gods.)
Yeah, I kind of regret saying those things now because here I am watching this goddamn beautiful show with some of the worst character writing in the history of anime.
I believe I may have also prayed to more than a few pagan gods in the hopes that this would never see the light of day. (Note to self: Forsake aforementioned pagan gods.)
Yeah, I kind of regret saying those things now because here I am watching this goddamn beautiful show with some of the worst character writing in the history of anime.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Sailor Moon S Episode 09 - Save Friends! Moon and Uranus Join Forces
It's been a really difficult last couple of weeks for me. Lots of personal things came up, and kept me from being able to sit down and do a thing. A thing which resembles this thing you are reading now. (It's a thing.)
For that, I'm sorry. But life must come first, and not having the energy to sit down for two hours (or an hour and a half or however long it takes me) to write this just has to take a back seat. On the bright side however, I've got a pretty good backlog of stuff that I should be writing about.
Stuff that I won't tell you about yet but I can assure you will be coming soon. Perhaps tomorrow soon. Perhaps fives days a week for a few weeks soon. Crazier things have happened am I right?
Anyways, it's time for Sailor Moon Mondays. Let's kick this off right, and see what motorcycles have to do with today's episode huh?
For that, I'm sorry. But life must come first, and not having the energy to sit down for two hours (or an hour and a half or however long it takes me) to write this just has to take a back seat. On the bright side however, I've got a pretty good backlog of stuff that I should be writing about.
Stuff that I won't tell you about yet but I can assure you will be coming soon. Perhaps tomorrow soon. Perhaps fives days a week for a few weeks soon. Crazier things have happened am I right?
Anyways, it's time for Sailor Moon Mondays. Let's kick this off right, and see what motorcycles have to do with today's episode huh?
Monday, July 7, 2014
Sailor Moon S Episode 08 - The Labyrinth of Water! Ami the Targeted
It would appear that the ending of Master of Martial Hearts about damn near killed me. I didn't feel the energy to do anything for days, and worst of all, it gave me insomnia for a few days.
At least that's the excuse I'm going with. It all started after I watched that show so clearly that must be the cause of my troubles.
Fortunately however, I've got a whole new lineup of shows to go through, so we'll see. And given that the new season of anime is finally upon us... well, maybe I will do a thing where I discuss some of those shows. But briefly. Very briefly.
Also, last related note: Sailor Moon Crystal has finally started, and it is a billion times percent better. That's a whole lotta zeroes, and a topic for some other time... But for today, you get the classic stuff! Classic-ish? Screw it roll the footage Tom!
At least that's the excuse I'm going with. It all started after I watched that show so clearly that must be the cause of my troubles.
Fortunately however, I've got a whole new lineup of shows to go through, so we'll see. And given that the new season of anime is finally upon us... well, maybe I will do a thing where I discuss some of those shows. But briefly. Very briefly.
Also, last related note: Sailor Moon Crystal has finally started, and it is a billion times percent better. That's a whole lotta zeroes, and a topic for some other time... But for today, you get the classic stuff! Classic-ish? Screw it roll the footage Tom!
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Master of Martial Hearts Episode FINAL - Flames
I kind of dread this, you know.
It's that kind of dread because of what people keep telling you: "Just wait till the end!" or "Please survive till the end!" or "If you watch nothing else, watch the final episode!"
... yeah I'm actually kind of concerned for my safety at this point.
So, ladies and gents, I give to you... the final episode of Master of Martial Hearts.
God help me.
It's that kind of dread because of what people keep telling you: "Just wait till the end!" or "Please survive till the end!" or "If you watch nothing else, watch the final episode!"
... yeah I'm actually kind of concerned for my safety at this point.
So, ladies and gents, I give to you... the final episode of Master of Martial Hearts.
God help me.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Sailor Moon S Episode 07 - Cold Hearted Uranus? Makoto in Trouble
Happy Monday folks. Today is Sailor Moon Day (since the new re-dubbed episode is out and all that). No, I haven't been watching it, but that shouldn't stop you from watching it! After all, I'm just a bunch of words on the Internet, what do I know about anime?
... yeah I think that's about all I've really got for today. Seems like some people think I talk too much so I'll just try to keep this shit brief or whatever. Episode time.
... yeah I think that's about all I've really got for today. Seems like some people think I talk too much so I'll just try to keep this shit brief or whatever. Episode time.
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Sailor Moon S Episode 06 - Leave it to the Moon for Love Aid
Time sure seems to fly. My schedule has been kind of weird. I haven't been sleeping as much which is really throwing my energy levels off. Seems to be forever my curse, either I sleep too much or not enough. There's no real balance to it.
What's this got to do with anime? Believe it or not, it takes a great deal of willpower to muster the courage to watch stuff. Even Sailor Moon. Or especially Sailor Moon, I should say, given that... well, you've read about the last couple of episodes, right?
So what are we doing today? Stripping dishwashers? Stripping toy robots? Wait wait wait, I've got it: A stripping Mannequin. WAIT NO. A STRIPPING BIKINI.
I have successfully set the bar so low, this show cannot possibly hope to compete.
... right?
What's this got to do with anime? Believe it or not, it takes a great deal of willpower to muster the courage to watch stuff. Even Sailor Moon. Or especially Sailor Moon, I should say, given that... well, you've read about the last couple of episodes, right?
So what are we doing today? Stripping dishwashers? Stripping toy robots? Wait wait wait, I've got it: A stripping Mannequin. WAIT NO. A STRIPPING BIKINI.
I have successfully set the bar so low, this show cannot possibly hope to compete.
... right?
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Master of Martial Hearts Episode 04 - Silently, Like Secrets
Episode 4. God, it feels like forever since I started watching this pile of crap, but with every passing moment, I come closer to the end of our relatively short journey. It makes me wonder what I should do next - there are so very many choices, and I've got quite the extensive list to go through.
Maybe something like Dragonaut if I can find it.
Anyways, enough pondering and shit, let's get on with the show! And what a show it will be. Or would be, if it were any good. These are the guys who gave us Wanna Be the Strongest in the World!, remember?
Maybe something like Dragonaut if I can find it.
Anyways, enough pondering and shit, let's get on with the show! And what a show it will be. Or would be, if it were any good. These are the guys who gave us Wanna Be the Strongest in the World!, remember?
Monday, June 23, 2014
Sailor Moon S Episode 05 - Protect the Pure Heart! A Three-Way Battle
So, once again, I seem to be falling behind. It was a rough weekend, and things happen. No big deal. Not like I have any impending onus to ensure I do this on a regular basis besides just plain hating myself.
That having been said, man, the new series will be starting up in just a few weeks. I have to wonder how it will turn out, and if it'll be better than what we've already seen. One can hope.
I was gonna put more words but I forgot how to English so let's just get down to it today.
That having been said, man, the new series will be starting up in just a few weeks. I have to wonder how it will turn out, and if it'll be better than what we've already seen. One can hope.
I was gonna put more words but I forgot how to English so let's just get down to it today.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Master of Martial Hearts Episode 03 - Three Sisters, Sworn Enemies
Have I mentioned yet just how many awesome shows are coming up this summer? I don't think I have. Besides the Sailor Moon reboot (which looks pretty awesome), we've got a new Persona 4 series based on the Golden release, a second part to Space Dandy, more Sword Art Online (which is fun enough), and the third part of Ghost in the Shell: Arise.
Honestly, I'm fairly excited for the series coming out, because there's a lot of really good shows this season. Even glancing over the full list, there's really only one or two stinkers at best, and no matter how much I try to rail against Free!, let's just be honest with ourselves: It's still going to do really well.
So what am I going to be covering once this show is over? Well, I've certainly got no shortage of options, that's for sure. I have a list of craptacular anime half a mile long at this point. To that end, I've added a new poll asking for some suggestions. Take a click, tell me what you'd like.
That having been said, Master of Martial Hearts! Will this show get better? I seriously doubt it.
Honestly, I'm fairly excited for the series coming out, because there's a lot of really good shows this season. Even glancing over the full list, there's really only one or two stinkers at best, and no matter how much I try to rail against Free!, let's just be honest with ourselves: It's still going to do really well.
So what am I going to be covering once this show is over? Well, I've certainly got no shortage of options, that's for sure. I have a list of craptacular anime half a mile long at this point. To that end, I've added a new poll asking for some suggestions. Take a click, tell me what you'd like.
That having been said, Master of Martial Hearts! Will this show get better? I seriously doubt it.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Sailor Moon R: Promise of the Rose - An Entire Hour of Madness!
You guys knew there were Sailor Moon movies, right? Right?
So yeah. There were movies. Technically, I guess this takes place sometime after the Doom Tree arc, but sometime before they go back to the future. Needless to say, I've been wanting to do this movie for some time, but wasn't able to sit down and do it. Considering that this is the 200th(!!!) post, what better time to tackle this film than now?
I'd originally planned to maybe break it up into parts. But y'know what? Settle in. Because this is going to be a very, very long ride for all of us.
![]() |
I f***ing miss you guys. T-T |
I'd originally planned to maybe break it up into parts. But y'know what? Settle in. Because this is going to be a very, very long ride for all of us.
Friday, June 13, 2014
Sailor Moon S Episode 04 - Usagi's Idol! The Graceful Genius Michiru
Holy crap it has been a long run to get to this point. Monday will mark the 200th anime post. That's a lot of in-depth analysis of shows.
I've thought long and hard about what I want to do and... well, I've got something special all right. Not how I intended to use it, but I think you'll find it interesting. I hope you will, at any rate. I'll be putting a lot of work into it.
That having been said, wow, it's time for more Sailor Moon! Who could have predicted that.
I've thought long and hard about what I want to do and... well, I've got something special all right. Not how I intended to use it, but I think you'll find it interesting. I hope you will, at any rate. I'll be putting a lot of work into it.
That having been said, wow, it's time for more Sailor Moon! Who could have predicted that.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Master of Martial Hearts Episode 02 - A Reason to Fight
Hello there again Internet. I haven't forgotten you. I know that I still have catching up to do. It's a thing that I'm working on. After all, there's a lot of stuff coming up, and I'd like to be ready for the new season starting up next month. Where I might pick up a show or two.
That said, I've got some Master of Martial Hearts here to watch. But before I get to that, I'd like to take a moment and say, if you read this blog on a regular basis: Thank you. I do keep an eye on stats and such, and I see that, well, of the ninety-some hits my blog gets a day, I'm sure that maybe two or even three of you are legitimate human beings. Or cats. I've got nothing against cats. Or dogs. On the Internet, nobody can tell. Or care. So who am I to judge your species of choice?
Of course, I'd still like this thing to reach other people. But to do that, I'd probably need some kind of incentive or something. Maybe some kind of a bonus entry or some such? Perhaps I'd even be willing to go against some things I've said about other certain shows and finish them to completion?
... no, there's no way I could hate myself that much, right?
Well, just some random thoughts I suppose. It's high time we dove into this show again, so let's hop to it, shall we?
That said, I've got some Master of Martial Hearts here to watch. But before I get to that, I'd like to take a moment and say, if you read this blog on a regular basis: Thank you. I do keep an eye on stats and such, and I see that, well, of the ninety-some hits my blog gets a day, I'm sure that maybe two or even three of you are legitimate human beings. Or cats. I've got nothing against cats. Or dogs. On the Internet, nobody can tell. Or care. So who am I to judge your species of choice?
Of course, I'd still like this thing to reach other people. But to do that, I'd probably need some kind of incentive or something. Maybe some kind of a bonus entry or some such? Perhaps I'd even be willing to go against some things I've said about other certain shows and finish them to completion?
... no, there's no way I could hate myself that much, right?
Well, just some random thoughts I suppose. It's high time we dove into this show again, so let's hop to it, shall we?
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Sailor Moon R - AKA Sailor Moon RELOADED
Seeing as how it's been a couple of weeks since R ended, I figured it was time to revisit it, and finally give it my final thoughts.
So I guess there's really no time better than the present to get this over with, eh?
So I guess there's really no time better than the present to get this over with, eh?
Monday, June 9, 2014
Sailor Moon S Episode 03 - A Wonderful, Beautiful Boy? The Secret of Haruka Tenoh
There is a lot of anime coming out this summer that I actually want to watch.
Between Sailor Moon Crystal (obligatory since I write this), Space Dandy, Persona 4 Golden the TV, and now Sword Art Online too (yeah it's not that great but whatever I liked it), I have to say there's a lot to look forward to for the first time in what seems like forever.
With that having been said, I'll admit that I am really surprised with Sailor Moon S thus far. It's... improved. Greatly so. The first two episodes are pretty much better than everything that's come before it. It still relies on the old formulas but they work so much better.
I may have to rethink the 'bad anime' tag in relation to this show. It may have finally gotten good.
Hopefully I don't regret these words by the end of this episode though.
Between Sailor Moon Crystal (obligatory since I write this), Space Dandy, Persona 4 Golden the TV, and now Sword Art Online too (yeah it's not that great but whatever I liked it), I have to say there's a lot to look forward to for the first time in what seems like forever.
With that having been said, I'll admit that I am really surprised with Sailor Moon S thus far. It's... improved. Greatly so. The first two episodes are pretty much better than everything that's come before it. It still relies on the old formulas but they work so much better.
I may have to rethink the 'bad anime' tag in relation to this show. It may have finally gotten good.
Hopefully I don't regret these words by the end of this episode though.
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Sailor Moon S Episode 02 - The Rod of Love is Born! Usagi's New Transformation
So, I saw the trailer for the new Sailor Moon Crystal. And... well, I won't lie, it's definitely... interesting.
Initial thoughts? Character design seems to suffer from severe CLAMP-syndrome with limbs that are miles long, but I have to admit that the animation looks sick as hell. I'm gonna watch it. I might even blog about it.
... I'm not fooling anyone of course I'm going to. So on that note, why not some more classic Sailor Moon?
Initial thoughts? Character design seems to suffer from severe CLAMP-syndrome with limbs that are miles long, but I have to admit that the animation looks sick as hell. I'm gonna watch it. I might even blog about it.
... I'm not fooling anyone of course I'm going to. So on that note, why not some more classic Sailor Moon?
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
The Master of Martial Hearts Episode 01 - Destiny Sprints Into Motion
This is clearly a decision which I shall regret very quickly.
I have been informed that this series is only five episodes long. Which means that it can only get so painful before it is finally over. I have also been informed that, if I do not make it to the final episode, I am Not A Man.
Alright bitches. Challenge. Accepted.
I have been informed that this series is only five episodes long. Which means that it can only get so painful before it is finally over. I have also been informed that, if I do not make it to the final episode, I am Not A Man.
Alright bitches. Challenge. Accepted.
Monday, June 2, 2014
Sailor Moon S Episode 01 - Premonition of World's End? Mysterious New Warriors!
Hello there Internet. Welcome back.
For some reason, I decided to kick off Sailor Moon S immediately. Why wait? I'm going to have to spend a good long time to sit down with the first Sailor Moon movie (which, admittedly, I saw a really long time ago, but it's been so long that it'll be like the first time all over again, so we can ignore that for now). I've also been thinking about what else I should be watching around these parts.
While I have another show in mind, it is really short, and I'm not sure I want to sit through any more of Qwasar... at least, not yet. Still though, this leaves me with quite the dilemma. I'm going to need something else to watch.
Which leads me to wonder if I am, in all seriousness, considering picking up the second season of Free!
... what have I become?
For some reason, I decided to kick off Sailor Moon S immediately. Why wait? I'm going to have to spend a good long time to sit down with the first Sailor Moon movie (which, admittedly, I saw a really long time ago, but it's been so long that it'll be like the first time all over again, so we can ignore that for now). I've also been thinking about what else I should be watching around these parts.
While I have another show in mind, it is really short, and I'm not sure I want to sit through any more of Qwasar... at least, not yet. Still though, this leaves me with quite the dilemma. I'm going to need something else to watch.
Which leads me to wonder if I am, in all seriousness, considering picking up the second season of Free!
... what have I become?
Friday, May 30, 2014
Mars of Destruction - The World's Worst Anime (Literally)
You know how with most anime, you can generally find them somewhere on the Internet? Unless it is super old or obscure, you can probably find somewhere on the Internet that has it available for viewing, legally or otherwise.
So imagine my utter befuddlement when I attempted to find myself this show. In a viewable quality, mind you. Just finding it anywhere was a difficult task to begin with.
The show only came out in mid-2005. So why does it seem like I can't find this show anywhere? It's only a 20-minute OVA, how bad could it possibly get in that short amount of time?
Remember that I've been saying for awhile that I wanted to do something like this. Something just so utterly horrible that I had a difficult time finding it even on the Internet. I mean you can find anything there these days. By my reckoning, I'm at almost 200 posts about the animoos (this marks #192, woo!), and after seeing my blog having hit over 12k views (that's a lotta views by the way), I figure it's time to get this sucker out in the open, for all the world to behold.
My friends, I give you... Mars of Destruction. Let's. Do. This.
So imagine my utter befuddlement when I attempted to find myself this show. In a viewable quality, mind you. Just finding it anywhere was a difficult task to begin with.
The show only came out in mid-2005. So why does it seem like I can't find this show anywhere? It's only a 20-minute OVA, how bad could it possibly get in that short amount of time?
Remember that I've been saying for awhile that I wanted to do something like this. Something just so utterly horrible that I had a difficult time finding it even on the Internet. I mean you can find anything there these days. By my reckoning, I'm at almost 200 posts about the animoos (this marks #192, woo!), and after seeing my blog having hit over 12k views (that's a lotta views by the way), I figure it's time to get this sucker out in the open, for all the world to behold.
My friends, I give you... Mars of Destruction. Let's. Do. This.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Diabolik Lovers Episode FINAL - Insert Title Here
With the completion of Sailor Moon R, I just had to wrap this one up as well. Because so long as I'm finishing things, I may as well finish them right off.
Plus it'll give me the opportunity to write up my final thoughts on this show as a lovely little bonus at some point. I've got a lot of material to try and cover, and unfortunately I don't have a whole lot of material sitting around, so things will likely just be Sailor Moon all day every day, until I find something else horrible enough to fill in the gaps.
(This is where you get to suggest things, hint hint, and if it's bad enough I'll do it.)
So, let's end this show, eh?
Plus it'll give me the opportunity to write up my final thoughts on this show as a lovely little bonus at some point. I've got a lot of material to try and cover, and unfortunately I don't have a whole lot of material sitting around, so things will likely just be Sailor Moon all day every day, until I find something else horrible enough to fill in the gaps.
(This is where you get to suggest things, hint hint, and if it's bad enough I'll do it.)
So, let's end this show, eh?
Monday, May 26, 2014
Sailor Moon R Episode FINAL - Usagi and the Girls' Resolve! Prelude to a New Battle
Well, we're finally here - the actual end of Sailor Moon R. As baffling as this is, however. I mean, they wrapped up everything last episode, right? What more could they hope to add? Wiseman is dead, pretty much everyone from Nemesis that wasn't a Phantom Sister is dead, and Chibi-usa went back home.
So what more could possibly be done? Everything was literally wrapped up nice and neat last episode. Why did there need to be one more? They didn't even set up for anything else!
I guess it's time for us to find out.
Also, sincerest apologies for the lack of that other post. I'm still having some issues with it. We'll see if I can get that taken care of... it's just. It's really, really painful, that's all.
But today on Sailor Moon...
So what more could possibly be done? Everything was literally wrapped up nice and neat last episode. Why did there need to be one more? They didn't even set up for anything else!
I guess it's time for us to find out.
Also, sincerest apologies for the lack of that other post. I'm still having some issues with it. We'll see if I can get that taken care of... it's just. It's really, really painful, that's all.
But today on Sailor Moon...
Friday, May 23, 2014
Diabolik Lovers Episode 11 - World of Darkness You Ain't
Things just have a way of getting in my way lately. Having finally overcome the illness that plagued me, I'm trying to get back into the normal swing of things - which is pretty hard when I've gotten so accustomed to not sitting down to watch things I utterly despise.
I think that you will agree that it is not an entirely bad thing to not sit and watch things which make you wish to strangle the nearest human being. But since this is the Internet and we do things that make little sense...
I bring to you once again, and almost for the last time... Diabolik Lovers.
I think that you will agree that it is not an entirely bad thing to not sit and watch things which make you wish to strangle the nearest human being. But since this is the Internet and we do things that make little sense...
I bring to you once again, and almost for the last time... Diabolik Lovers.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Sailor Moon R Episode 42 - The Final Battle Between Light and Darkness! Love Sworn to the Future
Today, I am breaking all kinds of rules, but for good reason. I'm skipping Diabolik Lovers, and going straight for Sailor Moon again, and here's the reason why:
Viz Animation, the current holders of the US license of Sailor Moon, announced that they are re-releasing all original 200 episodes plus movies on Blu-Ray, fully uncut, and with a brand new English dub! This is pretty freaking awesome, but it's not even the best news, because you see the best news is that, starting today, and every Monday from now, they will be simulcasting this new dub over the internet through places such as Hulu!
Now, I won't lie. This is pretty amazing news, but it gets better, because come July 5th, Sailor Moon Crystal will begin airing. And this is pretty important because, from what I understand, this is supposed to be a reboot. A re-envisioning of the series, and a take of how it was supposed to be, as opposed to what we actually got.
So the bar is set pretty high for that one, and my interests are incredibly relevant, since I hope it will fix all of the issues I have ever had with this show. Like ever. So we'll see.
In the interests of honoring this thing, every Monday is now Sailor Moon Day for me, as opposed to Wednesdays. So that people can read this thing, and watch the brand new episodes and tell me just how horribly wrong I am about everything. Or totally spot on, I'm no visionary.
Anyways, I've rambled on long enough. Onto the show!
Viz Animation, the current holders of the US license of Sailor Moon, announced that they are re-releasing all original 200 episodes plus movies on Blu-Ray, fully uncut, and with a brand new English dub! This is pretty freaking awesome, but it's not even the best news, because you see the best news is that, starting today, and every Monday from now, they will be simulcasting this new dub over the internet through places such as Hulu!
Now, I won't lie. This is pretty amazing news, but it gets better, because come July 5th, Sailor Moon Crystal will begin airing. And this is pretty important because, from what I understand, this is supposed to be a reboot. A re-envisioning of the series, and a take of how it was supposed to be, as opposed to what we actually got.
So the bar is set pretty high for that one, and my interests are incredibly relevant, since I hope it will fix all of the issues I have ever had with this show. Like ever. So we'll see.
In the interests of honoring this thing, every Monday is now Sailor Moon Day for me, as opposed to Wednesdays. So that people can read this thing, and watch the brand new episodes and tell me just how horribly wrong I am about everything. Or totally spot on, I'm no visionary.
Anyways, I've rambled on long enough. Onto the show!
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Sailor Moon R Episode 41 - Believe in Love and the Future! Usagi's Determination
So. I kind of slipped up again. By which I mean to say, I basically slept through like three entire days and feel as though I barely slept.
Yeah, it's kind of hard for me to keep up with the regular updates right now. Not gonna let that get in the way though, I'll persevere. I'm already queuing up the next batch of horridness. Some shorter things to help cushion the blow between working on the first Sailor Moon movie, and still recovering from Qwasar.
Just thinking about Qwasar makes me feel ill. Ugh.
So today on Sailor Moon... let's find out!
Yeah, it's kind of hard for me to keep up with the regular updates right now. Not gonna let that get in the way though, I'll persevere. I'm already queuing up the next batch of horridness. Some shorter things to help cushion the blow between working on the first Sailor Moon movie, and still recovering from Qwasar.
Just thinking about Qwasar makes me feel ill. Ugh.
So today on Sailor Moon... let's find out!
Monday, April 28, 2014
Diabolik Lovers Episode 10 - Double Digit Dungheap
Lately my job has been seriously kicking my ass. Overtime is great. Unfortunately, it also means that I tend to really throw my sleep schedule off, and never knowing when I will have to work super long shifts is really starting to take its toll on me and my life.
Also, I just haven't been sleeping very well period lately, and that's never good for anybody involved. And speaking of things not good for anybody involved, Diabolik Lovers? Well it's still a pretty bad show.
Oh and I have something special planned for this Friday. So look forward to that. It'll be a riot.
Also, I just haven't been sleeping very well period lately, and that's never good for anybody involved. And speaking of things not good for anybody involved, Diabolik Lovers? Well it's still a pretty bad show.
Oh and I have something special planned for this Friday. So look forward to that. It'll be a riot.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Sailor Moon R Episode 40 - Saphir Dies! Wiseman's Trap
I go through a lot to bring you folks entertainment.
No, really. I spent no less than half an hour just trying to figure out various issues that were getting in the way of my providing you with this entry. Everything from speakers not working to Windows just straight up not working at all.
Truly, the universe works in mysterious ways. Maybe it's trying to tell me something. Like, "you really should have something planned for Friday you idiot."
Meh, who listens to those voices in the back of your head anyway? If I did that, I'd never have started this blog in the first place...
No, really. I spent no less than half an hour just trying to figure out various issues that were getting in the way of my providing you with this entry. Everything from speakers not working to Windows just straight up not working at all.
Truly, the universe works in mysterious ways. Maybe it's trying to tell me something. Like, "you really should have something planned for Friday you idiot."
Meh, who listens to those voices in the back of your head anyway? If I did that, I'd never have started this blog in the first place...
Monday, April 21, 2014
Diabolik Lovers Episode 09 - Eight Episodes Too Many
So I kinda fell apart last week.
It happens. Polar Vortex whips its nasty little head around for one more go, completely screws everything up. Makes you feel violently ill. And totally unable to do anything other than sleep when not working. Also, I think I may have had too much caffeine at several points, which likely didn't do me any favors either.
I wanted to find a replacement for Qwasar. Honest. I haven't managed to scrape that together just quite yet though. (I have ideas, don't worry, but some terrible shows are harder to get hold of than others.)
So being that I can function more or less like a reasonable human being, I guess I should go right back to driving my skull into the dirt. Whatever doesn't kill you...
It happens. Polar Vortex whips its nasty little head around for one more go, completely screws everything up. Makes you feel violently ill. And totally unable to do anything other than sleep when not working. Also, I think I may have had too much caffeine at several points, which likely didn't do me any favors either.
I wanted to find a replacement for Qwasar. Honest. I haven't managed to scrape that together just quite yet though. (I have ideas, don't worry, but some terrible shows are harder to get hold of than others.)
So being that I can function more or less like a reasonable human being, I guess I should go right back to driving my skull into the dirt. Whatever doesn't kill you...
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Pupa - A Disaster of Biblical Proportions
Where do we begin with this one? I mean, honestly, where could I even begin?
There are bad shows, and then there are shows that frankly never should have seen the light of day. And then, there are shows like Pupa.
I... I'm honestly at a loss here. I don't know where to even begin talking about this mess. But I promise I'll try.
This is Pupa.
There are bad shows, and then there are shows that frankly never should have seen the light of day. And then, there are shows like Pupa.
I... I'm honestly at a loss here. I don't know where to even begin talking about this mess. But I promise I'll try.
This is Pupa.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Sailor Moon R Episode 39 - The Birth of Black Lady, The Queen of Darkness
I think I am beginning to slowly lose my mind.
This show is bad. Just... all kinds of bad, without a doubt. I know how bad it is, and spoiler alert, I kind of know how it gets worse. But how is it that I am just now beginning to lose my mind?
Why, because I am kind of looking forward to seeing this train wreck of a show continue. I can't even really grasp the reasoning behind this, I just... I think I just want to see how bad it gets. Which makes this the campy sort of bad. Or the campy sort of good. Does that make any sense? I'm not sure that it does.
Why does this show confuse me so?
This show is bad. Just... all kinds of bad, without a doubt. I know how bad it is, and spoiler alert, I kind of know how it gets worse. But how is it that I am just now beginning to lose my mind?
Why, because I am kind of looking forward to seeing this train wreck of a show continue. I can't even really grasp the reasoning behind this, I just... I think I just want to see how bad it gets. Which makes this the campy sort of bad. Or the campy sort of good. Does that make any sense? I'm not sure that it does.
Why does this show confuse me so?
Diabolik Lovers Episode 08 - Endless Hate
You know, come to think of it I think that Diabolik Lovers and Pupa have some things in common.
They're both horror shows, they both have strange running times that don't match with their content, and they both completely miss the entire point of the horror genre, except in those rare instances where they simply come across as just plain creepy. They also both contain characters I could care less about, and waste most of their runtime with pointless shit in an attempt to remind us that THIS IS A SHOW ABOUT (insert thing here).
They also both have incredibly questionable artwork, for the most part. and put detail into the weirdest things.
It's quite the conundrum. One might almost wonder if they were, in fact, two parts of the same show, or at least made to run together or something. I dunno. My point is they're both shit shows and why in the hell did anyone bother watching this ungodly mess?
They're both horror shows, they both have strange running times that don't match with their content, and they both completely miss the entire point of the horror genre, except in those rare instances where they simply come across as just plain creepy. They also both contain characters I could care less about, and waste most of their runtime with pointless shit in an attempt to remind us that THIS IS A SHOW ABOUT (insert thing here).
They also both have incredibly questionable artwork, for the most part. and put detail into the weirdest things.
It's quite the conundrum. One might almost wonder if they were, in fact, two parts of the same show, or at least made to run together or something. I dunno. My point is they're both shit shows and why in the hell did anyone bother watching this ungodly mess?
Monday, April 7, 2014
The Qwasar of Stigmata Episode 12 - Sword of Fresh Blood
Yeah, so I kinda missed the weekend. Oops. I'll be making up on that I suppose, and probably post Diabolik Lovers tomorrow. There is only so much a single man can be expected to put up with in a single sitting after all.
And let's face it, watching those two back-to-back might actually kill me.
That's not even hyperbole I mean they might actually wind up killing me for real.
It says a lot when I completely forget what happens in a show between viewings so much that I actually have to go back and skim the last entry in this blog for it. I mean you'd think I might remember the crazy twins and the mercury bitch. You'd think that.
You'd also be wrong. But you'd definitely be thinking that.
And let's face it, watching those two back-to-back might actually kill me.
That's not even hyperbole I mean they might actually wind up killing me for real.
It says a lot when I completely forget what happens in a show between viewings so much that I actually have to go back and skim the last entry in this blog for it. I mean you'd think I might remember the crazy twins and the mercury bitch. You'd think that.
You'd also be wrong. But you'd definitely be thinking that.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Sailor Moon R Episode 38 - Wiseman's Evil Hand! Chibi-Usa Disappears
Some interesting facts have come to light regarding Sailor Moon, and I think by virtue of these mentionings, I might just have to check out the original manga, for instance.
According to my sources, Mamoru is, at least in the manga, 17 and about ready to graduate from high school. Now if you ask me, that makes a lot more sense - dude is just about to start getting into a college, so by the time the whole Chibi-usa thing begins? I can believe it. If anything, it makes their relationships... well, way more believable, at any rate.
It also seems that the original manga artist was rather displeased by her lack of involvement in the original production as well. And if you've been following along here, it's really not hard to understand why she might feel that way. This said, the upcoming Sailor Moon series is, again according to my sources, supposed to be a re-imagining of the original tale - one that is supposed to stick much closer to the manga and, one might suspect, turn out to be a way better freaking show.
So with that having been said, perhaps I shall turn a less disdainful eye towards that new show, when it finally does arrive. Which at this point looks like never. Go figure. In the meantime though, we've yet to hit the halfway point on this thing, so let's get right to it, shall we?
According to my sources, Mamoru is, at least in the manga, 17 and about ready to graduate from high school. Now if you ask me, that makes a lot more sense - dude is just about to start getting into a college, so by the time the whole Chibi-usa thing begins? I can believe it. If anything, it makes their relationships... well, way more believable, at any rate.
It also seems that the original manga artist was rather displeased by her lack of involvement in the original production as well. And if you've been following along here, it's really not hard to understand why she might feel that way. This said, the upcoming Sailor Moon series is, again according to my sources, supposed to be a re-imagining of the original tale - one that is supposed to stick much closer to the manga and, one might suspect, turn out to be a way better freaking show.
So with that having been said, perhaps I shall turn a less disdainful eye towards that new show, when it finally does arrive. Which at this point looks like never. Go figure. In the meantime though, we've yet to hit the halfway point on this thing, so let's get right to it, shall we?
Monday, March 31, 2014
Diabolik Lovers Episode 07 - Lucky Number Slevin
With the completion of Pupa under my arms, I can now continue to devote my life to other terrible shows. Though I'm pretty sure I won't be picking anything back up on the 'Saturday' slot, because three shows in one week is almost more than the human brain can handle.
That having been said, we once again turn our critical eye back to the love story worse than Twilight. This is a love story, right? Because it's certainly not all that horrifying. Or rather it is but probably not in any of the ways the staff had hoped it would be.
That having been said, we once again turn our critical eye back to the love story worse than Twilight. This is a love story, right? Because it's certainly not all that horrifying. Or rather it is but probably not in any of the ways the staff had hoped it would be.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Pupa Episode FINAL - Larva
It's finally time to bring this baby home after all this time. The train is coming back to the station, folks, and it won't be leaving again.
Which is my subtle way of calling this show a train wreck. Which is why it won't be leaving again.
This is the last episode of this completely abysmal show, so let's see just where it ends up eh?
Which is my subtle way of calling this show a train wreck. Which is why it won't be leaving again.
This is the last episode of this completely abysmal show, so let's see just where it ends up eh?
Friday, March 28, 2014
The Qwasar of Stigmata Episode 11 - The Witch's Crucifix
Sometimes, writing this part of the blog is literally the hardest part.
I mean let's face it, after the jump everything else practically writes itself. No real effort there. But this? The intro? The part where you get to take a tiny peek into my mind to discover how much sanity remains? That's the really hard part.
Maybe part of it is just because having to write so many of these things gets, well, hard to do after awhile. You hit writer's block. What then? You've got to talk about something or other because let's face it, otherwise you'll ruin the format and not have anything to jump to.
Majority of it is probably the fact that I know, deep in the bottom of my soul, that after the cut there is no going back. And maybe I just want to spare myself the agony of f***ing Seiko no Qwasar, The Qwasar of Stigmata, even if it is just for a few more minutes.
Oh god do I hate this show with a burning fiery passion of a thousand suns. Do I ever.
I mean let's face it, after the jump everything else practically writes itself. No real effort there. But this? The intro? The part where you get to take a tiny peek into my mind to discover how much sanity remains? That's the really hard part.
Maybe part of it is just because having to write so many of these things gets, well, hard to do after awhile. You hit writer's block. What then? You've got to talk about something or other because let's face it, otherwise you'll ruin the format and not have anything to jump to.
Majority of it is probably the fact that I know, deep in the bottom of my soul, that after the cut there is no going back. And maybe I just want to spare myself the agony of f***ing Seiko no Qwasar, The Qwasar of Stigmata, even if it is just for a few more minutes.
Oh god do I hate this show with a burning fiery passion of a thousand suns. Do I ever.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Sailor Moon R Episode 37 - The Shocking Future! Dimande's Dark Ambition
Wow. This is my 175th Anime watching entry. That is quite the accomplishment. I mean, I've watched... a lot of truly, truly terrible anime by this point.
... and you know it suddenly occurs to me that if I had simply chosen to stick with only Sailor Moon I would be halfway through SS now.
... I'm gonna go cry myself to sleep now...
... and you know it suddenly occurs to me that if I had simply chosen to stick with only Sailor Moon I would be halfway through SS now.
... I'm gonna go cry myself to sleep now...
Monday, March 24, 2014
Diabolik Lovers Episode 6.5 - They Actually Called It 6.5
You know, there are a lot of things that don't make sense to me. Like bell-bottom jeans. Seriously, what is up with those things?
But right now, perhaps the most perplexing thing for me is this 'episode 6.5' business. Why is this even a thing? Why was it necessary? Did you just really want to avoid the number 13 for some reason? Or are you simply substituting your episode titles for just numbers? In which case, why would you go with something as dumb as 6.5???
I don't have any of the answers for this, and I suspect I never will.
My body is ready... but never willing. Let's just get on with it already...
But right now, perhaps the most perplexing thing for me is this 'episode 6.5' business. Why is this even a thing? Why was it necessary? Did you just really want to avoid the number 13 for some reason? Or are you simply substituting your episode titles for just numbers? In which case, why would you go with something as dumb as 6.5???
I don't have any of the answers for this, and I suspect I never will.
My body is ready... but never willing. Let's just get on with it already...
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Pupa Episode 10 - Pupation
So who is up to waste another three minutes of their life with this crap? We're two episodes away from the big finish, which I can only assume is going to build up to something so incredibly epic people will be talking about it for decades.
... pffffhahahahahaha yeah right. Like anyone is even still watching this putrid corpse decay by this point. Except me.
... what am I doing with my life...?
... pffffhahahahahaha yeah right. Like anyone is even still watching this putrid corpse decay by this point. Except me.
... what am I doing with my life...?
The Qwasar of Stigmata Episode 10 - Looking After the House for the First(?) Time
I like to think that this show makes me pre-emptively sick every time I have to sit down and watch it. It's the only explanation for why I seem to feel physically ill around the same time every week.
I'm actually kind of serious about that. I always feel like shit around this time of week for some reason. And the only real constant in it, besides being my days off, is that this freaking show is waiting for me.
Let's just do this thing, and get the breast suckling over with already so I can move on with my life.
I'm actually kind of serious about that. I always feel like shit around this time of week for some reason. And the only real constant in it, besides being my days off, is that this freaking show is waiting for me.
Let's just do this thing, and get the breast suckling over with already so I can move on with my life.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Sailor Moon R Episode 36 - Journey to the Future! Battle in the Space-Time Corridor
Have I ever mentioned what a terrible and frightening place the Internet can be?
Seriously guys. Like, there are just quite frankly some things I was probably better off not knowing. Like that people actually search for KnJ doujins and shit.
Like, Sailor Moon bondage? Fine. I can get that. This show has pretty much set itself up for some pretty terrible things but OH MY GOD WHY DO THERE NEED TO EXIST DOUJINS ABOUT LITTLE KIDS.
Speaking of science, it's time to get back to our experiment where I watch Sailor Moon and question the sanity of everyone that ever watched it. Including myself.
But especially myself.
Seriously guys. Like, there are just quite frankly some things I was probably better off not knowing. Like that people actually search for KnJ doujins and shit.
Like, Sailor Moon bondage? Fine. I can get that. This show has pretty much set itself up for some pretty terrible things but OH MY GOD WHY DO THERE NEED TO EXIST DOUJINS ABOUT LITTLE KIDS.
Speaking of science, it's time to get back to our experiment where I watch Sailor Moon and question the sanity of everyone that ever watched it. Including myself.
But especially myself.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Diabolik Lovers Episode 06 - Love Hexagon?
So. There are six vampire 'brothers', right? And in many anime the 'love triangle' is a trope which is applied as judiciously as a grade-schooler applies glue to a thin sheet of paper.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, they over play that shit a lot.
So if there are six interested parties does that make it a love hexagon? Wait, no, that wouldn't be quite right. What's the number after hexa? Septi? A septigon? I don't think that even exists. Google says it is a "heptagon".
Right so I guess I should've saved this for episode seven. Oh well. Still better thought out than the writing on this atrocity.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, they over play that shit a lot.
So if there are six interested parties does that make it a love hexagon? Wait, no, that wouldn't be quite right. What's the number after hexa? Septi? A septigon? I don't think that even exists. Google says it is a "heptagon".
Right so I guess I should've saved this for episode seven. Oh well. Still better thought out than the writing on this atrocity.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Pupa Episode 10 - Poison Curse
It's Saturday. This means it is time to watch that show which by its very definition should make you question humanity, but really just makes you wonder how it is possible to make something this bad.
Fortunately, this show is almost over. Soon, I will be able to render my final verdict upon this abhorrent blight on humanity, and forget it ever existed. Just like everyone else will.
I hope.
Fortunately, this show is almost over. Soon, I will be able to render my final verdict upon this abhorrent blight on humanity, and forget it ever existed. Just like everyone else will.
I hope.
The Qwasar of Stigmata Episode 09 - Atomis of Two Faces (Part 2)
I am not drunk enough to be watching this show.
Of course, I'm also not drinking at all. Lord knows that would make this all that much more painful. But I get the distinct feeling that even if I did have alcohol in front of me, it wouldn't be enough.
It would never be enough.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Sailor Moon R Episode 35 - Dark Gate Completed? A Grade School in Danger
With every passing episode, I realize I come closer and closer to my goal. I get nearly ecstatic. Until I realize that even with only ten episodes left, that's almost another three months I have to put up with Sailor Moon R.
And that makes me weep bitter tears of agony.
For the thirty-four episodes I have watched thus far, there have been two, maybe three which truly stood out above the rest and were by all rights really freaking awesome. But the rest were just complete crap, not worth wasting the time.
And yet, here I find myself, wishing for the days when Ali and En were the most dangerous things wandering around the city. Or when Beryl was still alive and kicking.
Because at least they were kind of competent.
And that makes me weep bitter tears of agony.
For the thirty-four episodes I have watched thus far, there have been two, maybe three which truly stood out above the rest and were by all rights really freaking awesome. But the rest were just complete crap, not worth wasting the time.
And yet, here I find myself, wishing for the days when Ali and En were the most dangerous things wandering around the city. Or when Beryl was still alive and kicking.
Because at least they were kind of competent.
Monday, March 10, 2014
Diabolik Lovers Episode 05 - Still Just As Shitty As Ever
I have to wonder how many people actually bothered to watch this show up to this point. I mean, they lost me within the first five minutes, so how could they have possibly managed to keep someone's attention long enough to make it to the fifth episode?
The main defense for folks justifying the watching of anime is that the stories told in the anime format is so much better than anything you could get here in the states.
My friends, I am here to tell you that I've watched better Soap Operas than this steaming pile of garbage. And we all know Soap Operas are only one step up from Reality TV and Jerry Springer.
Let's face it folks, they're really pretty much on the same level.
So is there any hope at all for this steaming hot mess that would make Jackie Chan freak out?
... pffft as if.
The main defense for folks justifying the watching of anime is that the stories told in the anime format is so much better than anything you could get here in the states.
My friends, I am here to tell you that I've watched better Soap Operas than this steaming pile of garbage. And we all know Soap Operas are only one step up from Reality TV and Jerry Springer.
Let's face it folks, they're really pretty much on the same level.
So is there any hope at all for this steaming hot mess that would make Jackie Chan freak out?
... pffft as if.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Pupa Episode 09 - Specimen
Oh look at this, me doing things relatively on time. Honestly the fact that I've been able to sit down and make as many of these things as I have been is probably kind of impressive, given the time it takes to do them.
Or maybe it's not I dunno. Whatever. Today I'm watching Pupa.
I cannot wait for this shit to finally be over so we can forget it ever happened in the first place.
Or maybe it's not I dunno. Whatever. Today I'm watching Pupa.
I cannot wait for this shit to finally be over so we can forget it ever happened in the first place.
Friday, March 7, 2014
The Qwasar of Stigmata Episode 08 - Atomis of Two Faces (Part 1)
Part of me hoped that I had actually lost this show over the course of the last week. Then I could complain about how stupid I was, and say something about my lack of a proper filing system, laugh it off and then promise to continue the show but never actually continue it because I'd pick up a show far less horrible than this to take its place.
I think that's the part of me one might consider 'sane'.
It's a very small part, I assure you. So who wants to find out just how much worse this already atrocious show can be? I guess I do.
I think that's the part of me one might consider 'sane'.
It's a very small part, I assure you. So who wants to find out just how much worse this already atrocious show can be? I guess I do.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Sailor Moon R Episode 34 - Terrifying Illusion! Ami All Alone
I think I'm starting to get back into the groove finally.
While I'm not exactly dreading this upcoming episode, I'm already pretty sure I know what to expect out of it at this point. I mean, let's face it, after last episode's showing, things haven't exactly been top-tier quality around here.
I wonder what they're going to do today? Let's find out.
While I'm not exactly dreading this upcoming episode, I'm already pretty sure I know what to expect out of it at this point. I mean, let's face it, after last episode's showing, things haven't exactly been top-tier quality around here.
I wonder what they're going to do today? Let's find out.
Monday, March 3, 2014
Diabolik Lovers Episode 4 - Neither Diabolik Nor Romantic
I put up with a lot of shit writing this blog.
I don't mean shit from the people who read this. No, the worst I've gotten from that is "WHY WOULD YOU WATCH THAT?!" Or maybe that time a certain friend was all "HEY YOU SHOULD WATCH KODOMO NO JIKAN I SWEAR IT WILL MAKE YOU LAUGH TEARS." OH SURE THAT WENT OVER SUPER SWELL THANKS FOR ASKING. DICK.
But I digress. Because my point is that, quite frankly, I go through a lot of truly terrible SHIT to bring you this minefield of comedy gold. Am I mixing metaphors there? Probably. Am I gonna care?
Nah, not really. Today we're going back to Diabolik Lovers.
I don't mean shit from the people who read this. No, the worst I've gotten from that is "WHY WOULD YOU WATCH THAT?!" Or maybe that time a certain friend was all "HEY YOU SHOULD WATCH KODOMO NO JIKAN I SWEAR IT WILL MAKE YOU LAUGH TEARS." OH SURE THAT WENT OVER SUPER SWELL THANKS FOR ASKING. DICK.
But I digress. Because my point is that, quite frankly, I go through a lot of truly terrible SHIT to bring you this minefield of comedy gold. Am I mixing metaphors there? Probably. Am I gonna care?
Nah, not really. Today we're going back to Diabolik Lovers.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Pupa Episode 08 - Caterpillar
Did you know that Pupa is still a thing which is airing?
My best guess for its existence is that they actually have nothing else they could possibly be airing for four minutes.
Literally anything would be better than Pupa. Anything.
But no. This is still happening. So let's just get this over with...
My best guess for its existence is that they actually have nothing else they could possibly be airing for four minutes.
Literally anything would be better than Pupa. Anything.
But no. This is still happening. So let's just get this over with...
The Qwasar of Stigmata Episode 07 - The Pure White Maria
One of these weeks, I won't feel too sick to actually get my Friday episode out on time. Though one might be inclined to actually believe that this show is, in fact, making me physically ill. Therefore, one might think that it would be a good idea to not watch this show.
But alas, I am stupid, and will continue to watch this molten piece of vomitous ass anyways.
I want you to appreciate the fact that I am not playing the beta weekend for the Elder Scrolls online at the moment. I am instead watching this show instead. Despite the fact that the servers are only up for a few days.
The sacrifices I make for this blog...
But alas, I am stupid, and will continue to watch this molten piece of vomitous ass anyways.
I want you to appreciate the fact that I am not playing the beta weekend for the Elder Scrolls online at the moment. I am instead watching this show instead. Despite the fact that the servers are only up for a few days.
The sacrifices I make for this blog...
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Sailor Moon R Episode 33 - Artemis' Adventure! The Evil Animal Kingdom
After the absolute mess that was last week's episode, and the week before that, I honestly don't know what more this show can do to sink to new depths of sheer "WWYDT" territory.
Actually, that's a bold-faced lie. I know exactly what they could do to make it even more horrible. And what they will do. So I should take back my original statement and try saying it a different way: I don't know what this show can do to legitimately surprise me and thus make the show sink to even further levels of "WWYDT".
And with every passing episode, I shudder to think that we are inching ever closer to the big 'twist' that is coming up.
Oh god. If I keep thinking about it too hard I'm gonna hurl. Let's just get on with it already.
Actually, that's a bold-faced lie. I know exactly what they could do to make it even more horrible. And what they will do. So I should take back my original statement and try saying it a different way: I don't know what this show can do to legitimately surprise me and thus make the show sink to even further levels of "WWYDT".
And with every passing episode, I shudder to think that we are inching ever closer to the big 'twist' that is coming up.
Oh god. If I keep thinking about it too hard I'm gonna hurl. Let's just get on with it already.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Diabolik Lovers Episode 3 - It's Really Just A Number
Diabolik Lovers. God. I'm only onto the third episode and already I feel this strange desire to start throwing random objects at passers-by in the vain hopes that I might chase them away before they are subjected to this godawful pile of shit.
Of all the shows I'm watching right now? It's honestly a toss up for which is the most vile. I mean you can tell Pupa clearly had no budget, so that should excuse some of its terrible decisions, along with just being super brief. But this? This is horrible on a level I am still struggling to comprehend.
I have never seen a show that only runs for about fifteen minutes. It truly defies belief. I just. I simply don't get it. I don't understand. Most shows average 23 minutes - roughly one and a half minute for intro, same for the ending, and twenty minutes of whatever nonsense they choose to air. Of course this varies some depending on the actual content of the episode - some run a little longer, some a little shorter, but they average about 20 minutes or so of actual content. Usually.
But not Diabolik Lovers.
This show is going to cause me no end of headaches, and this mystery? I may never solve it.
Of all the shows I'm watching right now? It's honestly a toss up for which is the most vile. I mean you can tell Pupa clearly had no budget, so that should excuse some of its terrible decisions, along with just being super brief. But this? This is horrible on a level I am still struggling to comprehend.
I have never seen a show that only runs for about fifteen minutes. It truly defies belief. I just. I simply don't get it. I don't understand. Most shows average 23 minutes - roughly one and a half minute for intro, same for the ending, and twenty minutes of whatever nonsense they choose to air. Of course this varies some depending on the actual content of the episode - some run a little longer, some a little shorter, but they average about 20 minutes or so of actual content. Usually.
But not Diabolik Lovers.
This show is going to cause me no end of headaches, and this mystery? I may never solve it.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Moonlight Punishment - Observations, Aspirations, and Other Junk
Hi there folks.
Maybe you are new around here. Or maybe you've been a reader for quite some time now. Whatever the case, I hope that you'll take a moment to read this, because I think it's time for me to address this blog proper for a change, considering I'm not sure I've really talked about it outside of just a passing comment here or there.
So, you know, it'd actually mean a lot to me if you'd click after the jump to read what I have to say. (Also it would mean a bunch if you'd tell your friends and family and pets about this blog too. Pets are people too, though I fear much of my humor may go over their heads, I trust your judgment is better than mine though.)
Maybe you are new around here. Or maybe you've been a reader for quite some time now. Whatever the case, I hope that you'll take a moment to read this, because I think it's time for me to address this blog proper for a change, considering I'm not sure I've really talked about it outside of just a passing comment here or there.
So, you know, it'd actually mean a lot to me if you'd click after the jump to read what I have to say. (Also it would mean a bunch if you'd tell your friends and family and pets about this blog too. Pets are people too, though I fear much of my humor may go over their heads, I trust your judgment is better than mine though.)
Pupa Episode 07 - Incubation
No. I didn't forget about Pupa. Unfortunately. I've simply been budgeting my time poorly once again.
Don't worry though. It's getting better.
My budgeting of time, not this show. What, you honestly think this show can ever redeem itself after having shit all over itself for the first half and then trying to show us how talented it is by smearing it all over the walls? Please.
I am in a particularly vile mood I think. I can safely blame Pupa for that. Let's get on with it...
Don't worry though. It's getting better.
My budgeting of time, not this show. What, you honestly think this show can ever redeem itself after having shit all over itself for the first half and then trying to show us how talented it is by smearing it all over the walls? Please.
I am in a particularly vile mood I think. I can safely blame Pupa for that. Let's get on with it...
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Astarotte no Omocha - Because Nothing is More Hilarious Than Little Girl Blowjobs and Pedophiles
Has it really been almost a full month since I stopped watching this show? Has it really? My god. It feels like so much longer.
And yet at the same time, it feels like not long enough.
It will never be long enough.
I think that's also a penis joke but at this point? I don't want penis jokes anywhere near this show.
I just screwed the pooch on that one didn't I? Alright. Let's go over this one more time, and grade the show based on its merits. Or merit. I'm not sure if that's going to be singular or plural yet. I'm sure it'll be at least singular. Otherwise this is going to be a really sarcastic remark in about a thousand words.
And yet at the same time, it feels like not long enough.
It will never be long enough.
I think that's also a penis joke but at this point? I don't want penis jokes anywhere near this show.
I just screwed the pooch on that one didn't I? Alright. Let's go over this one more time, and grade the show based on its merits. Or merit. I'm not sure if that's going to be singular or plural yet. I'm sure it'll be at least singular. Otherwise this is going to be a really sarcastic remark in about a thousand words.
The Qwasar of Stigmata Episode 06 - The Princess' Egg
I am highly considering dropping this show as soon as they get to a point that seems as though it would end a plot line or something. Because jegus-f**k I just don't know how much more of this show I can take.
I mean don't get me wrong, KnJ? That show is just bad. Reprehensible. Deserving of everything I ever said (and probably a few of the things I DIDN'T say) about it. But this show? This f***ing show? I honestly had no idea how bad it would be. None. It has maybe one redeeming quality. And that's about it. Otherwise, this show is probably one for the "never ever recommend this to anyone not even as a horrible joke" list.
Coming into this, I expected it to be bad in a new and exciting way.
I was so f***ing naive. I had no idea. And now, I wish I'd never even heard of this stupid show. WHOSE IDEA WAS IT FOR ME TO WATCH THIS SHIT AGAIN!?
I mean don't get me wrong, KnJ? That show is just bad. Reprehensible. Deserving of everything I ever said (and probably a few of the things I DIDN'T say) about it. But this show? This f***ing show? I honestly had no idea how bad it would be. None. It has maybe one redeeming quality. And that's about it. Otherwise, this show is probably one for the "never ever recommend this to anyone not even as a horrible joke" list.
Coming into this, I expected it to be bad in a new and exciting way.
I was so f***ing naive. I had no idea. And now, I wish I'd never even heard of this stupid show. WHOSE IDEA WAS IT FOR ME TO WATCH THIS SHIT AGAIN!?
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Sailor Moon R Episode 32 - Venus Minako's Nurse Mayhem
I've got to say, transitioning from Windows Vista to Windows 7 (yeah laugh all you want about being 'behind the curve', I prefer shit that works thank you very much) has gone a lot more smoothly than anticipated. Sure, it hasn't been perfect, and of course some stuff got lost because I was dumb, but overall, I'm pretty impressed.
Sure, there's some stuff I'll miss dearly, like the digital clock I had on the desktop. Man that thing looked nice. I do like how everything just works a lot faster though. Or how I don't have to wait three minutes to use my mouse after waking the computer from it's slumber. That's always a swell bonus.
Why am I going on about this? Well, other than the fact that, y'know, this is kind of my blog and I can say what I want, I also wanted to point out just what a nice sort of guy I can be. Because amidst all the screams of anguish and cries of rage, it can be pretty easy to forget that I am, at heart, a pretty genuinely easy-going sort of guy.
... yeah, it's time for some more Sailor Moon. Alright, play me in with your annoying alluring theme song that will never ever leave my brain no matter what and I am kind of okay with that but it's really just a shame that the show cannot live up to your incredibly amazing potential theme song that will never ever change and OH GOD WHY AM I RAMBLING ALREADY START THE SHOW QUICK.
Sure, there's some stuff I'll miss dearly, like the digital clock I had on the desktop. Man that thing looked nice. I do like how everything just works a lot faster though. Or how I don't have to wait three minutes to use my mouse after waking the computer from it's slumber. That's always a swell bonus.
Why am I going on about this? Well, other than the fact that, y'know, this is kind of my blog and I can say what I want, I also wanted to point out just what a nice sort of guy I can be. Because amidst all the screams of anguish and cries of rage, it can be pretty easy to forget that I am, at heart, a pretty genuinely easy-going sort of guy.
... yeah, it's time for some more Sailor Moon. Alright, play me in with your annoying alluring theme song that will never ever leave my brain no matter what and I am kind of okay with that but it's really just a shame that the show cannot live up to your incredibly amazing potential theme song that will never ever change and OH GOD WHY AM I RAMBLING ALREADY START THE SHOW QUICK.
Monday, February 17, 2014
Diabolik Lovers Episode 2 - A Worse Story than Twilight?
I have to say I am surprised at the amount of energy I've been unable to summon in the last few weeks. I must lead some sort of busy life or something that keeps me from doing things like watching bad animu and blogging about it on the interwebs.
Though in my defense, I've also been doing some other boring stuff in the background. Like making advertisements, that whole facebook page thing, playing around with the lovely folks at Project Wonderful (for the advertising, you know).
Like I said. Boring stuff.
Oh and then there was the computer upgrade, so I guess it's been rather productive, even if it doesn't appear to be the case. That said? Let's hop into something whose productive qualities are questionable at best.
Yes, I'm talking about Diabolik Lovers. Because boy oh boy, if last week's episode was any indication, we are in for a real treat folks.
Though in my defense, I've also been doing some other boring stuff in the background. Like making advertisements, that whole facebook page thing, playing around with the lovely folks at Project Wonderful (for the advertising, you know).
Like I said. Boring stuff.
Oh and then there was the computer upgrade, so I guess it's been rather productive, even if it doesn't appear to be the case. That said? Let's hop into something whose productive qualities are questionable at best.
Yes, I'm talking about Diabolik Lovers. Because boy oh boy, if last week's episode was any indication, we are in for a real treat folks.
Pupa Episode 06 - Encroach
You know, I could be wrong but I am pretty sure their target audience for Pupa is "those guys who are flipping through the channels waiting for their next show to come on" because it is just so goddamn short. Not only is it short, but it lacks any kind of real substance at all, because it is told in a story format that poorly fits the kind of story they are hoping to get across here.
Bah, whatever. Another three minutes of my life I'll never get back. Or in my case more like a half hour because this shit takes forever to type out. But hey, at least you'll get to laugh. Or shake your head in shame. Or reel back in horror.
I'm not gonna judge. How can I after half the shit I force myself to watch?
Bah, whatever. Another three minutes of my life I'll never get back. Or in my case more like a half hour because this shit takes forever to type out. But hey, at least you'll get to laugh. Or shake your head in shame. Or reel back in horror.
I'm not gonna judge. How can I after half the shit I force myself to watch?
Saturday, February 15, 2014
The Qwasar of Stigmata Episode 05 - The White Lily Battleground
Hello there, Internet. I come to you from what might as well be a completely new computer. Being that the only thing left from the old box is the case, power supply, and hard drives.
After more than a year of doing this, and realizing that extracting some of those gifs were taking forever, I figure I am probably justified in this.
Besides, with this, now I can attempt to bring you horrible in TRUE HD*.
*This part is a blatant lie. But it sounds good.
Anyways, on with the show! In this case, Qwasar. Hope you like milk, because here goes nothing...
After more than a year of doing this, and realizing that extracting some of those gifs were taking forever, I figure I am probably justified in this.
Besides, with this, now I can attempt to bring you horrible in TRUE HD*.
*This part is a blatant lie. But it sounds good.
Anyways, on with the show! In this case, Qwasar. Hope you like milk, because here goes nothing...
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Sailor Moon R Episode 31 - Our Feeling are the Same! Usagi and Mamoru in Love Once Again
The internet is truly a mysterious place. It fills us with equal parts wonder and sheer terror, makes us happy or disgusted, solves just as many problems as it creates, and teaches us as much as it distracts us.
Truly, the Internet is a marvel that we may never fully understand.
Kind of like how I'll probably never get 'social networking'. Seriously, knowing people? What are we living in the dark ages or something? What happened to the joy of letting computers do all of our work for us? I mean geez. Who talks to anybody these days?
I really don't know where I was going with this. Or why I'm musing on it. (Actually, that part's a lie.) Oh well. What's up for today? Sailor Moon? Okay. Let's hop to it then.
Truly, the Internet is a marvel that we may never fully understand.
Kind of like how I'll probably never get 'social networking'. Seriously, knowing people? What are we living in the dark ages or something? What happened to the joy of letting computers do all of our work for us? I mean geez. Who talks to anybody these days?
I really don't know where I was going with this. Or why I'm musing on it. (Actually, that part's a lie.) Oh well. What's up for today? Sailor Moon? Okay. Let's hop to it then.
Monday, February 10, 2014
Diabolik Lovers Episode 01 - We Couldn't Even Title Our Own Episodes
I've been talking about wanting to find a new show. Well, I've finally found one. I have another I definitely want to get my hands on, but sadly it seems that being only the length of a single episode, it may be a bit tricky.
Instead, we get Diabolik Lovers. A show about... a girl who lives with vampires. Or something? I'm not entirely sure but that seems to be the general gist. So how bad could this show possibly be, you wonder?
After watching the first couple of minutes, I gotta say the answer is pretty godawful bad. Don't believe me?
Well allow me, kind fellows, to prove you wrong.
Instead, we get Diabolik Lovers. A show about... a girl who lives with vampires. Or something? I'm not entirely sure but that seems to be the general gist. So how bad could this show possibly be, you wonder?
After watching the first couple of minutes, I gotta say the answer is pretty godawful bad. Don't believe me?
Well allow me, kind fellows, to prove you wrong.
Pupa Episode 05 - Tadpole
Well it is clear that I am definitely feeling unwell as of late. Not quite vomit-inducing levels of unwell, but I fear this could change over the course of the next few days.
So of course we need to follow up all of this incredibly unwell-feeling with a dose of horrific anime you wouldn't feed your dog. Actually if you're feeding your dog anime to begin with, I think you have some issues. Not to say your dog doesn't for actually eating it, but you know. There's something wrong somewhere.
Is that a good enough Segue for Pupa? Hell, seems good enough for me...
So of course we need to follow up all of this incredibly unwell-feeling with a dose of horrific anime you wouldn't feed your dog. Actually if you're feeding your dog anime to begin with, I think you have some issues. Not to say your dog doesn't for actually eating it, but you know. There's something wrong somewhere.
Is that a good enough Segue for Pupa? Hell, seems good enough for me...
Saturday, February 8, 2014
The Qwasar of Stigmata Episode 04 - The Queen and I
I've been feeling quite a bit unwell as of late. I would love to lay all of the blame on horrendous shows not unlike the one I am about to subject myself to, but you know, I think that at least some of the blame should lay firmly in the realm of the North Pole attempting to kill us all.
Y'know, that thing. The thing where it reminds us temperatures below zero exist, and that ice is a thing which gets very, very hard.
But mostly I'm sure it's the anime. Does it say something that I would rather brave the -20 wind chill than to sit in a warm house and have to watch this shit? Because my vote is yes.
Y'know, that thing. The thing where it reminds us temperatures below zero exist, and that ice is a thing which gets very, very hard.
But mostly I'm sure it's the anime. Does it say something that I would rather brave the -20 wind chill than to sit in a warm house and have to watch this shit? Because my vote is yes.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Sailor Moon R Episode 30 - Magical Power of Darkness! Esmeraude's Invasion
As you may have noticed, there was no update for Monday. Many apologies, so on and so forth, but unfortunately a combination of extreme exhaustion and a lack of finding a proper show to take the Monday slot lead to the sorry state of a lack of content for that day. But worry not, for you see, I have indeed found a suitable replacement.
A very, very suitable replacement.
... and no I may not be attempting to pick my shows by asking AniDB just what some of the worst shows are.
... yeah totally categorically denying that.
So anyways, Sailor Moon! They've got a full 13 episodes left to completely ruin this show again, so let's get right down to it shall we?
A very, very suitable replacement.
... and no I may not be attempting to pick my shows by asking AniDB just what some of the worst shows are.
... yeah totally categorically denying that.
So anyways, Sailor Moon! They've got a full 13 episodes left to completely ruin this show again, so let's get right down to it shall we?
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Pupa Episode 04 - Squirm
Another week, another episode of a completely terrible show that never should have seen the light of day. Seriously, releasing it in this format is the most idiotic thing they could have done. You have to be able to tell a full story in a very short amount of time, and these guys? They fail at it. Particularly since a big portion of this genre requires that you have time to let the horror of things set in.
But hey, I'm sure they don't give a shit, so why should we?
But hey, I'm sure they don't give a shit, so why should we?
Friday, January 31, 2014
The Qwasar of Stigmata Episode 03 - Those Who Seek
There are many things wrong with watching things that are bad. Aside from the inherently obvious, of course. But one issue that I am having difficulty with, sadly enough, is that the next show I had slated was, quite frankly, not horrible enough.
Which means it has no place here. Sadly, this of course means I must find some sort of replacement instead. Trying to find something short (I'm thinking 10-13 episodes or so) is proving difficult, to say the least. With luck I'll have something figured out soon. Or I'll just have to start doubling up on Sailor Moon until this is resolved. Would that really be so bad though...?
Well nowhere close to as bad as doubling up on THIS shit every week. God I hate this show so much already and this is only episode three. Click on the thingus to see me bitch about boobies some more.
Which means it has no place here. Sadly, this of course means I must find some sort of replacement instead. Trying to find something short (I'm thinking 10-13 episodes or so) is proving difficult, to say the least. With luck I'll have something figured out soon. Or I'll just have to start doubling up on Sailor Moon until this is resolved. Would that really be so bad though...?
Well nowhere close to as bad as doubling up on THIS shit every week. God I hate this show so much already and this is only episode three. Click on the thingus to see me bitch about boobies some more.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Sailor Moon R Episode 29 - A Mysterious New Warrior, Sailor Pluto Appears
So now that Astarotte is finally over, there's some question as to what I'll wind up doing next. After all I stretched that sucker out as long as I could, and frankly Pupa is too short to properly replace it, so I'll need something. Not entirely sure what yet, but I'm confident I can come up with something.
After all it's not like I have a list of like a dozen shows I should be watching or something.
Also, I may have just solved that little problem in the middle of writing about this. We'll find out next week.
It's a secret to everybody. Especially me.
After all it's not like I have a list of like a dozen shows I should be watching or something.
Also, I may have just solved that little problem in the middle of writing about this. We'll find out next week.
It's a secret to everybody. Especially me.
Monday, January 27, 2014
Astarotte no Omocha EX PART FINAL - Overline of 11 Years Ago
I am so absolutely sick of this show, you don't even know. Even doing this in small parts makes me feel sick to my stomach because they just keep getting worse every time. Yet for some reason, I continue to put myself through this self-prescribed torture.
I really, really hate this show. But not nearly as much as I am learning to hate other shows. It's still pretty high on my 'shows I really hate' list though.
I really, really hate this show. But not nearly as much as I am learning to hate other shows. It's still pretty high on my 'shows I really hate' list though.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Pupa Episode 03 - Tiger Beetle
So Pupa. What more do I really need to say? This is not the best way to start off your saturday. Yet I'm doing it anyways.
Let's just get this over with... it won't take long. I hope.
So Pupa. What more do I really need to say? This is not the best way to start off your saturday. Yet I'm doing it anyways.
Let's just get this over with... it won't take long. I hope.
Friday, January 24, 2014
The Qwasar of Stigmata Episode 02 - Friendship of Masks
I mean, seriously, the only way this show could actually be worthwhile would be if it were an actual porn anime. Then it would immediately become more enjoyable because if you are watching porn for the story you are clearly doing it wrong.
With that having been said, the fact that this is a story we are supposed to be taking seriously is at best a laughable prospect. Because this show is failing to be funny, dramatic, or arousing. And if that's all it really had going for it... I think we are in trouble here.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Sailor Moon R Episode 28 - Defeat Rubeus! The Final Battle in Space
So I've been working on things in the background. Trying to spruce up the ol' banner, see what horrifying improvements I can make around the blog, and pondering this thing they call 'social media'.
I dunno, it seemed like a good idea at the time. Kind of like how I thought watching Sailor Moon was a good idea at the time. Kind of like how I thought blogging about it in order to force myself to actually sit through the entire show was a good idea. Kind of like... oh you get it.
Anyways. Here we are again, on my own, going down the only road - wait damnit no stop that, we're watching Sailor Moon not re-living the 80's. Somehow, the early 90's was just a million times worse than the 80's. At least Sailor Moon is getting... well, tolerable. Let's see if that continues.
I dunno, it seemed like a good idea at the time. Kind of like how I thought watching Sailor Moon was a good idea at the time. Kind of like how I thought blogging about it in order to force myself to actually sit through the entire show was a good idea. Kind of like... oh you get it.
Anyways. Here we are again, on my own, going down the only road - wait damnit no stop that, we're watching Sailor Moon not re-living the 80's. Somehow, the early 90's was just a million times worse than the 80's. At least Sailor Moon is getting... well, tolerable. Let's see if that continues.
Monday, January 20, 2014
Astarotte no Omocha EX PART TWO - Parallel Chains
I have been, surprisingly enough, quite busy lately. Lots of little things going on behind the scenes I suppose, but I'm working on trying to get some ad banners and such ready and to take the whole social media thing by at least tiny thundercloud, if not by storm. It's a thing I can do at work or something.
Meanwhile, here I am returning to this show YET AGAIN. Because this is going to be the longest pile of turd droppings I'll have to put myself through that is somehow only the length of a regular episode of anime. And yet somehow 500% more offensive all at the same time.
With a name like Parallel Chains, how can we possibly go wrong?
... it's Astarotte why are you even asking that question?
Meanwhile, here I am returning to this show YET AGAIN. Because this is going to be the longest pile of turd droppings I'll have to put myself through that is somehow only the length of a regular episode of anime. And yet somehow 500% more offensive all at the same time.
With a name like Parallel Chains, how can we possibly go wrong?
... it's Astarotte why are you even asking that question?
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Pupa Episode 02 - Sting
I think it goes without saying that I utterly abhor this show. It does so many things wrong all in spectacular fashion, how can I not go on at length about it? Fortunately, it's also very short, which makes it the perfect candidate for a nice little bonus every week.
After all, who can resist just a tiny helping of extra horrible in their lives?
Oh, everyone except me? Glad we got that cleared up.
Remember, you've been warned, I have no idea what's coming up so if you're squeamish, seriously. Stay away, for the love of god.
After all, who can resist just a tiny helping of extra horrible in their lives?
Oh, everyone except me? Glad we got that cleared up.
Remember, you've been warned, I have no idea what's coming up so if you're squeamish, seriously. Stay away, for the love of god.
Friday, January 17, 2014
The Qwaser of Stigmata Episode 01 - Quavering Night
Sometimes, you come across a show that is just instantly so horrendous, so incredibly foul, you have no choice but to attempt to inflict it upon other people.
The show in question is Seikon no Qwaser, or The Qwaser of Stigmata.
Now, see, there's a lot of reasons I chose to take on this show. Many of them involve the fact that for goddamn once I don't have to worry about pedophilia. Which is great. Because I'm getting sick and tired of having to bitch about the same thing over and over again.
The other reason is that, according to Wikipedia, breast feeding is an integral plot point of the show.
... and right there, ladies and gentlemen, you have your answer as to why I am now watching this show for you. We'll see how many screencaps I'm actually able to extract (because from the looks of things, this shit is totally uncensored).
The show in question is Seikon no Qwaser, or The Qwaser of Stigmata.
Now, see, there's a lot of reasons I chose to take on this show. Many of them involve the fact that for goddamn once I don't have to worry about pedophilia. Which is great. Because I'm getting sick and tired of having to bitch about the same thing over and over again.
The other reason is that, according to Wikipedia, breast feeding is an integral plot point of the show.
... and right there, ladies and gentlemen, you have your answer as to why I am now watching this show for you. We'll see how many screencaps I'm actually able to extract (because from the looks of things, this shit is totally uncensored).
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Sailor Moon R Episode 27 - A UFO Appears! The Sailor Warriors Abducted
I missed you, Sailor Moon.
I missed you not because you are well-written (though admittedly the last few eps have been a treat), and definitely not for your charming character design or artwork (which, while passable for the most part, is still pretty atrocious overall). No, I didn't even miss you for your incredibly conflicted message of love and peace triumphing over incredibly moronic evil.
If I missed you for anything, it's the fact that you are one of the least horrible things I have to watch. Also actually having some form of character growth helps too. I think it's nice that our heroines are finally beginning to develop a thing we call 'personalities'. And it's nice that your values are completely mind-bogglingly stupid for once.
It is entirely possible I might have another new gem for you guys on Friday. But I'm reserving judgment until I've seen the first few minutes of whatever it is. For all I know I might just throw Lotte at you instead. I hear you people like reading about that.
I missed you not because you are well-written (though admittedly the last few eps have been a treat), and definitely not for your charming character design or artwork (which, while passable for the most part, is still pretty atrocious overall). No, I didn't even miss you for your incredibly conflicted message of love and peace triumphing over incredibly moronic evil.
If I missed you for anything, it's the fact that you are one of the least horrible things I have to watch. Also actually having some form of character growth helps too. I think it's nice that our heroines are finally beginning to develop a thing we call 'personalities'. And it's nice that your values are completely mind-bogglingly stupid for once.
It is entirely possible I might have another new gem for you guys on Friday. But I'm reserving judgment until I've seen the first few minutes of whatever it is. For all I know I might just throw Lotte at you instead. I hear you people like reading about that.
Monday, January 13, 2014
Astarotte no Omocha EX PART ONE - Nabla of Happiness
Finally, we come to the very last episode of this show I ever want to force myself to sit through. EVER. Those of you suggesting that I am merely padding my time because I'm still searching for the next show to fill this space are absolutely correct. I mean, it's not as though I happen to have a list... or anything... that I'm constantly staring at in sheer horror wondering what person would be insane enough to even attempt watching them.
That and I'm trying to find something horrible that does NOT somehow involve paedophilia. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW F***ING DIFFICULT THIS TASK IS?!?!?!
Anyway. The final final episode of Astarotte. Let's do this.
That and I'm trying to find something horrible that does NOT somehow involve paedophilia. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW F***ING DIFFICULT THIS TASK IS?!?!?!
Anyway. The final final episode of Astarotte. Let's do this.
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Pupa Episode 01 - I Wish It Were All A Dream - Emergence
So remember that show I've been dreading?
It's a little gem called Pupa. It's about... well according to the very brief wiki entry on it, it's basically about the love between a brother and sister. And by 'love' we mean "he lets his sister eat his flesh after she turns into a horrible man-eating monster".
The manga is, uh, it's pretty bad. So I am going to warn you now: DO NOT GOOGLE THAT SHIT EVER. Not unless you are into Guro.
And nobody is into Guro.
If you don't know what Guro is? Keep it that way. Trust me. You'll thank me for saying that when you figure it out.
Final warning: While this episode is relatively 'tame', I'm going to be erring on the extremely safe side of things by tagging this as NSFW. When really I should be tagging it NSFL.
Yes. For LIFE.
... consider that a tag now.
It's a little gem called Pupa. It's about... well according to the very brief wiki entry on it, it's basically about the love between a brother and sister. And by 'love' we mean "he lets his sister eat his flesh after she turns into a horrible man-eating monster".
The manga is, uh, it's pretty bad. So I am going to warn you now: DO NOT GOOGLE THAT SHIT EVER. Not unless you are into Guro.
And nobody is into Guro.
If you don't know what Guro is? Keep it that way. Trust me. You'll thank me for saying that when you figure it out.
Final warning: While this episode is relatively 'tame', I'm going to be erring on the extremely safe side of things by tagging this as NSFW. When really I should be tagging it NSFL.
Yes. For LIFE.
... consider that a tag now.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Sailor Moon R Episode 26 - Cold-Hearted Rubeus! The Four Sisters of Sorrow
Well hi there.
Seems there's this thing called a "Polar Vortex" going around, making it literally so cold where I am that water mains were bursting and ice was literally forming on the inside of windows. That's friggin' cold.
As a result of this incredible cold snap, it seems to have also played hell with my sleep schedule and in general made me feel like a pile of shit. Fortunately, I'm well enough to resume, and I've gotta say, it's probably a bit of a blessing in disguise. I'm still getting a feel for what shows are airing, so the extra week to figure out what I'll post next is helpful, to say the least.
Also, the utterly abhorrent show I am considering trying to tackle doesn't air until Friday, and frankly I thought it was probably wisest to pad things out a little, because I'm still not certain I can stomach watching it. I'll likely preview the first few minutes and then decide.
That said, the last two episodes of Sailor Moon have been pretty good. Can they keep up the pace though? I mean there's only four villains left and at the rate they're going... well, there's only about a dozen episodes where Rubeus and Wiseman can come out to do their thing, so I'm just wondering how they'll try to stretch that out as long as possible.
Probably nowhere near as much as Robotech was padded but you never really know...
Seems there's this thing called a "Polar Vortex" going around, making it literally so cold where I am that water mains were bursting and ice was literally forming on the inside of windows. That's friggin' cold.
As a result of this incredible cold snap, it seems to have also played hell with my sleep schedule and in general made me feel like a pile of shit. Fortunately, I'm well enough to resume, and I've gotta say, it's probably a bit of a blessing in disguise. I'm still getting a feel for what shows are airing, so the extra week to figure out what I'll post next is helpful, to say the least.
Also, the utterly abhorrent show I am considering trying to tackle doesn't air until Friday, and frankly I thought it was probably wisest to pad things out a little, because I'm still not certain I can stomach watching it. I'll likely preview the first few minutes and then decide.
That said, the last two episodes of Sailor Moon have been pretty good. Can they keep up the pace though? I mean there's only four villains left and at the rate they're going... well, there's only about a dozen episodes where Rubeus and Wiseman can come out to do their thing, so I'm just wondering how they'll try to stretch that out as long as possible.
Probably nowhere near as much as Robotech was padded but you never really know...
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Astarotte no Omocha Episode FINAL - Asterisk Beyond the Sky
While this is technically the last episode of Astarotte, it's not the final episode produced. I'll have to force myself to sit through the bonus episode, unfortunately. Probably next week. I need a bit of buffer time, you see.
After all, this coming Monday in Japan marks the beginning of the Winter season of anime, and while I'd love to post about shows as soon as they air, I have to say I am just a little bit nervous about one in particular. I don't even know if I'll be able to get screen captures of it, simply because I'm expecting every single episode to have some ungodly horror in them.
I may even chicken out and find some other bad show to talk about instead because that is how much it disturbs me.
With that said, I'm pretty sure I'm going to need to find another show to watch. I was planning on Jojo but really, what more can I say about that show that isn't blatantly obvious from the start...?
After all, this coming Monday in Japan marks the beginning of the Winter season of anime, and while I'd love to post about shows as soon as they air, I have to say I am just a little bit nervous about one in particular. I don't even know if I'll be able to get screen captures of it, simply because I'm expecting every single episode to have some ungodly horror in them.
I may even chicken out and find some other bad show to talk about instead because that is how much it disturbs me.
With that said, I'm pretty sure I'm going to need to find another show to watch. I was planning on Jojo but really, what more can I say about that show that isn't blatantly obvious from the start...?
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Sailor Moon R Episode 25 - For Friendship! Ami and Berthier Clash
Happy New Year! I'm going to ring in 2014 with, hilariously enough, the show that started this entire blog. And why not? There's worse ways to kick things off, after all.
Also, I just previewed the first few seconds and for some reason I am super hype get so let's hop right to it.
Also, I just previewed the first few seconds and for some reason I am super hype get so let's hop right to it.
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